His eyes were not fake at all, because he was originally a person who did whatever he wanted and was extremely domineering. For the woman he liked, even if he destroyed the world, he would never hesitate at all!And it is because of this firmness that the baby-5 heartbeat is accelerated, and the heart is shaken!Because that's what she's been craving all along!

It also makes baby-5 realize that the question that has always been doubted in his heart has been answered!In the past, those who kept saying that they needed her were actually just using her, and people like Sun Wukong were the ones who really needed her and cared for her!

"This kind of place is not suitable for you, so come with me!" Sun Wukong looked at Baby-5, his tone was still so calm.

"I...I know...from now on, wherever you go! I'll go wherever!" Baby-5 suddenly put his hands on his face, becoming shy and happy, and the speed of change is eye-opening .

"Hey hey~~ What the hell is going on with this woman? Isn't this change too fast?" Kemi and the others were stunned and couldn't recover for a while.

"This time seems to be a little different from usual?" Monet looked at Baby-5's eyes, but his brows were slightly wrinkled, but he was shocked: "Master Wukong is really incredible... Is it just a look, Has the trauma in baby-5's heart been healed? How did he do it?"

"This is the bullfighting arena under the jurisdiction of Lord Kaido! Your courage is really not ordinary! How dare you enter the arena without authorization to interfere with other people's fighting! Killing the members of the competition, your behavior has seriously violated the country's The law! Must be punished!"

At this moment, a sudden roar came, and I saw a black shadow descend from the sky and landed on the arena!

"Gradius, there is nothing to do with you here, get out of my way now!" Seeing the person coming, baby-5 frowned, his hands suddenly turned into cannon barrels, and he aimed at the person with a hostile expression. shouted angrily.

"Baby-5, your inability to refuse others' character is really a headache! Do you want to attack my former companion for an outsider?"

"If you kill those people in the past, you will kill them. The old lady has never really blamed you, but he absolutely can't! Otherwise, don't blame the old lady for being rude to you!" It looks domineering.

"Are you serious?" Looking at Baby-5's different eyes, Gradius was obviously surprised.

Baby-5 became shy: "Yes! The old lady has found the person she really needs..." After speaking, her tone changed, and she became extremely domineering: "So, if you dare to touch him, The old lady didn't play with you!"

"This is really surprising. You, who can't refuse other people's requests, are so serious when you are so serious?" After being surprised, Gradius looked at Sun Wukong with a serious face, and his brows suddenly wrinkled slightly: "Strange... Why do I look familiar to this guy? Where have you seen it?"

In doubt, the phone worm in the pocket suddenly rang, and just after taking it out to answer, there was a scream full of horror: "Lord Gladius! Not good, Emperor Sun Wukong... has entered. It's the bullfighting arena... Please be careful! The Emperor Sun Wukong has entered the bullfighting arena..."

"Silk~~" Gradius suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, then turned his head blankly to look at Sun Wukong, his face full of shock: "You are... Sun Wukong!"

After being frightened, he suddenly became extremely furious, his hair pierced the helmet instantly and burst open!Looks like a Super Saiyan!

Chapter [-] Fright

Gradius is very loyal to Doflamingo, but has a strong temper and cannot tolerate those who betray the Don Quixote family.

The reason why he joined Kaido's command is because Doflamingo is dead, and everything he left behind must be guarded by someone!At the same time, I also want to use Kaido's power to create an army of terrifying animal-based artificial devil fruit powers to avenge Doflamingo!

Now I suddenly see the murderer of Doflamingo, and at the same time, I am full of anger!But the anger has just risen, but it is enveloped by endless fear, and he is instantly frightened and chilled!The whole heart is full of fear and powerlessness!His face became terrified!

Before he saw Sun Wukong with his own eyes, he was full of fighting spirit. However, after seeing Sun Wukong himself, he discovered that in front of such terrifying characters, let alone revenge, even the slightest movement of a crooked thought can be punished. The soul trembled with fright!

People just stood there so plainly, and they had given him an inviolable thought!Once hostility arises, I feel instinctive fear, my body is cold, and I almost suffocate to death!

