"Could this be... a god? It's really scary... I waited for mortals to be as small as ants..." Kaido knelt on the ground, his face twisted, crazy, fearful, and unwilling, I thought Sun Wukong was enough Terrible!Unexpectedly, now suddenly two more ruthless!For him, who has the ambition to dominate the world, the blow can be described as fatal, and he will lose confidence from now on, and he will never recover!

The terrifying aura of will that enveloped the world became more and more powerful and terrifying!

Countless light spots surging out from the sky and the earth, above the sky - condensed!Little by little, it turned into a figure exuding endless brilliance!The breath is getting more and more terrifying!

In the end, the brilliance dissipated, revealing a very handsome person, no, this can no longer be described as handsome, only beautiful!

Beautiful to make people crazy, beautiful to make people sad!Even so beautiful that it makes people change their sexual orientation!Why?Because such a beautiful person is not a woman, but a man!

Seeing the figure appearing in front of her, Kaguya was obviously stunned for a moment, obviously surprised by the beauty of the other party!

"So beautiful! In this world...there are such beautiful people?!" Hancock looked lost at this time, obviously surprised by the beauty of the other party!

The arrogant heart was shattered again, and his face was lost.She had been compared by Kaguya's supreme sovereign aura before, but now there is suddenly another being who suppresses her even her beauty, I can't bear it!

Even Sun Wukong was stunned at the moment, and immediately scolded: "Damn! I didn't expect the world master of the pirate world to be such a beautiful man, it's almost blinding brother's eyes..."

"Man? You said he was a man?"

Hearing Sun Wukong's exclamation, Robin and the other women were all shocked!Such a beautiful person, turned out to be a man?Who is so spoofed?

"My concubine's beauty... I lost to a man..." Hancock leaned forward in frustration, even more disappointed.

"What's the matter, this world master is so arrogant, and he has made himself so beautiful, he is a pervert!" Sun Wukong looked at the figure in the sky, his eyes were full of contempt!When they reach their realm, reshaping their physical appearance is just a matter of thinking, and the master of this world has made himself so beautiful, it is not a pervert!

"It's really surprising. Looking at your breath, you actually exist on the same level as me! Is there another world besides me?" , I got goosebumps all over!Nima, this is a man!Man, there is wood!

The word "human demon" appeared in Sun Wukong's mind instantly, wouldn't this guy be a human demon?The master of a world is actually a monster?This spread, how many people will be scared to death!

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm here for your Yuanzhu, if you are wise and hand over the source of the world obediently, I can leave you with a trace of consciousness and kindness!" Hui Yeji shouted loudly, no nonsense, full of The hostility is undisguised.I came here just to kill you.

"I thought it was a guest, but I didn't want to, but it turned out to be a killer... But we are eternal, why fight and kill, why not sit down and talk carefully, maybe become a Taoist companion, and we can spend this lonely life together. Eternity..." The Lord of the Realm smiled slightly, without anger, facing Sun Wukong, he even openly dug a corner.

As a realm master, eternal and immortal, alone, really lonely, in the end, you can only fall into a deep sleep to pass the boring eternal time!Now that there is an equivalent existence suddenly in his world, it is no wonder that this sassy world owner has such thoughts!

If someone can accompany him through the eternity of eternity, nothing can be exchanged!

"Kui Yeji, kill him for me!" Sun Wukong roared at Kaguya, this guy even wanted to dig his corners in front of himself, he couldn't bear it!

When Kaguya saw that Sun Wukong was angry, she nodded very seriously, and the terrifying aura spread, making the whole world shake!

"Is that so? That's really a pity..." The Lord of the Realm looked at Kaguya and sighed slightly, but the terrifying aura instantly filled with a monstrous killing intent: "But as long as you take the source of your world, I can also cultivate a person who will accompany me for the rest of my life..."

Chapter [-] The Ultimate Showdown ([-])

Every realm master is a decisive person, and in their eyes, life is no different from grass, because with just one thought, they can create all things!

Of course, like a goddess, there are real world masters who regard everything in their world as their own people, but there are very few real world masters that are so kind!

Once the lord of this world breaks out with a shocking killing intent, then a war about the survival of the world will also begin!

Kaguya's appearance was a surprise to the Lord of this world, and Kaguya's rejection was also expected to him!

But it doesn't matter if you refuse, you can take it yourself, and then create a new realm lord that you like and accompany you for the rest of your life!

You want to seize the source of my world, and I also want to seize the source of your world. The purpose of the two seems to be very pure, there is no cover up, and there is no need to cover up!

The master of this world waved his hand, and the figures of the two suddenly disappeared in front of the world, and came to another space battlefield!

With a wave of the hand, a world is created. This is the incredible power of the World Lord!

"Why did they disappear? Where did they go?" Nami and the other women wanted to see the battle between gods and gods, but the two suddenly disappeared, and they were suddenly stuck in their throats, very upset.

"Go to the other side, because fighting in this world, the whole world has to be destroyed!" Sun Wukong smiled slightly.

"Then can you take us to see it! The battle between gods and gods is so exciting!" Baby-5 said excitedly.

"It's too dangerous, isn't it? Don't do it!" Nami shook her head again and again. Even a little aftermath of such an existential battle could kill them thousands of times.

"It's nothing, with me here, you won't be in any danger!" Sun Wukong smiled faintly, and his body rose up into the air. Space cracks are coming!

Looking from the crack, the opposite is not the imaginary darkness, but an empty space where nothing exists!

"That's... the Emperor Sun Wukong? Oh my god! He... he just ripped apart the space..."

"This...this...could it be that the Emperor Sun Wukong...is the same as the two people before?"

"Who are they? There is such a terrible existence in the world...?!"

"On the other side of the crack...it turned out to be another world...how could it be..."

"Could it be... this is... the so-called... God?!"

Without the suppression of that terrifying breath, those people all regained their freedom, but just looking up, they saw the scene of Sun Wukong tearing the space, and they were stunned again.

Sun Wukong didn't have time to pay attention to those shocked people, but with a big wave, he took the emperor and plunged into the space crack together!

Immediately, the crack was like a water wave that was cut open, and it healed quickly, without the slightest trace...

A moment ago, the world was terrified, but at this moment, it suddenly became terrifyingly silent!As if nothing ever happened!

Empty space, nothing!Yes, it's just a blank space!

A man and a woman are facing each other, standing in the air!

A terrifying aura rose from the bodies of the two of them, and behind each of them was a storm raging, thunder and four dances, giving people the feeling of only despair!

In the sky not far away, a gap suddenly opened, and Sun Wukong took the emperor and appeared in the line of sight of the two!

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