Sun Wukong swiped his finger lightly on its body, and the crystal scales, which were hundreds of times stronger than diamonds, were cut open like tofu, and then a large piece of meat with colorful luster was cut by Sun Wukong like this. down!

The meaty aroma and the almost transparent colored flesh made Sun Wukong's saliva flow out involuntarily!This has nothing to do with mood, just a true description of a foodie!

"This meat doesn't look like raw meat..."

Sun Wukong said and took a bite!

"This...this...this is!" Sun Wukong's eyes suddenly stared at the boss!It felt like tears were streaming down my face!After eating this bite, I felt so refreshed!The whole body exudes a colorful luster!Simply incredible!In short, all the adjectives are not enough to describe the incredible deliciousness!

If you let those gourmet hunters take a bite, the gourmet cells will definitely evolve, and their strength will increase!

"Sure enough, it's right to come to this world!" Sun Wukong exclaimed deeply. For him, apart from sister paper, only this kind of delicious food can arouse his interest!

"How can one person enjoy such a delicious food!"

As Sun Wukong said, he waved his hand, and in the fluctuation of space, a large number of beautiful girls flashed in front of him in an instant!

"Huh? Here is..."

Suddenly being summoned, all the sisters were slightly surprised, but after seeing Sun Wukong, they were all relieved!

Just looking at the huge creature above his head, he showed a surprised expression.

"Wukong, it's very rare! You actually summoned us all this time!" Asama Miya looked at Sun Wukong and smiled.

"Wow! That mountain turned out to be made of cakes?" Alice suddenly saw the cake mountain not far away, she screamed in surprise, her figure flashed, and she appeared on the cake mountain in an instant. His face was full of happy expressions: "It's so sweet! It's delicious!"

"I want too!" Abis also shouted happily and flew over...

"Wow... grass growing with barbecue?"

"Is that the egg on the huge plate over there?"

"This ground... turned out to be edible rice?"

"It's obviously a banana, why is there meat in it?"

"It's obviously an apple... How did it turn into chocolate? But it's delicious!"

"This is too incredible, right? Wukong, what kind of world is this?"

But for a while, all the girls were surprised by the incredible food on the island!Everything here is so out of order!

"This is a world of gourmet food. I just caught one of the top ingredients in the world, come and come~~ Everyone, come and taste it! You can eat it directly!" Sun Wukong said, with a light hand, a big The chunks of flesh that exuded colorful luster and were almost transparent were cut from Caijing Pterosaur's body again!It is placed in front of the girls like a mountain!

"The world of gourmet food? This meat actually exudes a colorful luster and is almost transparent? This is the first time I've seen this kind of meat!" Chi Lian looked surprised, cut a piece lightly and put it in his mouth , the whole person instantly radiated a dazzling color light, and then became a flushed face, and his eyes were full of intoxication: "'s delicious!" That expression, that look, like entering the clouds, full of dreams look!

"Is it that exaggerated?" All the girls were attracted by Chi Lian's expression, each cut a piece and took a small bite. In an instant, the island was filled with colorful light!It was mixed with the low voices of the girls because of the delicious food, which made one's blood boil. Those who didn't know, thought what was on the island...

Chapter [-] Plan

In the whole island, the rays of the sun are dazzling, and there are all kinds of fragrances that are appetizing!

Sun Wukong looked at the lovely faces of the girls, which exuded red glow, and even his heart that had been tempered for so long could not help but quicken his heart!

Because that scene is too tempting and dazzling!

At first glance, it looks like there are quite a lot of sister papers, but compared with the ancient emperors, they are really nothing.

"I didn't expect that there are such delicious ingredients in this world! Without any cooking, it is so delicious. If it is cooked, I don't know how delicious it will be!" still.

"That's a real thing to look forward to!" Saeko smiled and looked around at the girls: "Why don't we go collect the top ingredients in the world together!"

"That's no use!" Sun Wukong stopped: "It would be too boring to collect all the delicacies in this world right away, but I plan to collect them slowly and play the world by the way!"

"When I collect a complete set of menus, let's have a banquet together!"

"As you please!" All the girls rolled their eyes at Sun Wukong.

When night came, after enjoying the rare delicacy in this world, all the girls chose to go back.

Only Jennie Bonney refused to leave: "I want to stay!" Jennie Bonney puffed out her cheeks, her mouth was full of rays of light, and her words were a little unclear: "I won't leave if I kill my mother. Come on, this world is amazing! It's the wisest choice for my mother to play fruit with you!"

Jenny Bonney's eyes lit up, showing her extremely excited mood at the moment!For a foodie like her, this world is simply paradise!

"Wukong, send me back! This world will be under your control sooner or later, so I'd better go back to practice!" Cai Lin looked at Sun Wukong and said very seriously.

"Cai Lin is right, Wukong, you should send us back! We have to practice hard now, and then we will be able to help you! Otherwise, it will really become a vase!"

The rest of the girls also nodded to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong has already told them his plans and arrangements for them, so they are eager to improve their strength and integrate the World Origin Pearl to help Sun Wukong.

The reason why Sun Wukong put each sister paper into his harem actually has his own purpose!He is very aware that his opponent is extremely terrifying, and he may be difficult to defeat with his own strength, so he intends to cultivate new world masters he can trust to help him.

Kaguya has been ordered by Sun Wukong to go to other dimension worlds to conquer other planes!Of course, Sun Wukong asked her to go to some lower planes.As long as you obtain the World Origin Orb from other dimension worlds, the girls beside Sun Wukong will all become new world masters...

And No. 18 has also begun to integrate the World Origin Pearl of the Pirate World!They can't be left behind!

It looks very comfortable now, but they all know that the entire dimensional world, but there is a destructive and terrible threat lurking!No one knows when he will suddenly appear!

Although Sun Wukong can create his own life, he used to be just an ordinary otaku, and he has a longing for all the girls in the second dimension, so he went to each dimension world, just to fulfill his original dream!

The rich and delicious food of an island is almost eaten!Even the huge body of Caijing Pterosaur was cut with a boss's incision, and it looked miserable!

If it weren't for being stopped by Sun Wukong, Jenny Bonny would have to eat the entire Caijing Pterosaur.

All the girls have gone back, and next to Sun Wukong, only the two daughters, Jenny Bonny and Keya, are left.

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