"Wow! It even has this function?" Tina wanted to take her own flashlight, but Caijing Pterosaur suddenly glowed, brighter than a light bulb, and she was surprised.

Even Keya and the others showed a hint of surprise.

"This Caijing Pterosaur has quite a lot of functions!" Jenny Bonney said, a short dagger suddenly flashed in her hand, and she hooked her finger at Caijing Pterosaur: "Come, come! Let me Cut a piece of meat and eat it!"

Caijing Winglong was startled suddenly, and with a swoosh, he hid behind Sun Wukong, looked at Tina with vigilance, and then gently rubbed his head against Sun Wukong with a look of flattery.

"Jenny, forget it, if you eat too much meat from Caijing Pterosaurs, you will become addicted, and it will be a big loss if you can't eat other meat!"

"That's what I said..." Jenny Bonney thought for a while and put away the dagger.Dreamy meat like Caijing Pterosaur, you can eat it once or twice every now and then, if you eat too much, it will be bad if you eat it all the time.

Seeing Jenny Bonney put away the dagger, Caijing Pterosaur was obviously relieved.

Sun Wukong rode on the back of Caijing Pterosaur and beckoned: "Come up, the road here is not easy to walk, let's ride Caijing Pterosaur!"

"It's long overdue!" Tina was delighted and reached out for Sun Wukong to pull her up.

Several people rode the Caijing Pterosaur and went to the depths of the cave again...

With the terrifying aura of the Caijing Pterosaur, no monsters came to find fault, and the few people came to the beach cave very smoothly. .

"It's really a beautiful place!" Ke Yaji was attracted by the scenery here for a while.

"This is it! Below this beach is the habitat of puffer whales!" Tina seemed very excited at the moment. The legendary cave with only a 01% survival rate was so easily reached. Can she not be excited? .

She also knew that all the credit for this was due to the Caijing Pterosaur. Even if she was just an ordinary person, she could still feel the terrifying aura from Caijing Pterosaur.I didn't encounter any monsters along the way, obviously they were all shocked by its breath, so scared that they didn't dare to act rashly.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and catch the fish!" Jenny Bonney said, taking off her clothes, revealing her plump and graceful figure.

"Wait first, Jenny, you can't catch puffer whales by ordinary methods. Their original body length of about 6m has been reduced to 50-60cm under the water pressure of the deep sea, so they have the best delicacy. At the same time. The waste in the body also condenses, so that it turns into a poison bag with a deadly poison. Once frightened, the whole body of the puffer whale will be poisoned in an instant. Ordinary people can no longer eat it! Once eaten, Absolutely deadly!"

"Then how to catch it?" baby-5 looked at Keya curiously.

"As long as you unconsciously stun them or control them, that's it!"

"It's so easy!" Jenny Bonney said, and immediately plunged into the water.

"I'll go take a look too!" Bai Xing said, recovering the mermaid's body and jumping directly into the water, this is her home court.

Sun Wukong and several others took off their coats and jumped off one after another, even Tina was no exception.She really wanted to photograph Sun Wukong and how they caught the puffer whale, but when Tina went into the water, she watched Bai Xing swimming happily among the puffer whales, and even cut off the puffer whale with her fingers. Not only did the puffer whale not have Frightened, but with a look of enjoyment, he was instantly stunned and incredulous: "Didn't you say... puffer whales will be poisoned immediately if they are a little frightened? What's going on?"

"Bai Xing is a mermaid, living on the bottom of the sea, of the same family as fish, with a simple and kind nature without any trace of killing, and does not possess any threatening aura, so she has gained the trust of the puffer whale and is not afraid of her at all! Treating Bai Xing is like treating your own kind, so naturally you will not be shocked and poisoned!" Sun Wukong explained aside.

"Is this a mermaid? It's amazing!" Tina's face was full of shock: "Such an incredible scene must be filmed!" After saying that, she took out a small camera that was shooting in the sea and pointed it at Bai Xing.

"This cowardice is also a kind of talent? Even puffer whales are not afraid of Baixing, this is too ridiculous?" Jenny Bonney glanced at Baixing, and then held several completely poisoned puffer whales in her hands, Speechless: "As soon as I approached, everything was instantly poisoned!"

After waiting for Tina to shoot for more than ten minutes, Jenny Bonney said impatiently: "The time is almost up, let's grab a few and taste it first!"

