In an instant, the whole world was covered in panic, shrouded in fear!

"Oh my God! Who is this woman? Well... such a terrifying aura... How can there be such a terrifying existence in the world?" Monet and the others were all horrified at the moment, and it was because they resisted a lot of them. The divine power, but they can still feel the threat and fear from that supreme coercion!The rest is only despair!

And Robin was also shocked at the moment, and turned his head to look at Sun Wukong: "Wukong... Is she... Kaguya?"

"Well, I didn't expect her to come to this world by herself... But isn't this way of appearing too much..." Sun Wukong looked at Kaguya's domineering figure with flying silver hair, and shook his head helplessly.I also sighed slightly in my heart: "It seems that my journey has come to an end..."

As soon as the thought fell, a terrifying will that had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years quietly awakened!In just an instant, it covers the entire world!In an instant, it was like worsening the snow!Those people who had been shocked by Kaguya's aura to despair in their hearts suddenly turned to ashes!

But while this breath is terrifying, it is also different from Kaguya's. Kaguya's breath only gives them awe, terror, and even endless despair!

And this will gives the world people the awe and surrender from the heart, and it can't raise the slightest idea of ​​resistance at all!As if they were born to be swayed by this breath, it feels like it should be!

"Sure enough, I was awakened..." Sun Wukong looked at the void, and his face became a little serious.

"Is it the Lord of this world? Very good! Since I became a god, I haven't really fought with one of the world's masters. Our planes are almost similar, so let me see who is stronger!" Kaguya felt When that terrifying will was strongly rejecting her and wanted to expel her from the torn space gap, she laughed arrogantly, and the terrifying aura became more and more domineering!With a sudden effort, there was a crackling sound, and the space around was instantly shattered!

Such a terrifying scene shocked everyone!

Is this kind of terrifying power really something that humans can possess?Isn't this God? !

Does God... Really Exist? !

Kaguya's figure flashed, and she was far away from the broken space, and immediately stood proudly in the void, looking at the sky with the attitude of a supreme emperor, her fighting spirit was high, and her voice pierced the void: "Come on! !"

The will of this world seems to have received the challenge from Kaguya, and it has become stronger and stronger...

It's just that I slept for too long, so in the process of waking up, a brewing process is needed!Because he represents the will of the whole world, which is different from living people like Sun Wukong and Kaguya!

"My mother! What the hell is going on? Could it be... the end of the world has come?" Kemi and the others were full of horror, and their eyes almost jumped out of their sockets!

There is no way, because the impact of everything in front of you is too great, and ordinary people can't bear it at all!If it wasn't for Sun Wukong protecting them, they would have to look like others and kneel!

"Kui Yeji, you really like to make trouble for me! You ruined my trip as soon as you appeared!" Sun Wukong felt unhappy when he saw that Kaguya didn't give in to himself when he appeared.

"Hmm~ Lord Wukong... I'm really sorry, I'm a little excited because I saw the prey, but my concubine actually neglected you, please forgive me!" Kaguya's breath faded, and she instantly appeared beside Sun Wukong, slightly owed bowed.

It's just that the incomparably domineering and evil aura of terror was instantly felt by Monet and the others. In an instant, they were frightened and froze there, not daring to move at all!

Because the breath of God is simply not something they can resist!

"My concubine doesn't have the ability to enter other dimensional worlds at will, so I can only tear apart the space according to the spatial coordinates set on you and return to your side, so the movement is a bit big, I'm really sorry!"

Facing Sun Wukong, Kaguya seemed very submissive, showing the virtues of Japanese women obeying their husbands incisively and vividly, but only facing Monet and other women, she was not polite at all!Because in her eyes, Monet and other women are just ants-like existences!

This made Sun Wukong frown slightly, but Kaguya's character was like that. If she changed, she would not be Kaguya, so she didn't say much.After all, she still has a sense of proportion, otherwise Monet and the others would not be able to bear her terrifying aura!

