At this time, Sun Wukong's eyes are sharp and cold, full of coldness, his arms and chest are covered with red hair, his muscles are strong and strong, his hair color is no longer golden, but has become a long black hair , looks majestic and domineering!

What is even more terrifying is that his terrifying aura, just standing there, directly causes the entire world to collapse in an instant!

"How... possible!" The Lord of the Realm was stunned by the image of Sun Wukong at the moment, and even he felt fear and trembling from the terrifying aura.

"Transforming into a super 4 is really flattering you... But if you don't do this, I can't guarantee that you will be able to kill with one strike and keep your World Origin Orb!" Said, Sun Wukong, the master who runs through this world The right hand in the chest trembled slightly, and he saw that the body of the Lord of the World suddenly appeared in various cracks, and the cracks instantly exuded endless dazzling light, and then, with a click, it shattered and opened!

A Origin Orb exuding the light of chaos was grabbed by Sun Wukong!

The terrifying divine radiance shines on the world, Yuanzhu is doing the last struggle!Endless gods surging, all kinds of runes are displayed, exuding immortal power!Contains the terrible power to destroy all things in the world!

The master of this world actually wants to explode the Origin Orb and die together with Sun Wukong!

That terrifying wave of destruction, even Sun Wukong was moved by it!Self-exploding the Origin Orb, such a world-shattering might, even if it is him now, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured!

Because it was a terrifying explosion that was enough to destroy a universe!Even the most powerful world lord cannot ignore it!

The supreme power of confinement and sealing emanated from Sun Wukong's hands, entwined around the World Origin Bead, and wrapped it round and round!The power of devouring and purification came out together, invaded the Origin Orb, and wiped out the will in it!

The World Origin Pearl trembled violently in Sun Wukong's hands and struggled!But under the influence of the supreme power of swallowing and sealing, it can only be eclipsed, and become weaker and weaker...

At the same time, with the gradual disappearance of the will of the lord of this world, the world of pirates also came to an end!The mountains and rivers collapsed and the space was destroyed!

Everything was calm, Sun Wukong looked at the World Origin Orb with a crack in his hand, but shook his head: "The source is really damaged... The means of increasing strength is indeed extraordinary, that is, the damage to himself is too great... But it is a good way to save life... I also blame this world lord for being so unlucky. When I meet a world lord like me who completely crushes him, it is really difficult to defeat him if I replace it with another world lord... Then Good skills, worth having!"

Just do what you say, Sun Wukong just has a thought, and he separates countless shadow clones, sits cross-legged, fills the endless void, densely packed, and looks so spectacular!

The World Origin Orb floats above the endless void, the divine light shines on the world, and the endless laws and secret patterns are continuously submerged into the eyebrows of Sun Wukong and the shadow clone below, and they are absorbed and realized together...

This kind of process, for the current Sun Wukong, may take decades, but with the understanding of the endless shadow clone, Sun Wukong has shortened this time to just a few days!

Don't think that Kaguya's fusion of the World Origin Orb is very short, in fact, she has spent thousands of years!Just because the place where she stayed was specially chosen by Sun Wukong, and the time flow of the space where Sun Wukong was located was vastly different!

Dozens of days are just a snap for Sun Wukong. He has completely absorbed the source power of Yuanzhu, and his strength has also been improved accordingly. Completely mastered by him!

Although it is a self-mutilating skill, if you don't win, you will lose, and if you lose, you will die!It is a skill that cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary!But I have to say, it is really powerful!

"Next, it's time to choose a girl to inherit the position of the world master of the pirate world..." Sun Wukong looked at the source bead in his hand, and the luster was obviously dimmed, because he absorbed a lot of the power of the source. !

Sun Wukong did not completely absorb the World Origin Orb, otherwise, the entire pirate world would disappear completely!

Because this World Origin Pearl represents the entire pirate world!If the source beads are completely absorbed, then the entire pirate world will naturally be completely destroyed.

For the world of pirates, Sun Wukong still prefers it, and naturally does not want to see her destruction.At the same time, there is one more world master sister paper beside me, this is the key!

With a thought, the figure of Sun Wukong disappeared directly into the heaven and earth here!

The mist here is misty, the red clouds are flying, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance, which makes you feel refreshed and comfortable.

The flowers and plants along the way are all rare and rare treasures in the world. The thick spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be sprayed with light just by taking a sip.

On top of the magnificent palace, there are all kinds of rare and precious stones inlaid in time, and its luxury is astounding.

The peerless beauties who come and go are fascinating, here is heaven.

On the plaque at the entrance of the palace, there are three brilliant golden characters: Crystal Palace.

With such an unscrupulous name, at a glance, it is known that it is his own residence created by Sun Wukong!

In the blink of an eye, Sun Wukong has appeared in the hall of the luxurious palace.

"Brother Wukong!" Along with a crisp cry, a petite figure flew over, and was firmly embraced by Sun Wukong.

Little Loli arched in Sun Wukong's arms with a look of enjoyment on her face.

This little loli is called Kusano, from "Goddess of Wagtail", I think everyone should not forget it.As a wagtail, her growth seems to have stopped!After so long, it's still a little loli.

Then there was another fragrant wind, and Sun Wukong took it into his arms, looking at Yue'er's happy face and her well-developed indescribable hug, Sun Wukong smiled slightly: "Yo, Yue'er, I haven't seen you for a while, you've grown up!"

There was a hint of blush on Yue'er's face.

Shao Siming on the side looked at Sun Wukong and nodded lightly, saying hello!The cold personality has not changed in the slightest.

Zhang Qingshi's face also looked at Sun Wukong, saying hello to him!Continue to explain the world to Robin and other women!

Don't look at Sun Wukong staying in other worlds all day, in fact, he will come back every night to accompany the girls for a while, so the girls are so accustomed to his return!Because we meet every day!

It's just that Robin and the other girls are very stunned. They originally thought they were the only group, but they didn't expect that their dozen or so girls were only part of a large wave of girls...

Volume [-] The Captive of Food Chapter [-] The World of Foodies

Here, it is an isolated island that is sparsely populated. The island is full of brilliance, mellow and fragrant, and there are all kinds of vegetation, mixed with all kinds of strong fragrances.

This place is like a dream, very unreal, the vegetation is crystal clear, exudes a glow, and some are even hotter, exuding the fragrance of barbecue...

There is a chicken leg bread as tall as a mountain standing in the center of the island, and next to it is a poached egg that is hot... The whole island is filled with incredible food, it looks like a natural dining table, such an incredible island , and only appears in the fairy tale world...

However, all of this is now really placed in front of me...

The sky above the island is very calm, and the white clouds float gently under the breeze...

Suddenly a gust of wind hit, breaking the tranquility, blowing away the clouds, and a small crack suddenly tore open in the air like this strangely...

Then it spread up and down a little bit, and then a pair of strong hands suddenly stretched out from the crack, grabbed the two sides of the space crack, and gently tore, with a soft click, the crack was torn open instantly, forming a A two-meter-wide space crack, a burly figure calmly walked out of the space crack...

And the space gap behind him also healed without a trace in a moment...

"smell good!"

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