"I didn't think about making a move! I just wanted to ask for a rainbow fruit to try!" Alu still drooled.

"There are a lot of rainbow fruits, but I won't give them to you!" Sun Wukong looked at Alu with a flat face, his thoughts moved, and he disappeared here with Keya and a few girls!

"No... gone!" Komatsu stared at the scene in front of him, his eyes widened in surprise.Even Alu was shocked.

Only Coco wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief: "The death aspect has disappeared... It's really scary! It's just a little bit of hostility..."

"Coco, did you really see our death just now?" Alu looked towards Coco with a serious face.

"En!" Coco nodded seriously and asked, "Are they the ones who took away the rainbow fruit tree in front of Dad?"

"Well! Dad said that the man was terrible, and he couldn't even see the depth! Because of the rainbow fruit thing, I couldn't hold back for a while, and exuded a little hostility! Fortunately, you stopped me in time, otherwise It's really dangerous!" Alu nodded very seriously, not to mention how terrifying Sun Wukong was, just being Jenny Bonny made him powerless to resist.

The current Alu is still very weak!

There was a clatter of water, and in the pool, Jiro dragged a bag of puffer whales ashore, looked at the three of Alu, and smiled lightly: "Fortunately, you didn't show real hostility, otherwise you really have to explain it in Here! I advise you, if you encounter them in the future, avoid them as far as possible, because they are very dangerous..."

Saying that, Jiro ignored the surprised expressions of the three of Alu, carried the puffer whale, drank the wine, and left...

Chapter [-] I'm in a good mood today

Seeing the back of Jiro leaving, Alu and the others looked surprised.

"Is that the old man Jiro?" Alu tilted his head and looked at Coco with a questioning look on his face.

"We rushed here at the first time. Apart from the few people who suddenly disappeared, the only person we saw was this old man..." Coco nodded and said, "Listen to him. The tone seems to have played against that group of people, so it is not difficult to guess that the previous acupuncture technique should come from the hand of the acupuncture expert Jiro!"

"But there is no trace of fighting here!" Alu looked around the cave, leaving no trace of fighting, so he couldn't help but be very puzzled.

"Forget about the rest, let's catch a few puffer whales and get out of here! It always feels weird here..." Coco waved his hand, took off his clothes and jumped directly into the pool...

And Sun Wukong moved in an instant and appeared at Tina's house with a few girls.

Looking at the familiar furnishings in the room, Tina's eyes widened in surprise: "This...this is my home? No way! Go home with a 'whoosh'? Are you guys or ghosts?"

"It's just 'teleportation', are you too timid? It scares you!" baby-5 looked at Tina and rolled her eyes.

"Teleportation? Is that the 'space transfer' skill that only appears in novels?" Tina asked curiously with wide eyes.

"You can understand that!" Baby-5 nodded and looked at Tina with a look of helplessness: "It's all the same name, why is the gap so big!"

"Wow! It turns out that the legendary skill really exists!" Tina suddenly became excited, looking at Sun Wukong, her eyes began to light up: "Well, can you use it once and let me shoot the whole process? Come down! This is definitely super bowl news!"

Sun Wukong glanced at Tina, didn't bother to pay attention to this 'neuropathy', turned to Keya and said, "Hurry up and cook the puffer whale..."

"That's right! This trip is really twists and turns!" Keya smiled and took out the remaining nine puffer whales from the space ring: "The first one failed because of Jiro's 'big burrow', The remaining nine can't be wasted..." Having said that, Ke Ya began to dissect the poisonous worm very seriously this time...

"You can't miss this scene, it has to be recorded all the way!" Tina hurriedly ran into her room, took out the camera, and started filming again...

Without the interference of the outside world, the matter of taking the poisonous worms is not difficult for Keya. She carefully slashed a few knives on the body of the puffer whale, and the poisonous worms inside appeared immediately...

When Keya removed the poisonous barn, the flesh color of the puffer whale instantly became golden, dazzling like gold!The fragrant smell makes people drool all of a sudden...

"It's amazing... Once the poisonous beetle is removed, it becomes so dazzling! It's an incredible ingredient!" Jenny Bonney kept saliva indifferently, grabbed the whole puffer whale, and handed it over to the In front of Sun Wukong: "Wukong, try it first!"

