"Huh? I'm not injured! It seems to be a little capable!" Jenny Bonney glanced at Yuemon with surprise, and squeezed her fists again: "Come here!"

The previous blow was just a test, and it didn't use much force.

"I also really want to know what happened just now!" Yuweimen's face was serious, and he was not hiding his clumsiness. While drinking fiercely, he activated his gourmet cells, his muscles suddenly swelled up, and his breath became surging!In a moment, he turned from a relatively normal body shape into a burly muscular man.

At this moment, Yuemon finally showed his true strength and became serious.When such a powerful woman suddenly appeared, he naturally wanted to find out the details of the other party.

Activating the perfect food cell, turning into a muscular man, Yuemon immediately went into a daze without thinking about anything.

"That's interesting!" Jenny Bonny shouted, "Boom", stomping on the ground, with a kind of domineering, and even a kind of wildness, flying over, with a condescending attitude Hit Yuemon with one punch!

Yuemon, who fought only by intuition, turned slightly sideways when his fist came, easily dodging Jenny Bonny's violent punch!


As soon as the hit was missed, Jennie Bonnie's fist smashed directly to the ground, the ground trembled suddenly, the stones and the like were bumped, the cracks spread all the way, and with a bang, the ground within [-] meters suddenly burst. And open!

At the same time, Yuemon also slashed at Jenny Bonny's back with a sword!

The flickering cold light contains terrifying power, which can be described as cutting gold and breaking jade!

However, Jenny Bonny couldn't head either, and his left fist slammed out of the back!

With a 'click' sound, the atmosphere shattered!

Immediately, there was a loud bang, and it turned out that the long sword that slashed down had already arrived, and it was about to hit Jenny Bonney, but it stopped suddenly, and was smashed by an invisible and terrifying shock force. Stop it!And the power of the vibration is still unabated, through Yuemon's long sword, arm, and even the air around it, it is directly transmitted to Yuemon's body and body!

Yuemon was struck by a heavy blow in an instant, his body suddenly shook, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his burly body flew out again!When it hit the ground, the ground cracked open!

It's not that Yuemon's strength is not good, but that the shock fruit is too strong. The shocking power that transmits in all directions and even inside the body can be said to be impossible to guard against. Yuemon's intuitive ability is useless at all!

Possessing the fruit ability to destroy the world is no joke!

Moreover, he practiced the exercises taught by Sun Wukong, and Jenny Bonny's own strength has also increased greatly, which is enough to fully exert the ability of the shock fruit!

In the world of pirates, if Whitebeard hadn't been betrayed, stabbed, and got older, his physical strength couldn't keep up, otherwise, the navy might not be able to beat him.

"I'm actually injured... How long ago did this happen?" Yuemon had already withdrawn from the daze, his face was serious, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and felt a sharp pain in his internal organs, full of shock. Looking at Jenny Bonnie: "Is that the power of vibration just now? Attacking both inside and outside, with a wide range, it is impossible to prevent! My secret skills are useless for such people! When did the food industry appear so powerful? character?"

While talking to himself, his internal organs that were shaken to pieces began to heal at an astonishing speed!I have to say that the so-called gourmet cells in this world do have something special!While possessing inhuman strength, it also possesses a terrifying recovery speed!Some even recover as fast as the 'Super Regeneration' in the world of Reaper!

"Unconsciously, the old lady has become a top master!" Jenny Bonney squeezed her fist, and there was a look of surprise on her face.

She hasn't done her best yet!You know, she has another ability!The combination of these two abilities can really easily kill many people in seconds.

"Jenny, it's already dark, it's time to hurry!" Sun Wukong's voice came from the sky.

"Understood!" Jenny Bonny replied and waved at Yuemon: "Uncle, it was a lot of fun! Thank you for your advice!" After saying that, she rose into the air and returned to Caijing Pterosaur. On his back, along with the cry of the Caijing Pterosaur, the sky turned into a streamer and disappeared here...

"There is such a powerful character from the food industry... It seems that it is necessary to check... Well, there seem to be three people on the back of the 'weird bird'?... In other words, the strange bird seems to be in Where have you seen it... is that it?" Yuemon muttered to himself, inexplicably entered a daze again...

When you come to a brightly lit city, look at the high-rise buildings and the red lights!Jenny Bonnie and the girls are full of surprises!The pirate world is not such a modern world.

"As expected of another world! Even the house is so special!" Baby-5 looked at everything in front of him with a shocked expression, looking a little excited.Unfamiliar worlds and unfamiliar situations naturally make people very interested.

"Go! Let's see how this different world is different from our world!" Jumping off the Caijing Pterosaur's back, Jenny Bonny took Sun Wukong and walked towards the city impatiently!Wei Wei and baby-5 hurriedly followed, and their hearts were filled with anticipation.

Along the way, the majestic and beautiful image of Caijing Pterosaur obviously attracted frequent glances from passers-by, but Caijing Pterosaur was a creature from ancient times and was long considered extinct, and it was impossible for ordinary people to recognize its original identity.

And in this world, it is normal to have a strange-shaped beast pet beside you, and people have long seen it!

What they were surprised was the appearance of Caijing Pterosaur, and the fact that they had never seen such a creature before, just curious.

Even the place to live has not been decided yet, and Sun Wukong was dragged by the baby-5 girls to wander around the city for a while!

Speeding cars, TVs, cell phones, etc. are all novelties for them!

Even coins were eaten, which made them more curious about the world.

After strolling until midnight, Sun Wukong brought a few daughters to a luxurious hotel and stayed temporarily.

After baby-5 and the others went back to their rooms, Sun Wukong waved his hand, a huge bed filled the whole room, and then Bai Xing's beautiful and huge figure appeared on the bed...

"Hey? Lord Wukong! Are you going to take me out to play?" As soon as Bai Xing appeared, he looked at Sun Wukong with a look of joy.

"I'll take you out to play tomorrow, go to bed now!" Sun Wukong smiled and jumped into the indescribable pair in front of Bai Xing's chest...

This guy actually used Bai Xingmei's paper as a soft bed...

Chapter [-] The Rising Waves

Early the next morning, Jenny Bonnie ran into Sun Wukong's room full of excitement, but what she saw was Bai Xing's body that filled the room and Sun Wukong's indecent sleeping position.

As for the detailed scene, I will not explain it carefully, otherwise the beast will be drawn out.

The baby-5 girls were stunned for a while, but they returned to normal immediately.

In the world of Sun Wukong, they also lived for a lot of time, this is not the first time this kind of picture.

"You guys got up quite early!" Sun Wukong climbed up amid the shockingly elastic bumps, looked at the girls, and smiled.Immediately, he got up and jumped slightly, his body bounced out, and he did a beautiful somersault in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

Bai Xing's huge body also quickly shrank to the size of a normal person.Of course she doesn't have this ability herself, but it is very simple to let Sun Wukong give it.

"Come on! We are looking forward to today's itinerary!" Jenny Bonney urged, and in the early morning, second-hand was already nibbling on the fragrant barbecue.

After washing, Sun Wukong was dragged out by the girls impatiently.

And Caijing Winglong flew over from a courtyard specially prepared for pets not far away after discovering that Monkey King and a few people were going out...

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