Ke Ya's eyes widened in surprise, full of shock: "These are really the ingredients of this world? Isn't that incredible?"

"This world is like this, and you will gradually get used to it!" Sun Wukong smiled slightly, looked at the sky, and said, "Okay, it's getting dark, let's get out of here first!" Riding on the back of Caijing Pterosaur.

Keya's three girls also jumped up, accompanied by a bird call, Caijing Pterosaur waved its wings, fanned a gust of wind, and flew away!

Can eat and ride, this 'pet' is also a bunker.

Chapter [-] Storm Eagle

The world Sun Wukong is now in is the food world. Whether it is the jungle, the mountain road or the sky, there are terrifying beasts everywhere!

Some are rare ingredients, some are pure beasts!The capture level basically exceeds level 100, making it a very dangerous and terrifying world.

But there are also all kinds of top and incredible ingredients!

Most of the characters who can appear in the food industry are powerful people.

Sun Wukong and his party of four rode on the back of Caijing Pterosaurs and shuttled through the clouds, looking very fast!It was just over ten minutes, but the way ahead was blocked by a huge creature resembling a condor.

With two wings spread out, it is [-] meters tall!The breath is fierce and intimidating, and the strength is obviously not bad.

Its claws are sharp and gleaming with cold light!A pair of eyes are extremely sharp, and at a glance, you know that this is an absolutely first-class hunter!

Sun Wukong has never seen such a condor of unknown rank in the original work. The world is so big, and there are many creatures that have never appeared before, which is also normal.

Storm condor, the capture level is unknown, and it is named after its wings can fan out a gust of wind like a storm!The feathers are as strong as iron and as sharp as a knife.Under the sturdy feather defense, there is a very delicious top-quality meat!The strength is strong, the speed is extremely fast, and it is still better than the plane!So it is very difficult to capture.


Caijing Pterosaur immediately let out a loud songbird, and looked at the storm condor ahead, with extremely angry anger in his eyes!

He was brutally abused by Sun Wukong before, so that his anger had nowhere to vent, and now even your little storm condor dares to block my way?Just looking for death!

Without the slightest hesitation, the Caijing Pterosaur turned into a beautiful streamer, protruding its sharp claws like sharp blades, and directly attacked the Storm Eagle!

The Storm Eagle was a little afraid of the threatening aura emanating from the Caijing Pterosaur!But when he saw that the other party didn't take him seriously at all, he was furious!As the overlord of the sky, how could he be tolerated by the other side so underestimated?

A trace of fear turned into endless anger, and the storm condor also made a loud cry, its wings were like knives, and in a shock, a terrifying storm blade blew up!

"Ding Ding~~~"

In the midst of the gust of wind, the Caijing Pterosaur was still able to fly freely without being affected in the slightest, but the sharp storm blade cut on its crystal scales, but it made a sound of fine iron!Not a single trace was left!

As an ancient legendary creature, its strength cannot be underestimated!

When the Storm Blade was cutting the four Sun Wukong on the back of Caijing Winglong, it was blocked by an invisible barrier and disappeared into the invisible!


Caijing Pterosaur made a tweet again, and the speed was like a streamer, as if the death of the opponent was pronounced!Crossed by the storm condor in an instant...

With a cry of grief, the still majestic Storm Eagle fell weakly to the ground!With a bang, a terrifying pit was smashed out!

"The strength is not bad!" Jenny Bonney exclaimed.

Caijing Pterosaur immediately made a smug cry.

"This is a rare ingredient, so it can't be wasted!" Sun Wukong patted the Caijing Winglong lightly, and the Caijing Winglong immediately leaned down and landed towards the ground...

Jumping from the back of the Caijing Winglong, Sun Wukong came to the body of the Storm Eagle, and looked at the six terrifying claw marks that were deep and visible in its abdomen!The wound is sharp and sharp, as if it was instantly ripped open by a peerless divine soldier!This is a one-shot fatality!

Facing Sun Wukong, Caijing Winglong slag was instantly smashed, but facing the creatures in this world, its strength is unfathomable!

"There's more barbecue to eat! Keya, go and bake it!" Jenny Bonney looked at the corpse of the Storm Eagle with a greedy look on her face.

"It seems too big, baby-5, please cut off those two thighs..."

"No problem!" Baby-5 nodded, his right hand immediately transformed into a sharp ancient sword, and when he swung it, two huge bird legs were directly cut off.

The feathers on it were as hard as iron, but they were not easy to pull out, but it was too simple for Jenny Bonney.He punched the two bird legs with a punch, and the power of the shock exploded instantly, directly causing the feathers on them to fall off.

Using the ability of the shaking fruit to pluck feathers, how would you feel if Whitebeard found out?

After a busy day, the two huge bird legs were finally roasted golden brown, exuding an attractive meaty fragrance!

Jenny Bonny couldn't wait to take a bite, and suddenly the gravy splashed, fat but not greasy, tender and delicious!It's hard to believe that under such strong feathers, there is such a tender and tender meat!

"It's amazing! Although the meat quality is quite different from that of Caijing Pterosaur, it's still delicious! It's indeed a world of gourmet food! The barbecued meat here is incredible!" Jenny Bonney marveled. With a sound, he devoured it unceremoniously.

Although the appearance is vulgar, it has a different flavor.

Sun Wukong took out a jar of fine wine, poured it full, and drank it with Jenny Bonny!Having such a wonderful girl beside him is also a great blessing in life for Sun Wukong, eating and drinking without worrying about loneliness!

In less than two hours, let alone the bird's legs, even a huge storm condor entered the belly of Sun Wukong and Jenny Bonny.

And Keya and baby-5 just ate a small piece.

Sun Wukong's stomach is a bottomless pit, even if he eats a planet, there is no pressure!He eats, just to taste the deliciousness!Not to fill the stomach!When he reached his realm, he no longer needed to eat to maintain his life.

And Jenny Bonny is known as a gluttonous girl. She eats at any time, as if she will never be full. Although her appetite is not as exaggerated as that of Sun Wukong, it is also a bottomless pit, even more terrible than the Alu of this world!Because she has never been full.

After eating the barbecue, the group rode the Caijing Pterosaur again and set off...

This time, it was extremely peaceful all the way, and no monsters were blocking their way!

The night has darkened, and the full moon is already high in the sky!

Sun Wukong and his party appeared in the way of Huangquan!

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