The hands of the Lord of the Realm suddenly folded together again, and the surrounding space closed in an instant!

With a 'click' sound, under that terrifying space squeeze and terrifying gravity, Kaguya's Susanoo appeared to have cracks!

And the squeezing force is getting bigger and bigger!Rao is Susanenghu's terrifying defensive power, but he couldn't resist it, and he was about to be crushed into pieces!

"Humph! You and I are of the same dimension, but unfortunately you have only just mastered the power of the world master, and here is my world again, how do you fight with me?" The voice of the world master boomed and roared. He didn't even pay attention to Kaguya!

But what he said was right, Kaguya had just merged the power of the World Origin Orb, and there was still a certain gap with the natural world master!

And this is the world of the Lord of this world, and all the rules are obeyed by him!The rules of others were rejected by him!

Therefore, Kaguya had to endure the suppression of the power of the world in this world, and she could not exert her due strength at all, and at the same time, the power of each item was greatly reduced!

If she wants to break the suppression of this world, then her dimension must be higher than the master of this world!Destroy this world!It is a pity that the dimensions between the two belong to the same level, and Kaguya has just become a world master, and her strength is slightly weaker. It is obviously difficult to break the world's suppression!

"Damn! I didn't expect the suppression of the power of the world to be so powerful... I saw Wukong fighting with the world master before, but he was not suppressed by the power of the world... Sure enough, my dimension is not enough?..." Hui Ye Ji murmured, her face a bit ugly. She had promised to capture the source of the other party's world for Sun Wukong before. If she lost, it would be too embarrassing.

"Since this is the case..." Saying that, Kaguya's hands quickly formed a seal, and the Dao Dao space laws quickly expanded in all directions with her as the center, opening up a new space field, but when it reached [-] meters After that, it stopped!

"Can it only reach this level...but it's enough..."

"Humph! What does this domain space do! Now, let me tell you, this is my home ground! You are an outsider, but you have no qualifications to be arrogant!"

The Lord of the Realm snorted softly, and swiped his finger at Kaguya, and a terrifying lightning beam of several thousand meters crashed down from the sky!Broken space, only the thunder light shrouded the world!

"My mother!" In the distant imperial ship, Nami and the other women exclaimed involuntarily when they watched the incredible scene!

A pillar of lightning of several thousand meters descended from the sky, with the light of destruction attached to it!How shocking and spectacular was that scene!

Kaguya's complexion changed drastically, she slapped the ground with both hands, and an ancient tree supporting the heavens and the earth was formed almost in an instant!

At the same time, space barriers appeared above her head!

In the blink of an eye, the terrifying pillar of thunder had already bombarded the ancient tree that was piercing the sky!

In the sound of ka ka, the lightning beam split the ancient tree with a shocking attitude and hit the bottom directly...

At this moment, even Sun Wukong was moved by it, and suddenly stood up: "I really didn't expect... the suppressing power of the world is so terrifying... No wonder other world masters dare not easily enter other people's worlds..."

Sun Wukong has always defeated his opponents with a strong attitude, and he has never felt the suppression of the real power of the world, so he did not know the power of it, and now he finally learned from Kaguya that the so-called so-called How terrible is the suppression of the power of the world!

One weakens, while the other strengthens, there is no comparison between the two!

After all, it's not anyone, everyone thinks he's as perverted.

"Sure enough, 'my world is my master'!" Monkey King sighed, and his figure disappeared instantly!

Chapter [-] The Ultimate Showdown ([-])

Lei Guangzhu's speed is very fast, but Sun Wukong's speed is faster than it. Just a thought, it has already appeared above Kaguya's head!

With one hand protruding like a support of the heavens and the earth, the swallowing power of swallowing the heavens and the earth erupted from his palm, forming an endless black hole of swallowing!In a trance, it was as if the whole world was about to be swallowed up!

The lightning beam lit up the whole world, and then flashed down!But it was swallowed by the swallowing black hole below, silently...

"This is!"

The face of the master of this world suddenly changed greatly!The terrifying aura that Sun Wukong burst out at that moment made him feel fear!His dimensional level is actually several levels different from the opponent!I can't help but feel a little anxious!

"Master Wukong..." Kaguya came to Sun Wukong's side. While moved, she was also a little dissatisfied, dissatisfied that Sun Wukong suddenly intervened in her battle.

You must know that Kaguya is an extremely arrogant person, and Sun Wukong's behavior obviously damaged her self-esteem.She didn't think she would lose to the opponent.

"You don't have to fight anymore, you can't win against him now... So there's no need to get hurt in vain... After all, at this level, after being injured, it's quite troublesome to recover..." Sun Wukong naturally saw it. Kaguya was dissatisfied, but she still waved her hand to stop it.

"It's just a little injury, what's the big deal! The concubine will not lose!" Kaguya's fighting spirit was still high, and her eyes were full of unyielding arrogance.

The power of this world master made her feel a little crisis, but she was also very excited. She admitted that the other party was much stronger than her. After all, she had just become a world master, and the fit with the World Origin Pearl was not very good. Perfect, compared with the natural world master, the gap is obvious!But even if you fail, you can get a lose-lose situation!

It's just that it's not what Sun Wukong wants to see, because it's not necessary at all!

Sun Wukong patted Kaguya on the shoulder and comforted: "Relax, I know that your desire to fight is very strong, and you like to rule by power, so I also expect you to fight for me in other dimension worlds, but you can't be here. With unnecessary injuries, there are many more opportunities to fight with other world masters in the future..."

"Fighting for other... dimensional worlds?!" Kaguya's eyes suddenly lit up, and she burst out with an extremely excited and violent aura, and her whole body trembled with excitement!This sentence of Sun Wukong is just right in his heart!

"So, back away! You can't get hurt here..." Sun Wukong smiled and nodded to Kaguya.

"Understood! My concubine will definitely lay down worlds for you and make you the ruler of the entire dimensional world!" Kaguya's face was extremely excited, and in a flash, she had already appeared on the Emperor.

Nami and the other women instantly became extremely nervous, but Kaguya obviously ignored them and looked at the battlefield...

"Is Wukong going to shoot? Well... so excited!" Nami and the other girls all became full of anticipation at this moment.

"This guy... looks very dangerous..." The Lord of the Realm looked at Sun Wukong, but his expression became extremely solemn.

"I haven't really moved my muscles for a long time, so I'll fight you with the fighting style I like!"

As Sun Wukong spoke, he snorted softly, and with a 'swish' my voice, a golden arrogance burst out from his body in an instant, with thunder and lightning wrapped around it, making a crackling sound!Even the black hair on one end became golden in an instant, and the roots stood upright!Looks majestic and domineering!

The long-lost Super Saiyan 2 is back!

Because of the improvement of his own strength, the Super 2 at this time is also stronger than the original Super 2!

This is like fifty times the combat power of one hundred thousand and fifty times the combat power of one million. The difference is obvious!

"Wow! Transformed! This looks so handsome!" The girls such as baby-5 were all bright when they saw the appearance of Sun Wukong.

"What a strong breath... this is pure power... and... he is not a natural world master... how is this possible... by himself... to have cultivated his strength to such a level? Could it be that he is relying on himself... Can't you win the god position of other world lords?!" The world lord looked at Sun Wukong at the moment, his face changed greatly, and his heart became more and more solemn.

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