But if it is an ordinary person, why does Caijing Winglong always glance at Sun Wukong from the corner of his eyes, this is obviously to get Sun Wukong's attack instructions!

He is very clear about the ferocity of Caijing Pterosaur!That's really a murderous name!However, these fierce beasts are so obedient in front of Sun Wukong that they dare not overstep the slightest!How could such a person be an ordinary person?Since it is not ordinary, it is terrifying!

"It's no wonder that the president of Igo didn't dare to do it easily... This feels really bad... At least a character on the same level as the BOSS? It seems that it is not easy to obtain Caijing Pterosaur... What When did such a number one person appear again? Why have I never heard of it?" At this moment, Stajiu's heart seemed very solemn.

"Why, are you very interested in Caijing Winglong? I want to test our strength, okay, I promise not to kill you!" Sun Wukong looked at Stajiu with a light smile, naturally he could see it at a glance What this guy thought in his heart, he waved his hand at Caijing Pterosaur at will!


Seeing Sun Wukong's gesture, Caijing Winglong's long-suppressed terrifying aura finally burst out!If Caijing Pterosaur could speak, it would definitely yell at this moment, 'What the heck, I dared to attack my mother's idea, I won't kill you'!

The terrifying aura swept through like a hurricane, making Destajiu's complexion change greatly!Just wearing a mask, no one can see it!

Immediately, a stream of light flashed, and Stajiu only had time to use his hands to run the bar in front of him, when he felt a tear-like pain in his arm, he immediately stepped back, looked down, and there was actually a three-dimensional appearance in his second-hand arm. Blood-red claw marks!

"What sharp claws!" Star Jiu's heart was very solemn, and he didn't want to do it because of fear, but he didn't want to, the other party seemed to see through what he was thinking?Now that you have started, there is no reason to back down.Facing Caijing Pterosaur, he did not dare to have the slightest carelessness, and the terrifying aura unreservedly radiated out!He clenched his fists and punched Caijing Pterosaur's neck with his bare hands!

It's just that Stajiu's fist passed directly through Caijing Pterosaur's body, and he couldn't help but be surprised: "Afterimage?!"

However, he couldn't hold back the momentum, and he punched the wall behind him with a punch...

There was a loud 'bang' sound, the imaginary rocks were cracked, and the cave collapsed did not appear. Starjiu punched the cave wall, except for the loud noise, but not even a trace of dust was startled. Come!

His punch didn't seem to hit the wall of the cave, but on the wall of fine steel, and there was a faint pain in his fist!This made Stajiu's complexion change greatly!Really shocked!When did this cave wall become so solid?

But the girls all glanced at Sun Wukong. Obviously, they knew very well that this must be the masterpiece of Sun Wukong. They didn't want the battle between Caijing Winglong and Stajiu to cause the cave here to collapse!

"Come, come! Keya, don't patronize the show, cook the puffer whales quickly, let's eat while watching!" Sun Wukong waved his hand lightly, and a dining table and a few chairs appeared!Then he hugged Bai Xing and sat up directly!

"There is something to eat, and there are dramas to watch! It's great!" baby-5 and Jenny Bonny sat next to Sun Wukong, and they also admired the battle between Stajiu and Caijing Pterosaur!

"Hey! You guys are like this...isn't it right?" Tina looked at Sun Wukong and the others with a cold sweat, and there was a fierce battle beside them!Are you just sitting there watching the show?Aren't you afraid of being affected?Do you want to be so stupid!Also, where did that table and bench come from?

"Okay, Tina, don't talk nonsense, come and sit too! In this kind of place, not only can we eat puffer whales, but also people perform for us, it's really good!" baby-5 smiled slightly, facing Tina waved.

"Performance? That's obviously fighting, right?" Tina didn't know what to say for a while.She felt as if she couldn't keep up with Sun Wukong and their rhythm.

And Star Jiu, who was entangled with Caijing Winglong from time to time, turned completely dark...

Chapter [-] This is a funny show

"It seems that I have been completely despised!"

Stajiu once again dodged the claws of Caijing Pterosaur and pulled back!The breath all over his body became more violent and terrifying: "Then let me tell you... underestimate my words! But there will be a price!"

Saying that, the muscles of the whole body swelled and bulged rapidly, the long black hair fluttered all over the head, and the burly body looked extremely domineering: "If this is the case, let me measure the ability of you to be so arrogant!"

Saying that, the figure flashed, and the fist containing the terrifying force was bombarding the Caijing Pterosaur with a punch!

