"That's my fault! I thought you were just a few ignorant little devils! I didn't expect you to be a great person! If you're not serious, you might be killed!" Jiro smiled slightly. At this moment, I was still in the mood to joke.

The muscle on the right arm just fell with his words, and it swelled and bulged: "Then, let's try this old man first! Don't be killed with one move!"

As he said that, Jiro was bombarded with a punch: "Rising wolf! Black Beer Flying Fist!"

With Jiro's punch, the terrifying punch turned into a ferocious wolf's head and dragged its long light tail towards the baby-5 bite!

"This blow is really not trivial!" Baby-5 looked serious, and the right hand that turned into a magic sword slashed down at the wolf head that was biting ahead!

The terrifying demonic energy instantly turned into a two-finger-wide sword energy and slashed down!

Don't look at this as a sword that is as wide as two fingers, but its sharpness can easily cut gold and jade!

With a puff, the wolf head exuding terrifying and fierce flames was slashed by this tiny sword energy, and it split into two in an instant!

The sword energy remains unabated!

The wolf's head for a minute and a half did not stop!Instead, it turned into two streams of light that flew from the left and right sides of baby-5 in an instant, hitting the cave wall behind!

Boom boom boom!The whole cave shook violently!But because of the enchantment protection of Sun Wukong!So this small ordinary cave is still safe and sound!Not even a pebble was shaken off!

At the same time, the sword qi that slashed down, while slicing Jiro's black beer flying fist in half, slashed towards Jiro at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye in the blink of an eye!

In this instant, Jiro's pupils shrank!The terrifying crisis came, making the pores all over his body stand up!He felt that if he didn't avoid this sword energy, he might even be cut in half!

There was no time to think about what happened in the blink of an eye. A little under Jiro's feet, his figure was dodging to the left like a teleportation!

It's just that the sword qi fell in the air and slashed on the ground and the cave wall behind it. At the same time as a harsh roar broke out, the sword qi actually exploded directly!It instantly turned into a small rain of swords that filled the sky, rushing out in all directions!

Jiro's complexion suddenly changed greatly!This small cave space is simply unavoidable!With the sound of 'puchi', countless blood holes were pierced through his burly body!Like a leaking sand bucket, blood shot out from all over his body!

It looked so miserable!It's just that the vital parts such as the head and the heart are protected by him, and they haven't been hurt in the slightest!

It was just this moment of trauma that still made Jiro short of breath and fell to the ground on one knee!Motivating the gourmet cells in the body and wanting to recover from their own injuries is a horrifying discovery!His gourmet cells actually failed!No matter how hard he tried, the wounds on his body could not be recovered!

The face was finally replaced by shock: "What's going on? The wound seems to be restrained by some force... It can't be recovered! What kind of force is this? It can actually suppress my gourmet cells?!"

"Don't waste your energy, the wound cut by the magic sword can't be easily healed!" Baby-5 looked at Jiro's shocked face, and kindly reminded: "Unless you get rid of those remaining in your body. Demonic energy, otherwise the wound will not only not recover, but will worsen even more, until it erodes your entire body! At that time, let alone the body, even the soul will be eroded together, and the gods will be hard to save! "

"Demon qi? It's really a terrifying power! Even my gourmet cells have been completely suppressed..." Jiro's face moved, he really sensed that his body cells were being eroded by the so-called magic qi. !If it is not resolved, in the long run, even his gourmet cells will be completely swallowed up, and at that time, his consciousness and even his soul will be swallowed!Then die in the pain of the devil's heart and soul!

The demonic energy on the magic sword is precisely because of such terrifying attributes, so Sun Wukong did not remove this demonic energy, but strengthened it with a trace of his own divine power, so that it produced a divine substance and possessed divine nature. The demonic energy of matter has become even more terrifying!The body of a mortal is simply powerless to resist!

Jiro tried his best to suppress the demonic energy in his body, but his power was not a dimension compared to Sun Wukong's divine power, so how could he resist it?His face became more and more ugly, and in the end, in desperation, he turned his head to look at Sun Wukong: "Well, we have no grievances and no grudges! It's okay to make a move, there's no need to fight to the death, right? Is there a way to kill my body? The devil's qi is cleared? I admit it to the old man!"

Obviously, Jiro has also sensed that the remaining demonic energy in his body is not something he can resist, so he simply admits defeat!Anyway, Sun Wukong and others don't look like bad guys.Everyone has no grudges, there is no need to fight to the death!

Otherwise, even if he wins, he may not escape bad luck!That being the case, on the premise that everyone has not yet formed revenge, just wave your hand, that's it!You can't lose your life in vain because of a momentary win or loss!

