Food Central Wholesale Market, where all the delicious ingredients from all over the world are concentrated here, commonly known as the World Kitchen.Of course, some rare and high catch-level ingredients are still rare here.

It's just that the price of the food here sounds scary, and it's tens of millions at every turn!

But money is simple for Sun Wukong. Although money in this world is a little special, it is not difficult.

Jenny Bonny saw all the rare ingredients and animals that he saw like a storm big rich man.

It's just that the magical ring in her hand has obviously aroused the curiosity and greed of others.

"Wow! Appeared!"

"It's Alu!"

"Huh? Is that me?"

At this time, the market suddenly became extraordinarily lively.

Monkey King turned their heads to look, but just happened to see a strong man walking in against a monster that was completely out of proportion to his body...

"Well?" Sun Wukong was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet the protagonist of this world, Alu, so quickly.Judging from his purpose, it is obviously to sell ingredients.

Because of the absence of the dimensional shuttle instrument, Sun Wukong now relies on his own ability to enter other dimensional worlds, so every time he enters this dimensional world, the plot has just begun.This is equivalent to activating the dimensional world and making the time point of this world work normally!And only by entering this world, can we traverse the past and future of this world.

"Ohhh~~ It's Shacklen Reynolds! This has to be over a ton, right?"

"Forty thousand per kilogram, how about it, Ten Dreams? I've already made a point!" Alu casually threw the prey on his shoulders to the ground.

Before waiting for the businessman named Shimeng to answer, Jenny Bonney had already run over: "Forty thousand a kilogram, right? My mother bought it!" After speaking, she turned her head to look at Sun Wukong: "Wukong , look how much this one weighs! Pay!"

"It's just 4th-level rubbish, so there's no need to buy it, right?"

"It doesn't matter how much it is. As long as it's meat, I want to taste it!"

"About 15 tons, here!" Sun Wukong was helpless, but a golden card suddenly appeared on Kong Kong's right hand and handed it to Alu.

"It's quite refreshing for you to arrive, but when I sell it to Shimeng, you are buying it from him!" Alu waved his hand, quite principled.Then a pair of eyes stared at Caijing Pterosaur non-stop, with a look of doubt: "Strange, this guy seems to have never seen it before?"

Only a man in a black suit in the crowd stared at Caijing Pterosaur, his eyes widened in shock, his eyes filled with disbelief: " this...the legendary Caijing ...Pterodactyl?!"

As a high-level person in Igo, he is obviously well-informed and recognizes the Caijing Pterosaur.

"This is incredible! This matter must be reported to the president..." The man in black took a few deep breaths and suppressed his beating heart.Then he walked towards Alu calmly and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Alu, I have a job that I want to entrust to you..."

"Aren't there many gourmets dedicated to Igo? Even if you don't look for me, right?" Alu waved his hand and continued to stare at Caijing Pterosaur.

"The fruit of the rainbow has come to fruition..." The man in black whispered with his ear beside Alu's ear.Che deliberately let the Sun Wukong beside him vaguely hear.

"It's quite scheming... It seems that he has recognized Caijing Pterosaur! Do you want to use the news of the rainbow fruit to lead me to igo's headquarters... Interesting..." Sun Wukong glanced at the black name lightly. Yi Ren, there was a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth: "But that rainbow fruit seems pretty good..."

When he heard the rainbow fruit, Alu was also slightly moved.

Just before I could ask questions, I was interrupted by a surprised voice: "Ah! I found it, the genius food hunter Alu, what explosive news! Your name is Alu, right? My name is Tina , It's really a big bowl to meet Alu... It's not a big bowl of luck!"

A beautiful woman with a microphone in her hand rushed out of the crowd and came to Alu's side with a look of excitement.

Alu's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was very unhappy when he was suddenly interrupted at this critical juncture.

"Tina? She's actually called Tina?" Jenny Bonney looked at the reporter in front of her with surprise, full of curiosity.

Alu ignored Tina and turned to look at the man in black: "Are you sure it's a rainbow fruit? Isn't that thing extinct?"

"Rainbow fruit?! It seems to have heard a great explosion!" Tina stared, looking full of excitement.

"Idiot! Your voice is too loud!" The man in black yelled at Alu, pulling him away...

"Ah! Mr. Alu! Wait for me!" At this moment, the ignored short man trotted after the two of Alu...

Sun Wukong glanced at Tina and greeted the girls beside him, "Let's go! After breakfast, I'll take you to a fun place..."

As soon as everyone left, a gt robot appeared from the hidden corner: "Hehe~~ I was just here to pick rainbow fruits... I didn't expect to find this legendary Caijing Pterosaur... I I think the boss will be very interested..."

Chapter IX. Purpose of each

After breakfast, Sun Wukong flew with a few women on the Caijing Winglong towards the Eighth Food Research Institute of the Igo Development Bureau...

"Wukong, are we going to the place where the rainbow fruit was mentioned by the man in black before?" Baby-5 looked at Sun Wukong and asked curiously.

"Yeah! Since people specially invited us to go there, naturally I can't refuse his kindness..." Sun Wukong smiled slightly.

"His purpose should be Caijing Pterodactyl, right?" Jenny Bonny nibbled at the barbecued meat in his hand and said inarticulately.

"The Caijing Pterosaur is an extinct fantasy ingredient in this world. If this news leaks out, it will definitely attract the attention of all the food hunters in this world..." Ke Ya patted the Caijing Pterosaur, recalling That kind of deliciousness, an intoxicating blush appeared on her tender face immediately.

"What are you afraid of, as long as they dare to come, they will be slaughtered to scum!" baby-5 smiled, and at a glance, he knew that he was a violent person.

"Master Wukong, is the rainbow fruit you're talking about a fruit? Is it delicious?" Bai Xing's soft voice sounded, Eryan Shuiwan Bay, looking full of cuteness.

"Rainbow fruit...Actually, I haven't tasted it either, but I heard that it is a kind of juice with a high concentration. A drop of rainbow fruit juice in a twenty-meter swimming pool can turn the entire pool into a thick and mellow juice. !"

"It's so amazing? Then you must go to see and see!" Baby-5's eyes lit up, listening to Sun Wukong's words, the girls were obviously full of interest in the rainbow fruit.

Several people chatted all the way, and unknowingly came to the Eighth Food Research Institute of Igo Development Bureau...

Half an hour ahead of time, igo headquarters, president's office!

After listening to the report of the man in black, Long Yi was no longer calm: "Are you sure it is the Caijing Pterosaur? Did you read it right?"

Looking at the man in black, Long Yi's expression was extraordinarily serious, and his pupils radiated excitement and excitement!

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