Jenny Bonny is completely unwilling to go back, and Keya is the royal chef who stayed by Sun Wukong's side!Of course, the other sisters will still appear one by one later.

Looking at the Caijing Pterosaur floating in the sky, Sun Wukong smiled slightly: "Next, it's time to deal with you..."


Caijing Pterosaur uttered a bird song that was completely inconsistent with its size. The sound was slightly lacking in air, but it was full of anger!

As an ancient creature that is the overlord of the sea, land and air, it is unacceptable to be manipulated by others like meat on a chopping board. Its arrogant and fierce nature is unacceptable!

If you can move freely, I am afraid that the first time you will launch a fierce attack on Sun Wukong!

"It's quite spirited!" Sun Wukong smiled slightly, the terrifying aura of God erupted from his body, and the unceremonious Chao Caijing Pterosaur pressed it!


Caijing Pterosaur trembled all over, his eyes were full of fear, the originally arrogant and full of anger emotions disappeared in an instant, and he submissively lowered its arrogant head, which already showed that it has surrendered to Sun Wukong. Under prostitution!

As the existence at the top of the food chain in this world, Caijing Pterosaur, which has never lowered its arrogant head, was tamed like this at this moment. If people in this world knew about it, they would be stunned!

"This head is too big to be inconvenient..." Sun Wukong said, a flash of light swayed from his hand and shone on Caijing Pterosaur's body, only to see its huge body shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. , eventually turned into a body that was only three or four meters long, slowly descended from the sky, and fell to the ground softly, because the bones of its body had been crushed by Sun Wukong before.

"Hehe~~ moving treasure!" Jenny Bonny looked at the Caijing Pterosaur with shining eyes, a trace of crystal glitter flowed from the corner of his mouth, took out a sharp short dagger, and placed it in the Caijing Pterosaur's A piece of meat was cut from the abdomen, and when he took a bite, his face suddenly turned red, and his face was intoxicated: "It's... so delicious!"

"Your method is too cruel!" Sun Wukong gave Jenny Bonny a blank look.

"It's just the ingredients! I didn't see you pity it just now!" Jenny Bonny pouted, making Sun Wukong speechless!Immediately, he looked at the gap in the abdomen of Caijing Pterosaur and said, "But this guy is obviously alive, but why is the meat cooked?"

"The rules of this world are very strange, and there is nothing to be surprised about!" Sun Wukong shrugged, and a soft white light radiated from his hand, shining on Caijing Pterosaur's body.

After moving his body, Caijing Winglong immediately knelt down in front of Sun Wukong, his eyes full of respect!The terrifyingness of Sun Wukong has made it completely surrender!

Chapter [-] The Strongest Weapon

Looking at the Caijing Winglong, Sun Wukong thought for a while, his mind moved, and the magic sword full of demonic energy flashed in front of him instantly, flashing with a strange and terrifying red glow!

As soon as the magic sword appeared, Caijing Pterosaur neighed immediately, its kneeling body suddenly stood up, and the terrifying breath exploded instantly!Full of vigilance, he looked at the magic sword!A look of fear appeared in the pupils!The terrifying aura given to it by the magic sword made it feel a deadly threat!

"Huh? Wukong, are you planning to kill it?" When Jenny Bonny saw Sun Wukong summoned the magic sword, his eyes suddenly lit up, full of excitement, and it seemed that he could not wait for three or two to kill the magic sword. Crystal pterosaur to eat all.

When Caijing Pterosaur heard Jenny Bonny's words, he trembled all over, his eyes were full of fear, and he kissed Sun Wukong's thigh intimately to show his grievance and pleading.

"Don't worry, it's all right!" Sun Wukong touched the head of the Color Crystal Wyvern, making its fearful heart finally quiet down.Just kill it!

Caijing Winglong immediately turned around and hid behind Sun Wukong!Jenny Bonney looked at her drooling expression and made it tremble!This person is too dangerous, it is better to stay away from her!Such spiritual eyes show that its IQ is not low.

"Cut, it's really boring!" Seeing that Sun Wukong didn't mean to kill it, Jenny Bonny immediately pouted and continued to nibble on the meat in his hand.

