"You can't blame me!" Deringer said, but he hit Monet with a punch...

Just before Monet could act, he saw a sharp red light flashing, and with a 'puchi' sound, the magic sword had already pierced through Delinger's chest in an instant!And the remaining power is not diminished, and all the guards behind him are slashed under the sword!

Then he flew beside Sun Wukong autonomously, stopped in the void, exuding a strange red glow!It's amazing to watch, and it's awe-inspiring!

At this moment, the old man at the bar was so frightened that he sat down on the ground!

Even Monet and others were stunned by the sudden change!

"You...you...you are?!" Delinger looked at the direction the magic sword flew, and finally discovered the existence of Sun Wukong, his eyes widened suddenly, his face full of incredulity!Staring angrily, he fell to the ground, unable to rest his eyes.

If he had discovered the existence of Sun Wukong earlier, he would not have dared to do it even if he had been given a thousand courage!

However, Bai Xing and several other beautiful mermaids surrounded Sun Wukong because they were afraid, so that he couldn't see the face of Sun Wukong at all. It was really embarrassing that De Lingjie died!

"Why did you kill him..." Monet looked at Delinjie who died suddenly, a little ecstatic. Although she was ruthless, she still had feelings for her companions, otherwise she wouldn't have called Sun Wukong to save the baby. -5!

"That's not what I did! The magic sword only sensed his killing intent, so it would act on its own... That is to say, he has already had a real killing intent towards you, so no one can blame him for his death!" Sun Wukong With a look of indifference on his face, he could certainly stop it, but he was dismissive.

Looking at the dead Dellinger, Monet shook his head helplessly, but he didn't feel much remorse in his heart.If Delinger still cares about her old love, she won't kill her. Since people don't remember her old love, she has nothing to blame.

Dressrosa, bullfighting arena.

After leaving the hotel, Sun Wukong and his party came here so swaggeringly!

As soon as I came to the door, I saw a group of soldiers maintaining order!

It was just a hint of surprise when he saw that the three children also entered.Because in the original book, the bullfighting arena is still for children to enter!However, after this place became Kaido's territory, even children can go in and watch it!

But obviously, it was very difficult for those children to go in and watch, because a toy samurai with a broken leg held up a long spear and stopped them in front of them: "Go back to me, the battle inside is between people. The killing of each other is not something you children can watch!"

"Damn! It's this guy again, every time he stops us from letting us in..." A group of children looked at the toy warrior with a broken leg, and they all showed anger.Just with the sound of a gunshot, when a bullet was shot at their feet unceremoniously, they screamed in horror and disappeared for a moment.

"Quick! Hurry up and catch that wanted criminal, the toy soldier!" The captain of the guard shouted, pointing at the one-legged toy soldier not far away.

"Yes!" A group of soldiers chased the one-legged soldiers...

Sun Wukong looked at the one-legged toy warrior who had run far away, and then looked at Violet beside him, but smiled inexplicably, and then walked towards the entrance with a few girls...

"Stop! Do you want to take advantage of the chaos to enter the arena? If you want to enter the bullfighting arena, each person has to pay 1000...1000..." The captain of the guard suddenly turned around and blocked Sun Wukong's way. He was full of momentum, but suddenly saw the floating When he was at the magic sword next to Sun Wukong, his eyes bulged and he was shocked: "Please, pay an admission fee of 1000 Berry per person!"

"Entrance fee? I didn't come to watch the game..." Sun Wukong smiled faintly.

"Uh? Could it be that the trouble is still there!" The captain of the guard changed his face, looked at the powerful magic sword beside Sun Wukong, and swallowed his saliva with difficulty.

"You are quite smart..."

"Uh? Are you really here to make trouble?" The captain of the guard was obviously stunned for a moment, and then his brows furrowed deeply. After restraining his fear, he wanted to order the arrest, but he looked in front of Sun Wukong. a feeling of?For a while, I didn't dare to order randomly!

"Team... Captain... He... He is..." At this moment, a soldier came to the side of Captain Lei Bing Guard with trembling legs and handed over a newspaper, his face full of fear and his tone trembling. Woke up.

"This is... my mother!" The captain of the guard looked at the portrait on the newspaper in his hand, and when he looked at the Monkey King in front of him, his heart almost stopped beating.

"Can we go in?" Sun Wukong smiled slightly.

"..." The captain of the guard nodded numbly, because he was too frightened to speak.

Even seeing the Four Emperors would frighten him to piss, not to mention the terrifying existence in the legend standing on the top of the world!

But the one-legged toy warrior who had escaped from a group of soldiers suddenly appeared in the corner of a roof and looked at Sun Wukong in the distance, his eyes filled with shock: "Emperor Sun Wukong... I didn't expect such a character. It came to Dressrosa..."

In shock, after seeing Violet next to Sun Wukong, he was even more shocked and stunned. After thinking for a moment, his heart became extremely excited: "Princess Viola...to be with Emperor Sun Wukong...this is ...This is so surprising... Could it be that Her Royal Highness has already begun to act?... Great! With the help of Emperor Sun Wukong, Dressrosa will definitely be saved! It seems that the time has come, I have to Go and inform the Dong Tata family..."

"Quick! Go and report what's going on here, just... just say... The Emperor Sun Wukong is coming to Dressrosa!" After the captain of the guard woke up, he was horrified to the subordinates beside him!By this time, Dressrosa would obviously not be at peace.

Entering the bullfighting arena, the excited and frantic shouts are instantly heard in the ears!

Here, there are brutal fights every day, and people die every day!

The people who come here are somewhat perverted, because they want to use blood to vent their inner grievances and desires!

In the arena, Sun Wukong happened to see a machine gun with a pair of beautiful white thighs, shooting frantically at the big man in front!The scene was a blast!

Chapter 5 baby—[-]

The lively cheers overshadowed everything, and Kemi and the others were all shocked!

Because they are the first time to enter such a place!

"What a great cheer! Is this the human bullfighting arena? I just heard it from the humans of Fishman Island before!" This...this...this?! The machine gun actually has a pair of human feet? What kind of monster is this?"

"Where is it? Wow! It's really! It's amazing!" The other mermaids also had excited expressions on their faces.

"But it's really savage. If you fight like this, that person will die, right?" Kemi held her face in her hands with a look of fear on her face.

In the eyes of several women, the machine gun with beautiful legs was shooting a crazy shot at a big man in front of him!Da-da-da~~'s tongues of fire shot out bloody holes. That scene was bloody and violent...

"Okay...it's scary!" Several timid mermaids looked pale and didn't dare to look at them.

"Master Wukong, this place is so scary, shall we go out?" Bai Xing was terrified, grabbed Sun Wukong's clothes tightly, and cried out of fear.

"It's fine! Just look at it and get used to it!" Sun Wukong comfortably patted Bai Xing and brought them to this place, in fact, to practice their courage, because Bai Xing and the girls obviously haven't seen anything in the world, such a scene There is always something to overcome.

That said, but Bai Xing and the girls obviously didn't dare to read more.

But for a moment, the big man was under the sweep of the machine gun. Although he had a big axe in his hand as a shield, he was still injured in many places. It was the end of the shot!


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