If it is a last resort, Jiro doesn't care about fighting for his life, but now there is no need for that!

Chapter [-] Death

"It's really boring, I thought I could have fun!" baby-5 pouted in dissatisfaction.The right hand that turned into a magic sword returned to normal, the sharp sword energy subsided, and in an instant, she turned into a harmless and beautiful woman!

Hearing baby-5's unpleasant whisper, Jiro's heart was also a little not poor: "If this place is too small, how could this old man be attacked by you so easily..." Losing to such a little girl Baby, it made Jiro a little worried, and at the same time a little dissatisfied.He is confident that if he is in a wide place, it is absolutely impossible for Baby-5 to hurt him so easily.

It's just that he loses, and there is no reason to say it, but fortunately, he also learned about some of the limitations of baby-5 and Jenny Bonny's ability, and he can be regarded as a gain and a little comfort in his heart.

You can't get too close to fight with Jenny Bonny; while fighting against baby-5, you can't get hurt, and you can only die if you get hurt!Because of the erosion of that demonic energy, even he can't do anything about it!

As long as he knows this, Jiro is confident that next time he competes with them, he will not lose!

He believes that the reason why Staju lost to Jenny Bonney was because of her lack of understanding of her abilities.

And the reason why he lost to baby-5 was because he didn't understand the opponent's ability. Once he knew the opponent's ability, he could naturally deal with it, and it was impossible to be hit so easily.

"Well, can the remaining demonic energy in my body be removed? If I slow down, I won't be able to hold on anymore!" Jiro looked at Baby-5, who had put away his fighting stance, but ignored him. Meaning, could not help but kindly reminded.

Because that demonic energy is simply too domineering, rampaging all the way, swallowing and destroying the cells in his body, even if he tried his best, he could only delay the speed effect a little bit, and was completely powerless to stop it.

"You old man is really troublesome..." baby-5 pouted, turned his head to look at Sun Wukong, and asked him if he wanted to spare Jiro's life.

Sun Wukong glanced at Jiro. Although the old man also coveted the meat of Caijing Pterosaur, he did not have evil thoughts in his heart like Stajiu.And people say that he is one of the legendary three people in this world, and he nodded his head because he still has a little effect.

With the consent of Sun Wukong, baby-5 immediately made a light move, and the blood-colored mist spread out from all parts of Jiro's body and disappeared in the air. The fusion of baby-5 and the magic sword naturally can easily control the magic sword and the magic energy on the magic sword.

"Huh~~ What a terrifying power! Even the old man is helpless!" As soon as the demonic energy was cleared, Jiro breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he clearly felt his death!It can be seen how terrible the magic is!

At the moment, I was very grateful and hugged Sun Wukong and the baby-5 people: "Thank you for your mercy! The little old man thinks he has read all over the world, but he still doesn't know that there are still people like you in this world. Character, I'm really ashamed!"

Baby-5 pouted at the moment, we are not people in this world, it would be really strange if you knew.

"Well, old man, I'm going to catch a few puffer whales and have a taste. You guys are busy with you, and I don't exist!" Jiro saw that Sun Wukong and the others didn't seem to like him very much, so a Mencius plunged into the pool. Among them, let's catch puffer whales!

There was no way, because facing Sun Wukong, he felt that his whole body was restrained. That feeling was very depressing, so he had to choose to leave...

"Let's leave too! There are always people disturbing this kind of place, and it's not safe to eat..." Sun Wukong stood up, looked at the three figures that appeared at the entrance of the cave, put away the table and chairs, and looked at the women indifferently. the way.

"It's them!" As soon as Alu saw Sun Wukong and the others, his complexion couldn't help changing, and he was like a great enemy in an instant!He looked straight at Jenny Bonney with a look of vigilance.He will never forget the horrific scene of being 'snap-killed' by Jenny Bonney yesterday.

"I can really meet you everywhere!" Jenny Bonney looked at the three of Alu with some surprise, and said with a playful expression: "What. Looking at your posture, do you still want to fight us?"

"You took the rainbow fruit tree! Even if you don't hand over the fruit tree, give me a rainbow fruit to taste!" When Alu mentioned the rainbow fruit, his saliva was drooling.

"Mr. Alu! Didn't the president already tell us? Don't provoke this group of people!" Komatsu grabbed Alu with a look of fear on the side, for fear that this guy would be hot and go grab it. What a rainbow fruit.

"Death...death! A dead appearance appeared on the top of Alu's head! No, even Komatsu appeared...I...Me too!" Coco's complexion suddenly changed, and his figure flashed, directly blocking Alu's In front: "Alu, don't mess around! We can't afford to offend this group of people, and we must not shoot at them!"

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