"Look at your greedy image, you should eat it yourself!" Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly, looking at Jenny Bonny's drooling appearance.

"Then I'll start it rudely!" That's what Jenny Bonney was waiting for!As soon as Sun Wukong's words fell, he unceremoniously took a bite!A pair of eyes closed slightly immediately, with a look of enjoyment on his face: "It's really great... This fat is so delicious, the more you chew, the more flavorful it becomes... Ah! I can't stop... I feel more and more cuddly. full……"

"Is it really that delicious?" Jenny Bonney made baby-5 a little greedy. Since it was ready to use as long as the poisonous worms were removed, she immediately picked up a puffer whale and turned her fingers into a handful of With a sharp knife, he carefully cut open the belly of the fish and took out the poisonous scorpion. The whole puffer whale instantly turned golden and gleaming!

Baby-5 is much more considerate than Jenny Bonny, brought a plate, and with a swipe, cut the whole puffer whale into sashimi and put it on the plate, and came to Sun Wukong's side, He picked up a piece of sashimi and sent it to Sun Wukong's mouth: "Wukong, come, you eat first..."

"Let's eat together! Tina, don't think about filming all the time, let's try it together!" Sun Wukong nodded, greeted, and ate the sashimi that Baby-5 put in front of his mouth. In his mouth, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"It's really good, it really didn't go in vain!" Sun Wukong nodded with satisfaction, and with a big wave, hundreds of puffer whales filled the whole room, and Jenny Bonney on the side suddenly lit up. He became extremely excited: "Wow! Didn't we say we would only catch ten? Wukong, what's the situation? You are so powerful!"

Having said that, he directly grabbed a dozen of them and handed them to Keya...

Although Jenny Bonnie's strength is great, she is a woman with thick hands and feet, and she is still incompetent for this delicate work of catching poisonous worms!

Keya smiled slightly. With her first experience, she became more and more proficient in her technique, but after a short while, the poisonous worm was removed. Jenny Bonney immediately grabbed it and threw the whole golden puffer whale into her mouth. In, eating like that is called a heroic!

So Keya didn't rush to eat first, but started to serve Sun Wukong and Jenny Bonny. Every time she removed the poisonous bite of a puffer whale, she was either killed by Sun Wukong or Jenny Bonny. stutter...

At this speed, Tina, who was watching from the side, was stunned, but within ten minutes, hundreds of puffer whales were basically eaten by these two foodies...

There are only a dozen pieces left for Keya and the others to slowly taste...

"It's really cool, this world is really my food! Wukong, you must give me the world origin beads of this world in the future! Who dares to argue with me, who am I in a hurry!" Jenny Bonney Turning over from the floor and laying his body on Sun Wukong's body, he first assigned the ownership of the Origin Pearl of this world.

"No problem!" Sun Wukong agreed without hesitation, this world is indeed quite suitable for Jenny Bonny's foodie.

"Haha! The old lady really didn't choose the wrong person! Go, I'm in a good mood today, let's go to the old lady..." Jenny Bonney laughed and dragged Sun Wukong to the room...

The baby-5 girls on the side heard it, and her head was covered with black lines, and even Keya couldn't help but spit out her groove: "Jenny, do you want to be so sturdy? Can you be more reserved?"

Chapter [-] Reaction to the Food Meeting

"Reserved? The old lady has never been involved with that thing!" Jenny Bonney said this again, very sturdy, and continued to drag Sun Wukong into the room.

She is so excited!The whole world of food is simply the world she dreams of!Sun Wukong said that he would give it to her, can she not be excited!In her words, this is a long-term meal ticket that she can't finish in her whole life!

"Cough cough~~ Then what, will this matter wait until it gets dark?" Sun Wukong looked at Jenny Bonney with a speechless expression.The sturdiness of this girl was too much for him to bear.

"No! I'm not shy, why are you shy?" Jenny Bonney said, dragging Sun Wukong into the room very sturdy, and then closed the door with a bang...

Keya immediately covered her face with her hands, speechless for a while!

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