As soon as it appeared, a lingering fragrance came to the nostrils, and Sun Wukong hurriedly lowered his head to look down, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise: "Island full of food? This is the "Captive of Food" "The world? It's really an inexplicable world!"

With that said, his figure flashed, and he appeared on the island!

Looking at the ground covered with crystals, exuding a faint fragrance, Sun Wukong squatted down and grabbed a handful in his hand, and suddenly he was surprised: "The ground is made up of rice grains? It really is a world that makes no sense!"

Put it in the mouth and taste it, but the eyes are bright, soft and fragrant, waxy but not greasy, it is really a rare choice!I have to say, this is the first time Sun Wukong has eaten such a fragrant and delicious rice grain!

Immediately, I looked at the plant made up of four hamburgers at my feet, with butterflies made up of french fries parked on it, which was really incredible!Seeing that Sun Wukong had a very desolate feeling in his heart: "A hamburger made up of four leaves... it should be that four-leaf clover burger, right? This butterfly is the french fries butterfly? The rules of this world really do. It's inexplicable!"

Having said that, he took off a hamburger and took a bite. It was soft and fragrant, sweet and delicious!The sense of taste was strongly stimulated, and Sun Wukong couldn't help his eyes lit up at the moment, and he sincerely praised: "This taste is really good, it has more natural deliciousness than hand-made! It makes the taste perfect, without the slightest waste. !"

Grab a french fries butterfly and bite down its fries wings in one bite, crispy and delicious, melt in your mouth!

"Okay!" Sun Wukong couldn't help but praise. For a foodie, Sun Wukong immediately ate all the four-leaf clover burgers and french fries and butterflies around him like a storm!

Immediately, a bottom-clear wine pool with 'spring water' appeared in front of him. Monkey King smelled it and was obviously surprised: "Is this a Coke fountain?"

I bowed my head and took a sip, the explosive refreshing feeling instantly filled the taste buds and the tip of the tongue!The entire pores are stretched out!The cool feeling instantly swept through the body, and it felt so refreshing!

It's a pity that Sun Wukong still shook his head and drank the home-made wine and beverages. Compared with this cola, it seemed insignificant!

After all, it was brewed from the rare heaven and earth treasures that have been rare in the world for thousands of years, and it is no longer a mortal thing!The beverages and wines in this world are obviously incomparable to those brewed by Monkey King.

The food is made by his sister paper. Sun Wukong has no requirements. Only the wine and drinks are brewed by himself. Therefore, they are all divine products that do not exist in the mortal world!

Going forward, it is full of 'flowers' blooming with barbecue!The mouth-watering meat smell makes people feel comfortable when they smell it, and for a moment, even the breath is filled with a faint meat smell!

"Flowers blooming with barbecue... Still cooked? I'm so drunk!" Sun Wukong complained again without a word, then squatted down and couldn't wait to take a bite. Can't help but praise: "It's delicious!"

As he said that, he stuffed several pieces of barbecued meat into his mouth again, grabbed it on the ground, and a large amount of rice was directly stuffed into his mouth by Sun Wukong...

Until a big hole was dug out in the ground, and Sun Wukong had almost eaten up the flowers blooming with barbecued meat, he finally stopped and came to a tall ancient tree, smelled it, and gently touched the trunk of the tree. With one stroke, the heat rose, the gravy overflowed, and the moisturizing fragrance made Sun Wukong's appetite greatly increased, and he was quite surprised: "This tree trunk is actually made of sausage? It's still cooked..."

Well, this unreasonable world has no reason to talk about it. If you can't be serious, you will lose if you are serious!

Sun Wukong immediately put the cut sausage into his mouth...

"En!" Sun Wukong's eyes widened, and the feeling of inexhaustible deliciousness made him shudder: "It's really cool...Is this the taste of beef? There is also fish... This is some kind of bird meat fragrance. It seems like I've never tasted this meaty flavor before... It's such an incredible sausage!"

In a sigh, Sun Wukong chopped down this Baiwei sausage tree to the ground, holding the 'trunk' and gnawing at it...


Suddenly, a clear cry echoed around, and Sun Wukong sensed it slightly, and turned his head to look at the sea not far away...

