This is the one-way road connecting the food world and the human world, and this time Sun Wukong went to the human world.

Here, there is a single person who stopped the beast from the food industry by mistake!Gourmet Bancho Yuemon!Its strength can be said to be the top in this world.

As always, even if night falls, Yuemon is still sitting alone in the center of the one-way street, in a daze!

Only a person like him can stay alone in a place like this for decades!


It's just that Yuemon, who was in a daze this time, suddenly raised his head and looked forward. For the first time, his dull expression showed a very solemn expression: "This is a terrible guy!"

Chapter [-] Yuemon

The extremely tyrannical aura of Caijing Winglong was discovered by Yuemon in the first time!

The moment he stood up suddenly, a fierce breath swept out!But in an instant, it immediately became a blank look on his face!

The two eyes are empty, and he looks like a fool who thinks nothing!

This look looks cute and silly, but it shows that Yuemon has entered a state of war!In this daze state where he doesn't want to think about anything, it is his strongest state.

In this state, the murderous aura and hostility at the time of the war would not be exuded at all. Therefore, Caijing Pterosaur did not feel the threat from Yuemon, and it still turned into a streamer at an amazing speed and flew towards the human world. go……

Sun Wukong glanced down and didn't remind him!The corners of his mouth turned into a playful smile.

The distance of a kilometer is only shortened in a moment!

When Caijing Pterosaur flew over Yuemon's head, Yuemon, who was still standing still, suddenly jumped up with a blank expression on his face!Time control is wonderful to the peak!The long sword was sold in an instant, turning into a cold light and slashing towards the right wing of the Caijing Pterosaur!

With a love cry of "ding~~", the long sword slashed on the right wing of Caijing Pterosaur, but there was the sound of metal collision!A scratch appeared on the base of its right wing!But in a moment, it was completely healed!

Don't watch Sun Wukong cut the crystal scales of Caijing Pterosaur with a single wave, but its defense is actually very amazing!Not everyone can do it easily, not even a powerhouse like Yuemon.


Being attacked suddenly, Caijing Pterosaur was furious, and the claws as sharp as knives immediately swung their claws towards Yuemon's neck!

If this is a hit, the corpse will definitely be separated!

It's just that in this state, Yuemon's perception is super strong!Well, this can't be said to be perception, but intuition!This is intuition in exchange for rich combat experience!The current Yuemon is completely relying on intuition and instinct to act!

Ordinary people may not be able to dodge under this rapid claw, but Yuemon seems to have expected it a long time ago. He lightly placed his feet on the wings, dodged to the right side, and avoided it by the slightest!

The long sword in his hand slashed out again, and with a 'ding', it slashed at the neck of the Caijing Pterosaur!It's a pity that Crystal Scale's defense made it really difficult for him to break through!

It missed a hit, but instead was slashed by the opponent, Caijing Pterosaur was even more furious, and opened its mouth to bite Yuemon!

This time, Yuemon's body has already fallen down, and there is no way to take advantage of it, so he can only hold the sword in front of him and block Caijing Winglong's angry mouth!

The collision between the teeth and the long sword resounded with ear-piercing groans, and the long sword was not bitten off by a single bite!But it was also bitten by Caijing Pterosaur!So that Yuemon can't be separated!

Immediately, Caijing Pterosaur swung its head suddenly!The terrifying force directly shocked Yuemon to let go of his sword grip, and then was thrown out by a terrifying force. Without any support, he could only bang like a cannonball. Hit the ground!

"What a great guy!"

Smashing to the ground, Yuemon woke up from his daze, patted the soil on his body, rubbed his numb body, and looked up at the Caijing Pterosaur in the sky, full of shock.

But after the shock, his expression was stunned again, because he had already seen a few people from Sun Wukong on the back of Caijing Winglong: "Uh... people?!"

Because the previous distance was very long, Caijing Winglong was in the sky again, and its speed was so fast that there was no time to think about it, so Yuemon immediately made a counterattack!

The reason why Sun Wukong and the others were not found was because Sun Wukong set up a barrier to block the strong wind pressure that was flying fast, so Yuemon did not sense their existence at all!I thought there was a great guy from the food world!

During the attack, because he entered an intuitive state of daze, he did not notice Sun Wukong and the others.Now I suddenly find that such a powerful monster is still sitting on the back, and it is inevitable to be surprised.

"This uncle's strength seems to be very powerful!" Jenny Bonny looked at Yuweimendao with a look of surprise.

"En! In this world, the strength is also ranked first!" Sun Wukong nodded.

"So powerful? Then I'll try it!" Jenny Bonney's eyes lit up, and three or two ate all the barbecued meat in her hands, jumped down, and landed steadily on the ground.

Since Sun Wukong said that his strength can be ranked first in this world, his strength is obviously not bad, which makes Jenny Bonny want to see how strong the masters in this world are.

"That... I'm really sorry, I didn't find you before..." Yuemon saw Jenny Bonny jumping down, and immediately apologized.

"Stop talking nonsense! I heard that your strength is good! Let me see and see!" Jenny Bonny interrupted him immediately, picked up the long sword that fell not far away, and threw it to him: "Here You, you are a swordsman! Don't say I bullied you!" He clenched his fists, and was ready to fight.

"That's it!" Yuemon took the long sword, looked at Jenny Bonny's serious expression, didn't say anything, and in an instant, his face became demented.

"Bastard! The old lady is talking to you! What is your expression? Are you underestimating the old lady?" Jenny Bonney was furious at the moment.

"This is his ultimate stunt, intuition! He doesn't think about anything, he fights entirely by intuition! But it's an extremely powerful trick, you have to be serious!" Sun Wukong kindly reminded.

"Staying in a daze is also a trick? It's really strange!" Jenny Bonney murmured, knowing that the other party was not underestimating her but had already entered a state of battle, and she didn't say more, and punched out without hesitation!

With a 'click' sound, the atmosphere in front of her shattered directly under her punch!The terrifying quake fruit burst out instantly!The ground around Yuemon Gate collapsed and cracked in an instant!


Yuemon jumped up, and as soon as his feet left the ground, he was shaken by a terrifying force and flew out!Immediately, with a bang, the whole body was smashed into the ground!

"Hey! This is too bad, isn't it?" Jenny Bonney looked up at Sun Wukong, meaning that you are sure this guy is the top expert in this world?

"You... what did you just... do?" Yuemon climbed up from the pit and looked at Jenny Bonny in shock.After taking a blow from Jenny Bonnie, he didn't suffer much damage. The defense of this body is really not covered.

The attack just now, relying on intuition, there is nowhere to hide, and his ultimate move was broken!Could he not be shocked?

Chapter [-] Jenny Bonny vs Yuemon

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