"She...she...who is she?'s scary..." The only one who was least shocked by Kaguya's breath was Bai Xing, because she always hugged Sun Wukong's arm, so the aura she suffered was almost given by Sun Wukong. All canceled.

"I am Datongmu Kaguya! I am the master of one world! For the sake of Wukong, I don't have the same knowledge as you!" Kaguya's tone was a little retro, but her words seemed to be Extremely insolent.

"The Lord of the World? What is that?" Monet and the others were all shocked and puzzled.Although I was very unhappy with Kaguya's tone, I didn't dare to show it.

"What kind of royal spirit is this! This woman is even better than her concubine, how is it possible!" Instead, it was Hancock, who looked disappointed and disappointed!She has always despised others with a lofty attitude, but she did not expect to be despised by others today, and she was powerless to resist!What a complete failure!

Just as several people spoke, the will of this world became more and more clear and terrifying!In the end, the situation was changing, and the whole world was shaking violently!In an instant, all things knelt down!There is simply no one who can resist the power of heaven from God!

"Have you been fully awake yet?" Sun Wukong looked up at the sky, and the fighting intent in his eyes was just rising!

Ordinary people can't evoke a trace of war in him, and only this side of the world can make him interested in a war!

"Master Wukong, this kind of existence, why do you have to do it yourself? It's better to let him go to your concubine, and the concubine will take the source of the world and dedicate it to you!" Kaguya's face was full of fighting intent, her eyes were full of excitement!This woman was born for war!

"Is that so! Okay! Let me see how far you have grown!" Sun Wukong thought about it and nodded.Kaguya is the newly promoted world lord who he bestowed on the World Origin Pearl. He wanted to know, who is the stronger or weaker between the newly promoted world lord and the source world lord?

Chapter [-] The Lord of this Realm

"My concubine will definitely take back the source of the world and dedicate it to you!"

Hearing that Sun Wukong agreed, Kaguya immediately became extremely excited, and flew up, her clothes fluttering and her hair dancing wildly, she looked really powerful and arrogant!Like a goddess who came into the world!

"Oh my god! These terrifying women are all respectful to you, Lord Wukong, who are you?!" Mrs. Xia Li looked at Sun Wukong with a shocked face. She was shocked by Kaguya's desperately terrifying strength. Even more shocked by Kaguya's submissive attitude towards Sun Wukong!

What a world-shattering existence is a person who is treated with respect by such a proud and indomitable person!

"You will know in the future!" Sun Wukong smiled faintly, his mind moved, and Monet and the other girls appeared on the Emperor in an instant.

"Wukong, why did Kaguya Ji appear again? What is she going to do?"

As soon as Sun Wukong appeared, Nami and other women came to embrace each other, and they were also shocked by the sudden change. These scenes are simply the end of the world!

However, there is an enchantment set up by Monkey King on the Emperor, so they did not kneel down as oppressed as the world thinks!

"I'm also quite surprised by her appearance..." Sun Wukong said helplessly, "This woman is always so arrogant and domineering, and the movement is so loud that she has awakened the master of this world, and inevitably There's a battle!"

"The Lord of this world?" Hancock and the other women looked at Sun Wukong curiously.

"Well, it's the god who created your world!" Sun Wukong tried his best to explain in a way that they could understand.

"God who created this world?!"

For a time, all the girls lost their voices and were stunned!This news is simply too shocking!God, does it really exist?And now, there are still people who dare to challenge God?This...isn't this a dream come true?

On an unnamed island, Shanks and others all knelt on the ground, with a deep shock on their faces!

"This... What a terrifying Tianwei! What happened? This kind of breath... Even Sun Wukong is far worse! What the hell is going on in this world?

Shanks was sweating at the moment, his face full of shock. The reason why he thought that this breath was stronger than Sun Wukong, after all, Sun Wukong only leaked a trace of breath at that time, the world naturally didn't know the true horror of Sun Wukong.

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