As she said that, a trace of invisible fluctuations spread out from her body instantly!Those puffer whales that were still swimming turned their stomachs and sank to the bottom of the sea!

It turned out that at this moment, thousands of puffer whales were stunned by Jenny Bonney's domineering arrogance.Because the difference in strength between the two was too great, the puffer whale had no time to react, and was already stunned by the overlord's domineering arrogance.

"This...this...this is?!" Tina looked at the thousands of puffer whales who were stunned at that moment, her eyes widened in shock, and her face was shocked: "Just now...what happened? now..."

"Jenny, you just need to catch a few, why do you want to catch them all!" Bai Xing immediately pouted, looking at Jenny Bonney looking very unhappy.After all, she is a mermaid herself, and these puffer whales are considered to be in the same category as her.

As human beings, Sun Wukong and the others want to eat puffer whales. This is only a law of nature. She can't stop them, but if they kill all the thousands of puffer whales here, it is not acceptable for her.

"Don't worry! I just want to grab a few and try it..." Jenny Bonney was upset when she saw Bai Xing, she scratched her head and explained, "It's just that the overlord is domineering but has a range attack, I can't control it precisely yet. !"

"Then you can only catch a few!" Bai Xing nodded.

"Then eight... No, ten!" Jenny Bonney said, with a light wave, she put ten puffer whales into the space ring Sun Wukong gave her.

And when Sun Wukong thought about it, he also took some puffer whales into his own world and raised them... and woke up those puffer whales that had passed out, and the group came ashore!

After getting dressed, Jenny Bonny waved his hand lightly, and ten puffer whales were piled up in front of Keya: "How do you do it? Hurry up!"

But at this moment, the slight footsteps came from far to near, and besides them, someone else came here...

Chapter XIX Stagiu

"Someone came so soon?" baby-5 looked at the entrance of the hole with a look of surprise: "This breath... It's quite strong!"

After a while, a man wearing a mask appeared in the sight of Sun Wukong and the others.The terrifying aura emanated from his body, which was terrifying!Just relying on the breath, you can sense the strength of the coming person is definitely very powerful.

"Stay long..." Sun Wukong recognized his identity when he saw the person: "Isn't it a gt robot? It seems that the plot has changed a lot because of me!"

When Stajiu saw Sun Wukong and his party, he was obviously a little surprised. Maybe he didn't expect someone to come here in front of him.

Just when his eyes stopped on Caijing Pterosaur, a terrifying aura burst out instantly, which made Tina scream "Yah", and immediately fell to the ground with a small camera in his hand. It rolled directly to the ground, and then fell into the water with a thud, but she still didn't know it!Because it has been frightened by the terrible breath.

"Yo!" The Caijing Winglong, who was lying prone on the ground, suddenly stood up and glared at Stajiu, who was instantly hostile. The terrifying aura fluctuation was that even Stajiu's color changed slightly, as if he was facing a great enemy!

It was docile and lazy just a moment ago, but at this moment it all turned into a terrifying beast in an instant!There was a bloody smell in the roar!It can be seen how terrifying its killing aura is!

If it weren't for Sun Wukong's consent, Caijing Winglong would have rudely attacked Stajiu!

"Hey! Take your annoying breath back to the old lady! Otherwise, the old lady will let the dog bite people..." baby-5 stepped forward and blocked Tina's face, watching the aura suddenly become violent The masked man's tone was very unpleasant.

She could tell at a glance that the other party was obviously moved after seeing Caijing Pterosaur, otherwise the fluctuation of breath could not be so big.In other words, the other party recognized the true identity of Caijing Pterosaur at a glance, and its identity is obviously not simple.

"I'm so sorry, I lost my temper..." Stajiu looked at Sun Wukong for a while, and apologized indifferently.He restrained his breath, and at the same time was very shocked: "Is this really just a young Caijing Pterosaur? I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to win, right? How terrifying would it be if it were an adult Caijing Pterosaur?"

"I knew that I had controlled the gt robot to come, otherwise I could test their true strength without any scruples..." Starjiu regretted a little.

There is no threat from the baby-5 and them, but the reason why Stajiu dare not take action is because of Sun Wukong. He could not sense the slightest fluctuation of aura from Sun Wukong. There is no fear or jealousy. It seems that Just like a normal person!

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