This is also because Sun Wukong released his own imposing majesty!He usually restrains his terrifying aura and majesty, and looks like an ordinary person!

But some cats and dogs are always looking for trouble, so this time he released the majesty that originated from God!

A mere mortal who dares to be disrespectful or even hostile to God, then prepare to be swallowed by fear originating from the soul!

And at the moment when Gradius raised his killing intent towards Sun Wukong, he was frightened by his instinctive fear and almost collapsed!

Baby-5 also looked at Sun Wukong with a look of astonishment at the moment, full of shock: "You...you are the emperor...Sun Wukong?!"

Monkey King nodded, and baby-5's expression suddenly became a little complicated. Their original purpose was to deal with Monkey King and avenge Doflamingo!

"Hey hey~~ Did you hear that? That person...that person...it turned out to be Emperor Sun Wukong...it's shocking..."

After Gradius exclaimed, the audience in the stands also noticed that they recognized Sun Wukong, and they all showed extremely shocked expressions!For a time, the entire bullfighting arena became a sensation!

"Emperor Sun Wukong... It turned out to be Emperor Sun Wukong..."

"Oh my God! Emperor Sun Wukong actually came to our Dressrosa..."

"It's so exciting. I actually saw the legendary Monkey King with my own eyes... I really have no regrets in dying!"

For a time, countless people looked at Sun Wukong with reverence and excitement!This is enough to show the prestige of Sun Wukong in people's minds!

Who is Sun Wukong?That was a terrifying existence that shocked the entire world government with just one person!He already exists in people's minds like a god!Because he is the true master of this world, his words and deeds can decide the life and death of the whole world!

Shocked for only a moment, baby-5's position became extremely firm, because she was needed by others, and for her, it was the whole of her life.

So she stood firmly in front of Sun Wukong, looked at Gradius, and said very seriously: "I can't be more than happy to be able to be really needed by Lord Wukong... So, Gradius, I'm sorry, if you want to do something to Goku-sama, please kill me first!"

"How dare I!" Gladius heard a bitter smile in his heart!You are almost scared to pee your pants now, okay?It's just that he won't say such a shameful thing, he can only sigh helplessly in his heart!

To think that a serious person like him is being pushed so hard is really humiliating enough.

But thinking about it now, it was ridiculous that they wanted to seek revenge for such a monster who could not even give birth to even a trace of hostility!

"It seems that you already understand that Goku-sama is not an existence you can resist. Then, if you don't want to die, leave here immediately! Because from today, the name Kaido Pirates will no longer exist..." Mo Nai appeared outside the arena with Charlie and the girls, and looked at Gradius with a flat face.

"Monet?!" Gradius turned his head, and after seeing Monet, he was obviously a little surprised, and then even more helpless: "Even you... Forget it... You are planning to let Lord Goku kill Kaido. ?"

"When Kaido occupied Dressrosa, he killed a lot of our comrades: Pika, Buffalo, Diamanti... We had to agree to be his subordinates in order to save baby-5, And made a plan to avenge the young master, but it is impossible to avenge the young master now, so it is time to send Kaido to hell!"

The reason why baby-5 fought in the arena is because when Kaido sent people to rule here, baby-5 was the one who resisted the most!Therefore, they were almost killed by the new king of Dressrosa, and Monet and others were forced to become Kaido's subordinates because of this, saving the life of Baby-5.

But she was still sent to the bullfighting arena, and she had to win 100 fights in a row if she wanted to be free!If there is a loss in the middle, recalculate!

Create artificial Devil Fruits, use Kaido, and avenge Doflamingo, which was also formulated after they were forced to become Kaido's subordinates!

"Whatever you want! I can't control this kind of thing..." Gradius gave a bald and wry smile, and disappeared after a few vertical jumps.

At the same time, Dressrosa, in the palace hall, a burly-looking man walked back and forth with a restless expression on his face.

He is the new king of Dressrosa: Corret, the man-made animal-type Devil Fruit Elephant Fruit Ability!

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