The pupils of this world lord shrank instantly, and the eyes of Sun Wukong were full of shock, and at the same time became extraordinarily dignified: "Another world lord? I didn't find out?!"

"Humph! You don't have to worry, to deal with you, you don't even need Wukong to take action! I alone are enough!" Kaguya suddenly gave a coquettish cry, waved her hand lightly, and the vacuum instantly turned into countless giant fists carrying terrifying thunderbolts towards the world. The Lord bombarded away!

"Ha! Ha! Ha! ~~~"

Every punch carries Huanghuang Tianwei, which is unstoppable!

"Damn...there is actually a more powerful world master...this is troublesome..." The world's master was extremely solemn. At this moment, he instinctively felt an extremely dangerous aura from Sun Wukong's body. Feel!

It's just jealous, now is not the time to care about that kind of thing, you must defeat the person in front of you!

Stabilize your mind, the master of this world, squeeze your palms into fists, and bombard them with one punch. It seems ordinary, but it contains the profound meaning of supreme power!


With a loud shout, the fist energy turned into divine light, and it collided with the giant vacuum fist. At the same time as the shocking roar broke out, the two exploded at the same time!

The terrifying aftermath spread, directly crushing the space!

"What a terrible fight..."

It was just the beginning, that terrifying scene stunned everyone on the Emperor!

"Haha~~Is this the power of the world master... It's perfect!" Kaguya exclaimed excitedly, and her eyes changed immediately, forming a combination of scarlet and darkness, and then blooming like petals!Evolve various laws and profound meanings, showing the mysterious and shocking heavenly power!

Immediately wave your hand!

Chi!With a bang, a black light surged out, vast and boundless, drowning the sky and the earth!Immediately it spun at an astonishing speed, forming two world-shattering vortexes, one in the sky and one in the ground!And the Lord of this world is in!

This is from the power of darkness, darkness, has the effect of corrosion and devouring!Kaguya seems to want to tear up the body of the Lord of the World, and then refine him!

The terrifying power of sucking and pulling makes the action of the lord of this world become sluggish, and the law field of forbidden air has blocked this world, so that the lord of this world has nowhere to dodge!

However, it is obviously impossible to take down the Lord of the World in one fell swoop. If he is killed so easily, then he is not the Lord of the World!


Hearing a thunderous roar, the beautiful face of the Lord of this Realm suddenly turned terrifying!The black light rises, the skin tears and changes, and it soars rapidly!In an instant, it turned into a ferocious beast with only one head, with a big mouth, revealing the sharp fangs inside, and the endless darkness!

With a fierce light in his eyes, he aimed at Kaguya's big mouth, suddenly sucked hard, and the terrifying suction burst out instantly, he actually wanted to swallow Kaguya in his stomach!

"It looks a bit like the fruit ability of the phantom beast type!" Sun Wukong muttered to himself as he looked at the Lord of the Realm at the moment.

Since you want to devour me, then I will devour you!The two immediately launched a devouring competition!

The devouring power emanating from the vortex of heaven and earth directly shatters the space!Immediately, the vortex of the sky was pressed down a little...

And the dark vortex below is slowly rising!In this scene, it will be a matter of time before the Lord of this world is swallowed up!

But Kaguya's body was also pulled little by little into the huge mouth, and it turned out to be a sudden death together!

Chapter [-] The Ultimate Showdown ([-])

However, it is impossible for the two of them to fight and die together.

Kaguya just had a thought, and the rune of the law instantly appeared around her, and immediately drew a huge ghost!Exudes a world-shaking terror!

Susanoo!But this Susanoo is composed of the power of law, and the Susanoo of Naruto World is not comparable at all!

Susanoo's right hand holds a lightsaber that can cut through everything in the world!

Under the terrifying suction of the giant beast, it flew straight ahead, and the lightsaber in his hand was ready to slash!Once it enters the attack range, it will cut the giant beast in half without hesitation!

It's just that a dark beam of destruction suddenly condensed from the huge open mouth of the Lord of this Realm!In a flash, it directly penetrated the void!To pierce Kaguya's head...

It's just that Kaguya didn't care about it at all, letting the beam pierce through!

With a loud bang, the light beam pierced Susanoo's heart, and it only caused a little crack, then it collapsed!

"What a strong defense..." The Lord of this world showed a surprised color!

And at this moment, Kaguya's attack has arrived!

The cold light turned into a stream of light and flashed away on the huge body of the Lord of this Realm!

The imaginary split into two did not appear, and only a small white mark was left on its abdomen!

"This defense..." Now, it was Kaguya's turn to look surprised!

"Your attack... shouldn't have only this power... it seems that you have just controlled it?" The Lord of the Realm glanced at the white marks on his body, and suddenly looked at Chao Kaguya with a strange look on his face.

"So what?" Kaguya smiled proudly, staring at the Lord of the Realm, her eyes full of fighting intent: "Kill you, enough!"

"It's really shocking... I didn't expect you to be a new World Lord... That is to say... Has a World Lord been killed?!" Speaking of this, the eyes of this World Lord instantly tightened, He tilted his head to look at Sun Wukong, his face full of horror: "Could it be him?!"

"That's right! The source of my world is given by Wukong. Although Wukong wants to kill you, one move is enough, but don't worry, he will not shoot unless it is necessary!" When he looked at Sun Wukong, his eyes were full of reverence.

"One move?!" The world master's heart jumped suddenly, and then he smiled proudly: "What a joke! We are all world masters, even if he is strong, how can he be solved by one move! You don't have to Interfering with my state of mind, I will not be shaken by any opponent!"

As he said that, I saw him roar, and the body that was originally just a head suddenly swelled again!But in a short time, it turned into a terrifying beast in the form of a human!

Standing proudly in the world, like a pillar of optimism!

In the roar, he smashed the dark vortex under his feet with one foot, and then blasted the dark vortex in the sky with one punch!

Immediately, the hands clasped together, the runes of the avenue were sprayed, and the terror was boundless. The gravity of the space here suddenly increased by an unknown number of times!

Kaguya only felt a heavy weight all over her body, and her body floating in the void smashed to the ground with a bang, and a bottomless black hole was actually shaken out!

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