"Drink ah ah ah~!"

With the roar, the aura of the Lord of this world became more and more violent and terrifying, and the aura soared rapidly and increased exponentially!The space around was shattered like tiles, but in a moment, the entire space collapsed!Trapped in that endless black void!

The terrifying space-time storm dances, and you can crush the planet at will!

"150 times... 200 times... 250 times... 300 times..."

The aura of the Lord of the Realm soared in a frantic manner, and finally increased to 300 times before it stopped!

"I'm going... This thing is just dead..." Sun Wukong was shocked when he saw the long hair danced wildly in this world's master, his body was red and wrapped around the body of Karma Thunder!At the same time, his face became excited: "This way... it's more interesting!"

Chapter [-] The Ultimate Showdown ([-])

The master of this world is very aware of the dimensional gap between himself and Sun Wukong, so there is no chance of winning the competition rules. Therefore, he also chose a competition purely based on strength!

The terrifying power erupted from his body, the divine might was mighty, the void collapsed, with chaos energy, flashing dazzling divine brilliance, all kinds of laws and runes were intertwined and blessed, making the power of the Lord of this world reach a Extreme.

With one foot in the air, one space is shattered, the sound is deafening, and the dazzling divine brilliance squeezes every inch of space, making the soul throb.

The Lord of this world looks like a fierce god from ancient times, full of rage and domineering!

The figure is like a teleportation, and it is difficult to distinguish it with the naked eye!

Just listening to the 'swipe', it was a world-shattering roar!

It turned out that in this moment, the two had already attacked together, like a collision of planets, and the divine light burst out!

Every collision causes the space to collapse instantly, enough to instantly destroy a planet!

As a world master, it is easy to create a planet, and it is also easy to destroy a planet!

In just a few seconds, the two exploded dozens of confrontations!The speed is so fast that no one can see it except Kaguya!

Robin and other women can only hear the terrifying roar that is enough to echo the world!

This is a big battle, and the two go head to head!

Although Sun Wukong's strength is stronger than the Lord of this world, he is only in a super 2 state, and the Lord of this world has instantly increased his strength by 300 times!The power has obviously surpassed the Sun Wukong at the moment!

After hitting each other dozens of times, Sun Wukong was finally blown away by the opponent's punch, and a terrifying heavenly cave was shaken out in an instant!

"Strength...speed...more than I am now...this guy's strength is really strong!" Sun Wukong rubbed his slightly aching chest, looked at the world master with surprise, and then shook his head again. : "However, it only hurts one thousand enemies and loses eight hundred moves. See how long you can hold on! But you have to transfer them, otherwise it's not easy to use your fists..."

Having said that, Sun Wukong looked at the girls on the Emperor's number, and with a light wave, he directly took the Emperor's number and the girls into his own world!

"Up to now, you still have time to care about others, and you don't take me seriously!" The Lord of the Realm roared, his right hand tore the sky, sending out strange spatial ripples, and he arrived at Sun Wukong's place at once. In the near future, the sky is overwhelming, covering the empty space in all directions, and the broken space of this side is restored in an instant!

Sun Wukong's expression changed slightly, because he found that he couldn't move and was imprisoned in place.

"Is the void imprisoned..." With a roar and a click, the space imprisoned on Sun Wukong was instantly cracked open!

Just in this moment, the attack of the Lord of this world has come, silently!Because his speed has already surpassed the speed of sound, people move but the sound has not arrived!


In the void, Sun Wukong hurriedly counterattacked with his fist, the fist collided with the fist, it was like a roar of steel, and the vibrato could penetrate the eardrums of people, shaking life to death!

If he missed a hit, the figure of the Lord of the World flashed in an instant, and he had already appeared behind Sun Wukong, and slammed the back of his heart with a kick that contained the world's destruction!

With his rich combat experience, Sun Wukong lowered his body in an instant, and that terrifying kick swept across his head, instantly shattering the storm that swept over him!

Then he bombarded the Lord of this world with an inch, but he didn't want to be thrown in the air!

It turned out that the figure of the Lord of the Realm flashed and appeared on the right side of Sun Wukong with absolute speed. With another whip, Sun Wukong could only resist with his hands. The terrifying force came, and his figure was once again. Got kicked out!After sliding thousands of miles in the void, he stabilized!

"The speed and strength completely suppressed me! This strength is really good!" Although he was kicked twice, Sun Wukong's eyes looking at the Lord of this world became more and more excited!The long-lost fighting intent rose in his heart and became more and more intense!

"Damn! I didn't even get any damage... My strength has surpassed him... Why can't I break his defense? Could it be that this guy hasn't shown his true strength?" See Khan, the overloaded battle has made him a little overwhelmed!However, Sun Wukong's unscathed appearance shocked him even more.

He has used the power beyond the limit, and he can't break the defense. Is this too strong?Obviously everyone is the master of the world!

"Damn it! The power that usually increases fifty times is already the limit. Now, even if the source is damaged, the power has exploded 300 times, and it still can't hurt him in the slightest... Damn, where did this guy come from? !"

At this moment, an unprecedented crisis emerged in the heart of the Lord of this world!

"Having a strong body is really the king!" Sun Wukong patted his strong chest muscles and smiled slightly: "Even if the strength and speed are not as good, grinding can kill him!"

"Hey~ I can't go on like this, my time is limited, it seems that I can only decide the outcome with one move!"


With a thought, the Lord of this Realm glowed all over his body, tens of thousands of fiery divine lights burst out, bursting open the void, and countless divine power surged from the endless void, pouring into the body of the Lord of this Realm!And his breath soared again at an astonishing speed in an instant, shocking the world!

"350 times... 400 times... 450 times..." The breath continues to grow...

This is simply a lifeless play!It seems that the master of this world is very open. If he loses, he will definitely die. It is better to fight to death!

"Is this... planning to go all out?" Sun Wukong's face changed slightly, he was never an arrogant person, and he would never despise any opponent!Because in anime and novels, those who despise and despise others are often attacked suddenly by pig's feet in the end, and then they are killed inexplicably!

Sun Wukong squinted his eyes slightly, straightened his mentality, clenched his fists tightly, and his terrifying aura instantly soared, causing the whole world to tremble violently!

In the roar, the golden light works!Immediately after seeing a flash of red shadow, it appeared in front of the Lord of the Realm, and then with a puff, a palm still penetrated his chest!The rapidly soaring breath came to an abrupt end!

And the Lord of this Realm also widened his eyes full of inconceivable, and his face was full of astonishment!

"This can't be done. If you are so messy, the World Origin Orb will be broken by you. I wanted to play with you for a while, it's a pity..." The red shadow condensed, but showed a burly and strong look figure!And that particularly conspicuous red tail!

Chapter [-] Pirates Final Chapter

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