I saw the sea churn, and a huge black shadow surged out from the depths of the sea!With a bang, it set off thousands of waves!

A huge monster has emerged from the depths of the sea!

Its body is like a snake body, but it is crystal clear and translucent, exuding the luster of gems. Under the sunlight, it reflects a beautiful rainbow around its body like a dream!

Its head resembles a snake rather than a dragon, and with the long whiskers on its nose, it looks a bit like a dragon at first glance!

But it has four limbs, and on top of its long gem-colored body, there are actually a pair of colorful flesh wings!

Like a bird but not a bird, like a snake but not a snake, like a dragon but not a dragon, I don’t know what kind of creature it is!However, it has to be said that this is an extremely beautiful and dreamy creature!

It's just that its ferocious and hostile terrifying aura shows its extraordinary strength, and its capture level is unknown!

Obviously, this island composed of various foods is its territory, and the appearance of Sun Wukong makes it extremely angry!

Chapter [-] Caijing Pterosaur

"For this world, this breath is considered to be the top! I really didn't expect it, I met such a big guy as soon as I came here!"

Sun Wukong watched with great interest the beautiful and wonderful creature that had already left the sea and galloped in the air, but he didn't seem to care about its vicious and hostile aura!

It is nearly a thousand meters long and more than [-] meters wide!Waving his wings, floating in the air, without flashing his wings, an extremely violent wind broke out!It made the sea below become turbulent for a while!

The huge body is suspended in the sky, looking down at the Monkey King below, the impact is extremely terrifying!

In the fierce and cold eyes, the figure of Sun Wukong is reflected, exuding terrifying killing intent!Even a first-class food hunter will feel weak in his legs when standing in front of it!Because its aura is really too terrifying, too ferocious!

This seemingly beautiful and dreamlike creature is actually a fierce beast like a wild beast, violent and fierce!Filled with cold and ruthless killing intent!

Sun Wukong thought about it and searched for information about this world. In an instant, the information of this incredible and beautiful creature in front of him emerged in his mind: Caijing Pterosaur, Egg Creature, Overlord of Sea, Land and Air!The legendary ancient creatures seem to have long since disappeared!For the top fantasy ingredients!The capture level is unknown, but it is the most advanced kind!

Every part of the body is the highest quality ingredients in the world!Even grinding the crystal-like scales on its body into powder and adding it to the most common ingredients can turn it into an incredible delicacy!

As for the quality of meat, let alone, it is only recorded in the ancient times, so far, let alone tasted it, I have never even seen it!

It is just like our present world, the five-clawed golden dragon that only exists in the legend has long been an ancient legend!

"How could such an old antique suddenly appear here?" Sun Wukong looked at Caijing Pterosaur, pinched his fingers, and instantly understood in his chest: "It turned out to be given to me by the fluctuation of the space that was torn apart by me from the deep slumber of the endless seabed. Wake up... No wonder! No wonder! If I don't show up, this guy doesn't know how many thousands of years he will have to wait to wake up from his slumber! Is it a legendary creature? Well, let me see if you are really like the legend So delicious and dreamy!"


Caijing Pterosaur seemed to have heard Sun Wukong's self-talk, the fierce light in his eyes was bright, and he made a clear and strange bird call, and with a pair of wings, it instantly formed a terrifying tornado storm that swept away towards the island where Sun Wukong was located. !

"How could such an incredible island be destroyed by you!" Sun Wukong smiled lightly, waved his hand, and the tornado that swept over disappeared without a trace in an instant. As soon as you grasped it, you only heard a click, and the entire body of the huge and terrifying Caijing Pterosaur seemed to be pinched by the palm of Sun Wukong!All the bones in the body were crushed in an instant!There was a tragic hissing sound in an instant, and it fell softly!

The fierce and terrifying aura instantly dropped to the bottom of the valley!The moment before, he was majestic, but at this moment, he was dying in an instant!

However, it was dragged by a mysterious force, so it did not fall.

In Caijing Winglong's fierce pupils, the eyes looking at Sun Wukong are full of fear!

Hooking his fingers, Caijing Winglong's huge body floated towards the island, suspended in front of Sun Wukong!

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