For a time, there was a tidal wave of cheers in the field!Their eyes are full of excitement as the blood stimulates them!Shows their inner twist and madness!

"Huhu~~ It looks like it's really over..." The big man suddenly gasped, fell to the ground, and said with great difficulty: "Baby-5, will you pause for a while? Before I die, if I don't speak my heart out, I will regret it for the rest of my life..."

The machine gun that was shooting frantically stopped suddenly, and in the change, it turned into an extremely beautiful woman!

She has long black hair and is dressed in a maid outfit and a pair of blindfolds. She looks very sexy and charming in a maid killer outfit.

She is baby-5, a weapon person who has eaten the fruit of weapons and weapons, and her whole body can be transformed into guns, swords and other weapons!

"Wow! Guns turned into people? What kind of monster is this?!" Kemi and the girls were all stunned.But it made Sun Wukong shake his head, these mermaids really made a fuss.

"If you have any last words, hurry up and tell me, I won this game, and if I win another seven games, I will be free, but I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!" Baby-5 looked at the big man and shouted coquettishly.

"Haha... Being able to die at the hands of the one you love is not a waste of your life, baby-5, you can do it..." The big man smiled slightly, closing his eyes and waiting to die without any regrets.

"Huh? Huh? Huh?!" Baby-5's face was full of surprise, and her heroic and sassy aura instantly became extremely moved: " you love me? Do you need me?"

"Yeah! But everything is useless... Because of the two of us, only one of us can survive... So, you should kill me!" The big man looked helpless, but the cunning in his eyes was In a flash.

"I see! If only one person can survive, I'd be happy to die for you!" Baby-5's right hand suddenly turned into a gun, and then pointed at his head with a smile on his face.

"Huh? Suicide? I'm so touched! I didn't expect to witness such an epic love story here!" Isli and the girls were instantly moved to tears by the scene on the arena.

"Master Wukong, you must save her!" Bai Xing also burst into tears, holding Monkey King's arm full of pleading.

However, Sun Wukong's face was a little ugly, he ignored Bai Xing and the others, but stared at Taichung.

"This bastard! How dare you use baby-5!" Monet was even more angry at this moment! She is very clear about the character of baby-5, so she will not be moved by the touching scene in the field.

"Bastard! How despicable! Baby-5! Don't be fooled by him! Kill him! Kill him!"

Most of the people watching knew baby-5, and naturally they all knew that baby-5 couldn't refuse the awkward character of others, so they shouted angrily.

It's just that baby-5 is completely ignored!

Intoxicated with his own happiness there alone: ​​"I... as long as I am useful to others... I am happier than anything..." The slightly red pretty face shows the joy in her heart!

"Idiot! Stop it! That guy is just taking advantage of you!"

There were still people in the crowd who were blind and roared in anger.

"How happy... as long as he dies... it can be useful to him..." baby-5 closed his eyes, and memories that were not needed when he was a child emerged one by one in his mind...

"I'm finally needed now..." With a face full of happiness, baby-5 was about to pull the trigger...

And at this moment, the big man couldn't help showing a happy expression!In my heart, I despised Baby-5's actions: "What an idiot woman! Just talking about it, I really believe it... and it deserves to be used..."

"Don't! Baby-5!" Monet and the other audience all exclaimed at this moment!

"It's really sad!" Sun Wukong looked at Baby-5, but sighed slightly, and the magic sword beside him instantly turned into a stream of light!With a puff, he stabbed the big man with a smug smile on the ground!Even if it was a scream, it was too late to make a sound, the smiling face froze, and he died instantly!

The originally happy baby-5, her pupils shrank instantly, staring blankly at the dead man, endless anger rose up!

And Sun Wukong's figure also appeared on the arena at this time. With the trembling of the magic sword, it flew back to his side and stood still in the air!

"It was you... who killed my lover?!" Baby-5 suppressed his endless anger and looked at Sun Wukong.

"Love? You are really ignorant!" Sun Wukong looked at Baby-5's angry eyes, but sighed softly for her: "Behind the awkward character...there is always a sad story... Deep down in your heart, you just have a strong desire to be needed..."

Chapter [-] The person who needs it

"You bastard, die for my mother!"

However, in just a few words, baby-5 had already burst into tears, his hands turned into gun barrels, and he fired wildly at Sun Wukong!

Countless bullets flew towards Sun Wukong like raindrops!

However, they were all shot down by Sun Wukong with just one finger!Accompanied by the sound of tongues of flame and the 'jingle' sound of the bullet casing falling, the scene seemed to be fiery and unbelievable!

"It's amazing! It's incredible to block the attack of Baby-5 with just one finger!"

The shocked expressions of the spectators in the auditorium were replaced by shock!They stared at everything in front of them with wide eyes!

"Weapon Transformation - Pistol Girl!"

Baby-5 burst into tears, seeing that the gun could not help Sun Wukong, the upper body instantly turned into a cannon barrel, and it was a bombardment at Sun Wukong!

But it was flicked by Sun Wukong with one finger, and with a soft sound of 'smack', the cannonball was bounced out instantly!It fell into the sea under the arena, and with a roar, it directly blew up several fighting fish!

"This... Who is this? It's amazing! Baby-5 is not an opponent at all!" After the shock, the spectators suddenly burst into tsunami-like exclamations, and the wonderful battle made them excited again!

Baby-5 saw that the guns and guns could not cause damage to Sun Wukong, and his right hand instantly turned into a sharp long sword.

However, Sun Wukong still held the blade with a light finger, making her unable to make any further progress!

"If you've had enough trouble, just stop it! Such scum is not someone you really need..." After Sun Wukong restrained Baby-5, he said flatly.

"Bastard! Killing my important people who need me, how dare you say such a thing!" baby-5 struggled angrily, but remained motionless.

"Important person? Is it really your important person?" Sun Wukong looked directly into Baby-5's eyes, and said very calmly.

Baby-5 wanted to refute angrily, but when he saw Sun Wukong's dark pupils, his heart trembled violently, but he was suddenly stunned!

What exactly is this?care?need?Loving?And firmness... that all the things she longed for, she actually saw it in his eyes!All along, these things were the answers she got from others, but she had never seen them in the eyes of others!

Looking into Sun Wukong's eyes, baby-5 suddenly felt that his lonely and hurt heart was instantly wrapped in a warm current, so comfortable and so at ease!This feeling has never happened before, and my heart is beating violently for no reason.

This is not an exaggeration, because when watching anime, Sun Wukong especially likes this domineering girl who desperately desires to be needed!

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