Above the hands, the runes of the law are shrouded, and the whole body exudes immortal divine light!Light up this world!

Immediately, space froze and time stopped!Everything in the world is at a standstill at this moment!And the only thing that hasn't been affected is the terrifying figure that stands tall!

I saw him waving his right arm and grabbing Sun Wukong...

The big hands that cover the sky are in stark contrast to Sun Wukong's body, and they are almost negligible!

But if he is caught by this big hand that covers the sky, it is hard to imagine that Sun Wukong's tiny body will be crushed by a single squeeze?

The answer will be revealed soon!

When the giant hand covering the sky just touched the layer of golden arrogance on the surface of Sun Wukong's body, it was shocked back by an extremely terrifying force!

Then I saw the surrounding space creaked instantly, and there were traces of cracks appearing, and it shattered with a 'click'!

The spatial confinement was broken, and the still time jumped again!

And the space around Sun Wukong has been completely shattered, spreading all the way, and a space black hole for several miles has emerged!Under the terrible breath of Sun Wukong, it is difficult to heal!

Without space, there will be no time, and naturally there will be no suppression of the world!

The so-called world suppression is actually very simple, that is, things that do not exist in this world will be denied by this world!For example, Ninjutsu in Naruto World, the use of Qi in Dragon Ball World... If it is not recognized by this world, naturally it cannot be used in this world!

Even the laws of time and space will be denied!Because mine is mine, but yours is not mine, so it must be denied!

Under normal circumstances, Sun Wukong can naturally ignore the suppression of this world, because he himself is higher than this world, but if it is suppressed by the world master himself, then Sun Wukong can only destroy the space of this world, come. Release the suppression of the power of the world!

"The power actually exceeds the limit that my world can bear... This guy's strength... is so strong! This is trouble..." The face of the master of this world became unprecedentedly solemn.Without the suppression of the power of the world, then the two would be in an equal situation, and the opponent's strength is obviously higher than him, which is not good!

"But in any case, there can only be one battle..." The undulating state of mind of the Lord of this world was instantly calmed down, and the law of Taoism filled the air, lingering around his body, entangled and fused, and submerged in his body, making him The skin exudes all kinds of fluorescence, amazing and mysterious!And his physical strength has reached an extreme in this moment!

Chapter [-] The Ultimate Showdown ([-])

After that, the huge body that stood proud of the world also shrank rapidly at an amazing speed, and finally returned to his original extremely beautiful appearance!

It's just that the lord of this world at this time, the muscles all over his body swelled and protruded, showing an explosive power and beauty, and he didn't have the very girly feeling before, but he was full of masculinity!

It's just a beautiful face, but there is a strong body with bulging muscles. The picture is so beautiful that people dare not look directly at it!

"Damn! How does this thing remind me of Nezha in "One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes"..." Sun Wukong was speechless for a while, and he couldn't complain: "Sure enough, there are so many wonderful things in the world of pirates, even the world of this world. The Lord is also so strange..."

It's just that the lord of this world obviously doesn't care about Sun Wukong's complaints about him, and his whole body is crackling, and it is also surrounded by endless thunder and lightning!That is to stimulate one's own body in order to make one's speed and strength stronger!

Immediately, his foot was empty, and he was the first to punch Sun Wukong angrily!

On the fist, there is a layer of black light, which makes the original strength suddenly increase a hundred times!Filled with terrifying arrogance that destroys everything!It made the whole world shake violently, the space was unstable, and it was about to collapse!

This punch is very terrifying, the Lord of this world has already exhausted all his strength!Because the feeling that Sun Wukong gave him was too dangerous, so he didn't dare to slack off!

"It actually made my power suddenly skyrocket a hundred times... This world master... is very strong!" Sun Wukong's eyes narrowed, and his originally indifferent expression became a little serious.

Every realm master has their own unique characteristics!Naruto's world is Ninjutsu, Hitomijutsu... And the world of pirates is the power of fruit!

This world lord, obviously used the ability like a devil fruit, but it is much higher than the devil fruit!At this moment, he increased his power a hundred times!

"One hundred times! This ability is really awesome..." Sun Wukong secretly sighed in admiration.The brows suddenly wrinkled slightly, because the speed of the Lord of this world also soared in an instant, and before he even blinked his eyes, he had already appeared in front of Sun Wukong!

The terrible fist containing the destruction of the world has already bombarded Sun Wukong's chest!

"Bang!" With a shocking roar, Sun Wukong flew out in an instant!But in a moment, he had already flown thousands of miles away before he stabilized his body!Shatter the space along the way, leaving a dark and terrifying space ditch!

"Wukong!" Robin and other women's faces changed greatly!

As for Kaguya, her complexion changed drastically, and she immediately set up a lower layer of space barriers around the Emperor!It's just that under the terrifying aftermath, the layers of the shock were broken apart!

A hundredfold increase in strength is no joke!

Fortunately, the last space enchantment was arranged by Sun Wukong, which successfully blocked the terrifying aftermath of destruction, or else the ship would crash and people would die!

"What a terrifying battle... Will we be killed if we watch the battle in such a place!" Jenny Bonney swallowed her saliva with a look of horror on her face.

"I didn't expect this realm master to be so powerful..." Kaguya looked at the realm master with an unprecedented dignified expression: "I looked down on him before..."

"Kaguya Princess... Wukong, will he be okay?" Hancock asked nervously.

"Don't worry, that guy is several dimensions away from Goku, how could he be Goku's opponent..." Kaguya waved her hands indifferently, and looked directly at the battlefield in the distance.

"It's too far... I can't see clearly..." Robin shook his head helplessly.

"Bah!" Sun Wukong spit, patted his chest, and looked at the Lord of this world thousands of miles away, looking a little surprised: "Fortunately, brother's body is strong enough for the opponent to break the defense, otherwise this time Really got hurt a little..."

Sun Wukong used the supreme rule to reshape and strengthen his physical body. Although Sun Wukong did not display all his strength, the defense of his physical body would not be affected in the slightest!Therefore, the strength of the Lord of the World alone is not enough to break through the defense of his fleshly body!After all, the difference in strength between the two is several dimensions, which cannot be made up by a hundredfold increase in strength!

A tortoise shell that can't break the defense, how do you win?Sun Wukong has put a lot of effort into his physical defense, because he has a body that can withstand beatings, which is better than anything else!Sun Wukong knows this!

"Not only has the strength increased by a hundred times, but also the speed has increased by a hundred times... What's the matter, can't this guy eat the double fruit? Can he double his ability?"

Well, this is just a rant from Sun Wukong. As a world master, why do people need to eat devil fruits!However, the ability to instantly increase in strength is similar to what Sun Wukong guessed!This is also the unique ability of the Lord of this world!

"It didn't take any damage?!" The master of this world looked at Sun Wukong, but there was a storm in his heart, but he used his ultimate strength!It didn't cause the opponent to suffer the slightest damage. Isn't this gap too big?

Always aloof, I thought I was the strongest!Control the life and death of all things in the world!But suddenly I found that a more terrifying existence than myself appeared in front of me, it felt terrible!

"This person... I can't win at all..." The Lord of the Realm sighed slightly, and he didn't even break his defenses with a single blow, what a shit!

But for your own life, if you can't win, you have to fight!

"Since [-] times won't work, then [-] times, [-] times won't work, then [-] times... Although my body won't be able to withstand that terrifying increase in power, and even my source will be damaged, it's better than being obliterated. , the power of the source has been taken away!" The Lord of this world regained his composure after being shocked, and desperate ruthlessness appeared in his eyes!

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