It's just that his speed is fast, Caijing Pterosaur's speed is faster than him, his wings are shaken, but he dodges away in an instant!

However, Stajiu seemed to have long expected that Caijing Winglong could dodge. In an instant, he twisted his body and punched again to the left. With a loud bang, Caijing Winglong just dodged and appeared, then It was hit hard by this punch, and the body flew out directly, hitting the wall of the cave fiercely!

But apart from the roar, the walls of the cave are still unscathed!

"Are you protected by any ability?" Star Jiu thought, and looked at Sun Wukong and the others from the corner of his eyes, his heart was very solemn!Being able to silently make the cave wall so solid, the strength is naturally not to be underestimated!

Stajiu just wanted to measure the strength of Sun Wukong.But suddenly there was a strong wind coming from behind!Before he had time to dodge, a huge force of fear came from his back!

A mouthful of blood spurted out, Starjiu's body directly rubbed the ground and hit the wall of the cave, and another mouthful of blood spurted out, stopping his figure!

"It's so fast... It's too late to dodge..." Stajiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up, and looked at the Caijing Pterosaur in front of him with a dignified expression, full of shock: "This is really just a child's Caijing. Crystal Wing Dragon? Strength, speed, I am afraid they are already the top in this world..."

"Xiaojing, come on! This place has been protected by an enchantment, so play to your heart's content! If you win, I'll eat less of your meat!" Jenny Bonney took a bite of the barbecued meat in her hand, He shouted loudly to Caijing Pterosaur.

"Yo!" When Caijing Pterosaur heard this, he let out a loud chirping sound, and his gaze towards Stajiu became more and more vicious!The terrifying aura emanated without reservation!The stones that shook the ground rolled up!

With a shock of wings, it instantly turned into a streamer and attacked Stajiu!

The speed of the Caijing Pterosaur is already as fast as lightning, and the huge size has been reduced, making it more convenient to move!The strength can be described as not decreasing but increasing!

The speed of the straight-line attack is simply not something that Stajiu can avoid!But since you can't avoid it, don't dodge it!In this small cave, Stajiu discovered his advantage in just an instant!

As long as he understands Caijing Pterosaur's attack intention, he will move sideways at first!Hearing a loud bang, the Caijing Pterodactyl did not attack, but instead slammed into the wall of the cave.

The place is too small and the speed is too fast, it simply can't hold back the momentum, so it hits the wall of the cave like this!If it was an ordinary cave wall, it would be fine, but the cave wall here was strengthened by Sun Wukong's magical powers, so it is invincible!

Hit it with extreme speed, the consequences can be imagined!The Caijing Pterosaur is covered with crystal scales all over its body, and its defense is terrifying, but its only weakness is its head!This head collided, and just this one time, it was already dizzy after being hit!There is no time for this, and it seems that it cannot be slowed down.

This dramatic scene, seeing the baby-5, they are stunned.Jenny Bonney covered her eyes with her hands, and was speechless: "This is a life saved, wouldn't it be Alzheimer's? It knocked itself unconscious... This IQ... Hey!"

"The environment is restrained, and it is stimulated by your language... This is a mistake, and even I am a little surprised!" Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly, Caijing Winglong knocked himself unconscious, and even he felt very Accident.

But this also shows that Caijing Pterosaur's IQ is really not good!

"Hmph! Now, you are still in the mood to joke! You really don't take me seriously!" Stajiu was extremely angry at the attitude of Sun Wukong and the others who had been ignoring him!The blue veins on the fist bulge, and the ground under the foot is a punch to Sun Wukong!

There was a loud bang, like the sound of bones breaking!This was not the sound of the attack, but when Stajiu rushed halfway, he suddenly bumped his head into an invisible space barrier!

It was as if the whole person was lying on a glass door, it was ecstasy!

With an angry shot, Star Jiu naturally didn't keep his hand at all, but the impact was even more fierce!

Bowing down to cover the bridge of his bloody nose, at this moment, Stajiu looks extremely embarrassed, and his face is even more black and terrifying!This time I lost face to my grandma's house.

"Haha~~ I'm dying of laughter! I'm dying of laughter! Haha~~ Are you all a joker invited by monkeys? Haha~~" Jenny Bonney immediately laughed without image.Even Sun Wukong's occasional words were spoken by her.

"There are lessons from Xiaojing's past, but you even hit it head-on! Is it harder than anyone's head? Haha~~ I know, you are performing a funny show, right? Haha~~" baby— 5 Leaning on Sun Wukong's body, he also laughed out loud regardless of his image.

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