"Bonnie, it's better to keep such an incredible animal, how can you kill it!" Keya smiled slightly and shook her head helplessly when she saw Jenny Bonnie's disappointed expression.

"I'm just saying, I didn't plan to kill it! Keep it good! There's precious meat to eat at any time!" Jenny Bonny smiled at Caijing Pterosaur.Seeing Caijing Pterosaur's heart trembled more and more.

"Wukong, why did you recruit the magic sword?" Ke Ya looked at the magic sword in front of her with curiosity.Not at all affected by the magical energy emanating from the magic sword.

"Just suddenly remembered something..." Sun Wukong smiled, his mind moved, and the figure of baby-5 emerged.

"Huh? Why did you summon me again? Did you miss me!" As soon as baby-5 appeared, the expression on Sun Wukong's face suddenly changed to that of a young girl in love, full of surprises.While she is sturdy, she also has the heart of a girl, and she is actually quite cute.

"You are a weapon man, so I plan to fuse this magic sword with you..."

"Huh?! Are you trying to make me your exclusive weapon? I didn't expect you to need me so much! I'm so happy, so happy!" Intoxicating blush.

"It's not that exaggerated..." Sun Wukong smiled slightly.Since baby-5 is a weapon person, then make her the strongest universal weapon in the world!

The magic sword has been nourished by his divine power and has already become a peerless divine weapon!Fusion with baby-5 is enough to greatly increase her strength.And such a beautiful girl paper has become her own exclusive weapon, which is quite exciting to think about.

"Hurry up and start! As long as it's you, I'm willing to do anything!" Baby-5's excited expression looked even more anxious than Sun Wukong.Her character is like this, for the sake of Sun Wukong, she can give her everything.

"You turn into a weapon first!"

"It's alright..." Baby-5's body changed, and it turned into a big sword. At the hilt, there was a nose and eyes, and it looked very strange.

Sun Wukong nodded, holding the magic sword in one hand, and the big sword transformed from Baby-5 in the other hand. When the second hand was combined, the two swords were instantly combined, exuding a dazzling and terrifying red glow!

Sun Wukong released his hand, and the fused ancient sword immediately flew into the air, spraying out countless sharp sword beams, and then the light subsided and returned to the original appearance of Baby-5!

"This power... I seem to be getting stronger?" Baby-5's eyes widened, and his right hand instantly turned into a magic sword. On it, there was a red glow around it, and the sword qi spurted out!The sharp breath makes the scalp numb!

With a wave of baby-5, the sword qi burst out, and a huge island was directly cut in half by her sword. The power was amazing!

"This... I did it?" baby-5 couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"The magic sword is also my saber. Now that it merges with you, it will naturally become your power. This power is still there!" Sun Wukong smiled slightly, looking very satisfied.

"Great! I can finally help you too!" Baby-5 hugged Sun Wukong's right arm tightly, his face full of excitement.

"It's still early! You can really help me when you integrate the World Origin Orb!" Sun Wukong smiled slightly.He is looking forward to it. When baby-5 integrates the World Origin Orb, doesn't he hold a dimensional world in his hand?That power, I look forward to thinking about it!

"Yes! I will definitely practice hard!" Baby-5's eyes are full of determination, she is ready to become the strongest weapon in the hands of Monkey King!

Nodding his head, Sun Wukong lightly placed his hand on Baby-5's fragrant shoulder, and when his mind moved, the two had the same mind, and Baby-5 instantly turned into an ancient sword. No matter what weapon it is, it can change one by one, and it is a real bunker.

After trying it out, Sun Wukong was very satisfied.Once again, let baby-5 restore the appearance of cost, and waved to Keya next to him.

"Why?" Keya immediately came to Sun Wukong with a curious look on her face.

"You are still very unfamiliar with the ingredients in this world. If you want to fully grasp it, it will take at least several years. You are waiting, let me collect all the ingredients in this world..." Sun Wukong said, closing his eyes slightly, pointing with one finger. Stretching out, a small light group engraved with countless characters gradually formed on his fingers...

"Okay!" After a moment, Sun Wukong opened his eyes, smiled slightly, and flicked his finger. The light group on his finger instantly disappeared into Keya's eyebrows, and information about ingredients that he had never heard of flashed in her mind. ...

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