The strength is extremely strong, and it is infinitely close to the existence of Qiwuhai, but now that he has learned the shocking information reported by his subordinates, he is so scared that his face is pale!

"Damn it! I didn't expect the Emperor Sun Wukong to come to this country...and destroy Punk Hazard...that such important information has only been reported until now...Damn it! This is really a big trouble...people It's obviously malicious! I won't die here, right?... What should I do... What should I do? By the way, this matter must be reported to Lord Kaido... I was so scared that I almost forgot about it... …”

In a hurry, Coret immediately took out the phone bug and called Kaido...


"Not good, Lord Kaido! The Emperor Sun Wukong has come to Dressrosa, and according to the information, Punk Hazard has also been destroyed. Except for Monet, everyone on the island has been killed... ...and Monet has now appeared in Dressrosa with Sun Wukong, it is not difficult to guess that Punk Hazard must have been destroyed by the hands of Sun Wukong..."

"What did you say?!"

A shocked roar echoed throughout the room...

Chapter [-] Mutation

When Kaido heard that the area under his jurisdiction was actually destroyed by Sun Wukong, he was terrified and sweated!He has always been domineering and arrogant, and he was also panicked by fright!

That was a terrifying and domineering existence that even all the generals in the navy such as Whitebeard couldn't bear!The shocking scene that Marin Fando saw gave people a great impact!If you are stung by such a terrifying existence, it is really bad!

Although he has an army of capable people of the artificial animal system, the shocking power of Monkey King's domineering is too great!Even if they are powerful, they are not as powerful as Whitebeard, Aokiji and other people who stand at the top of the world, right?

But even those peak powerhouses were still brought down by the domineering of Sun Wukong, adding more than [-] people!Therefore, even if he has thousands of capable legions, he will be instantly brought down!

The feeling that Sun Wukong gives to the world is an impenetrable high sky, and he is in awe and powerless!That's why Kaido is frightened!

"Do you know what his purpose is?" Suppressing the shock in his heart, Kaido's expression was extremely solemn, even terrifying.

"I don't know yet... But it is understood that Monet seems to have joined the Emperor Pirates... This is not good news for us... When we controlled Dressrosa, we killed Many of Doflamingo's subordinates... It is not difficult to guess that Monet may have invited Sun Wukong to take revenge?"

"Vengeance? Shouldn't their enemy be Sun Wukong?" Kaido roared angrily, and the unfolding of this matter was too sudden and a little weird: "Don't worry about the others, you immediately bring the other twenty capable people. Leave, give up Dressrosa, if Sun Wukong is really targeting me, you will definitely not be able to keep it... It's more important to preserve your strength... You can't lose it in vain..."

"Understood..." Korret sighed in relief, not asking him to fight recklessly, but even if Kaido gave such an order, he absolutely couldn't do it!He is just one of the leaders of the artificial animal system, is he really supposed to be the enemy of Emperor Sun Wukong?That would rather betray Kaido than dare to resist, because it is purely courting death!

After receiving Kaido's order, Coret immediately picked up the phone bug and gave an order to resist, and then he simply took Kaido's original group of backbone men and quietly left Dressrosa...

Although it is embarrassing to retreat without a fight, who would call their opponent a monstrosity that makes people unable to resist!

In the bullfighting arena, under the surprised and puzzled eyes of countless people, baby-5 was blatantly taken away by Sun Wukong, and strangely, no one came out to stop it!

Walking in the dim passage, Kemi looked around, puzzled: "Is it too quiet here? Even if no one came out to stop us, how could we see a few guards? Why didn't anyone see it?"

This is completely different from what I imagined!Even if there is no battle, it can't be so smooth and harmonious, right?The so-called things happen for a reason, there must be a demon!

"That's because they don't dare!" Monet said in one sentence.

"They have already discovered the existence of Lord Wukong, and they have all started to retreat..." Violet circled with one hand and placed it on her one eye, using her ability to check the situation, she said in surprise.

"This is normal, as long as it's a normal person, no one wants to offend Lord Wukong..." Monet smiled slightly, looking a little proud, because she is now a member of the Emperor Pirates, others are so afraid of Sun Wukong , isn't that her pride!

When they came to the rest room of the sword fighters, Charlie and the girls were all shocked by what they saw.What kind of lounge is this!It's like a prison cell!

There are countless prisoners in the iron prisons!

There are even countless disabled people in bandages!

"Are we... in the wrong place?"

The darkness in front of him obviously frightened a few mermaids who had never seen such a scene.

"The so-called sword fighters are a group of people who fight with their lives to make those watching happy... The sword fighters here have no human rights. Their only hope is to keep fighting until they die!" baby-5yi The words reveal the dark side here.

"Too...too scary...Is this the human world?"

"If there is no Master Wukong in the future, I will not come to the human world if I kill me!"

Several mermaids were apparently startled again.The timid Bai Xing held the hand of Sun Wukong tightly all the time: "Master Wukong, they all look so pitiful, otherwise, let's let them go!"

"Okay!" As soon as Sun Wukong's words fell, the magic sword flew out in an instant, splitting the prison door in that room.

The sudden happiness obviously stunned the group of people, but when they learned about the identity of Sun Wukong, they all ran out in ecstasy and kowtowed to Sun Wukong again and again to thank him!

Among them, the former king of Dressrosa also showed his identity, which made Violet become excited and surprised!

Because of the existence of Sun Wukong, everything went surprisingly smoothly. There was no difficulty at all, that is, there was no resistance at all, and it was easy to rescue the person who wanted to rescue. At the same time, Dressrosa's Ownership is taken back.

When he brought countless people out of the arena, Sun Wukong unexpectedly saw a person!

An extremely beautiful girl: Rebecca!At this moment, when she saw Sun Wukong, she hurriedly ran to him and knelt down, her face full of admiration and gratitude: "Are you Lord Monkey King? Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you. !"

Sun Wukong naturally knew what she was grateful for. The person Rebecca hated the most was Doflamingo, because Doflamingo broke up their happy family!And Sun Wukong killed Brother Doflaming, which is to avenge her, can she not be grateful!

Just when Sun Wukong was about to say something to Rebecca, the situation suddenly changed, and the whole sky darkened. Then, under the terrified eyes of countless people, a terrifying space crack was torn open in the sky. , revealing an endless darkness that makes the soul tremble!

The majestic, domineering, bewitching, and solitary terrifying aura instantly swept the whole world!

Under this breath, everyone became fearful and desperate!They seem to see death sweeping towards them!

Even Sun Wukong frowned slightly when he saw it.

"What happened? What happened?!"

And the only ones who haven't been affected are Monet's daughters who are standing beside Sun Wukong!But looking at the opening in the sky suddenly cracked, they all widened their eyes in shock, and their faces were full of horror!

"It seems that someone... has come out..."

Chapter [-] I am Datongmu Kaguya Ji

An extremely arrogant and domineering figure stepped out from the hole torn by the void!The supreme divine might that reigns over the world unabashedly covers it down!Under this noble and domineering aura, the people of the world were forced to kneel down one after another!Fear from the soul pervades everyone's heart!

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