As for Tina, who was stunned by Jenny Bonney's agility, she was stunned: "This... what's the situation? The changes are so fast that I can't turn around..." After a moment of silence, Tina Na looked at the closed door, and suddenly exclaimed: "Oh? No! That's my room!"


The food meeting, in the dimly lit hall, Sanhu looked at Stajiu, who was lying in front of him with atrophied muscles and nearly cut-off vitality, the surprise in his eyes flashed: "Even you have become so embarrassed? What kind of opponent did you meet?"

Saying that, he waved his hand, and an old man shrouded in black robes came over with a food cart from a dining car, opened the lid, and the scent of various delicacies suddenly wafted in every corner of the hall!Even if you just smell the wafting aroma, the cells in your body become extremely active!Obviously, the ingredients on those plates are obviously not simple things...

He was getting old, as if Stajiu, who was dying in the wind, opened his eyes suddenly after smelling the wafting aroma, he actually struggled to get up, and walked towards the food at the table step by step, and then the wind swept the clouds. Gobbled like a wolf...

And as he ate, those dead cells seemed to be nourished by the rain, and gradually regained their vitality, and the dry muscles and skin gradually became full...

Until Starjiu ate all the food on the table, he miraculously recovered, and the terrifying breath spread!The whole body is emitting a dazzling light!The breath is stronger than before!

"After death, the food cells have evolved again... It seems that you have not suffered this disaster in vain!" Sanhu looked at Stajiu, his tone was still so calm and full of majesty.

Stajiu respectfully clasped his fists at Sanhu without saying anything of thanks, but Sanhu could feel Stajiu's gratitude for his life-saving grace!

"Now tell me what's going on!" Sanhu looked at Stajiu and said lightly.

"When I was capturing the puffer whale, I met the owner of the Caijing Pterosaur. Originally, I didn't plan to attack them, but the other party could actually read what I was thinking, so we had a conflict..."

"Oh? So, your injury was caused by the owner of the Caijing Pterosaur?" Sanhu looked at Stajiu, his tone was the same as usual, and he couldn't hear joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

"No, it was another woman next to him who was hurt... They seem to call that woman Jenny..." Stajiu frowned and explained, "Her ability is very strange, she seems to be able to control a person's age. The moment I played against her, she was turned into the same appearance as before, just for a moment! I became an old man who almost died of old age! Even my gourmet cells grew old and almost died together, Unable to recover..."

"It's only for a moment?!" Sanhu was also moved after hearing this!This ability sounds terrifying!

And Gu Linbaqi and others on the side were even more shocked and stared: "Stajujiu, are you joking? For a moment? If this is the case, who else is her opponent? And how did you escape? Come out? In the circumstances at that time, don't say I underestimate you, there is no possibility of escape at all, right?"

"Huh! Do you think I'll be joking?" Stajiu snorted dissatisfiedly, and said, "It was just luck at the time, and I happened to meet the acupuncture expert Jiro, and I took advantage of them to focus on Jiro. I just picked up the plane and escaped..."

"You mean... Jiro?" Sanhu's aura suddenly became extraordinarily terrifying, only to be taken back by him in an instant.But it still caused Gu Linbach and the others to wipe the cold sweat from their foreheads.

The reason why Sanhu was so out of his mind was because he suddenly remembered the terrifying fact that even he was instantly acupointed before!Not only was he acupuncture, but all creatures on the earth were acupuncture at the same time!And the earth really stopped its rotation!

The moment of terror that happened at that time, even he felt a burst of heart palpitations!

"Is it really what Jiro did? Did that guy fight the master of Caijing Pterosaur? It's just that Jiro's strength can't be underestimated... but it's not so scary that even I can be separated by such a long distance. "Sanhu's heart was extremely shaken, and he was very puzzled why Jiro's strength suddenly became so terrifying?

The reason why he didn't think it was Sun Wukong was because 'big acupuncture' or 'vast anesthesia' was Jiro's trick, and the person who thought of it was Jiro.

"It should have been a fight... At that time, my situation was very bad, and I was hit with the 'big acupuncture' twice, especially the second time, so that I didn't even have the ability to cancel the 'self-feeding', if it wasn't for Gu Limbach and the others arrived in time, I'm afraid I really have to explain where..." Starjiu looked calm at the moment, but he didn't have any fear at all about the dangerous situation at that time.This mental quality is really hard enough.

"Jiro...Beast Erlang! Could this guy have surpassed me and Yilong before he knew it?" Sanhu's heart was extremely solemn, and the 'big burrow' that even he was burrowed and couldn't move. , making him wary of Jiro!

If Oolong hadn't personally verified it, he would have been misunderstood all the time!

"The previous acupuncture was really scary, but there are ways to avoid it... Let's talk about the woman who can make people old! If we don't understand that ability, we will only be killed in seconds if we encounter it. Your share!" Gu Linbaqi said solemnly.

"It's really troublesome..." Sanhu also frowned at the moment, and looked at Stajiu: "You played against her, didn't you find anything?"

"Yes, it seems that as long as you stay away from her, you won't be attacked... But this is just my guess, there is no actual proof..."

Chapter [-] Don't Believe

"Is there a certain distance..." Sanhu was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about something, and said lightly: "As long as you know this, it will be much easier! Look for opportunities to confirm... Caijing Pterosaur , this long-extinct fantasy ingredient is not far from god, and since it has already appeared, it must not be missed! Go! Act according to chance, and you must get it at all costs!"

"Understood!" Stajiu took a step forward with a terrifying breath: "This time, I will definitely not lose easily! But before that, I have to find ingredients that can completely restore my food cells. Row……"

Although Starjiu's gourmet cells have evolved and their strength has risen sharply, they have withered too seriously before, and there are hidden dangers that must be completely eradicated!He must be looking for other precious ingredients to perfectly restore the vitality of his gourmet cells.

"Aren't you in charge of capturing the Ligaru Mammoth..." Gu Linbach glanced at the hunchbacked and hunched old man in the black robe, and asked, "The gem meat it produces is a rare and precious ingredient. What!" After speaking, he looked at Stajiu again: "It should have some effect on the recovery of your food cells, right? Why don't you go there yourself, Stajiu..."

"Is Ligaru a mammoth..." Stajiu muttered to himself and looked at the old man: "How are your arrangements?"

"I was going to send three gt robots, but because of your business, there was a delay..."

"That is to say, haven't set off yet... Well, let me walk and lie down this time!" Star long nodded, but the gem meat was something urgently needed for him now.

"Go in person? That's not right! If you meet that group of people again, it will be a little troublesome... I think you should control a gt robot to go..." The black-robed old man said lightly.

"GT robot? Do you think that woman's ability is effective for GT robot?" Domino's eyes lit up and said.

"The gt robot? Maybe it can avoid her ability..." Stajiu pondered for a while, then shook his head again: "But even so, with the gt robot alone, it is impossible to defeat her..."

"I'll be with you this time too! I'm very curious about the characters who can almost kill you!" Gu Linbach had a lazy look on his face, but his eyes showed a strong light of interest.

"Whatever you want..." Stajiu's face was flat, with one more person and one more helper. He also understood that it might not be that simple to capture the gem meat this time.

"If you two deputy chefs go with you, there will be no problem, but I suggest that you still control the gt robot to go, in that case, if you have the opportunity, you can test their abilities without any scruples. It's gone!"

"Then this matter is left to you, all I need is the result..." Sanhu dropped such a sentence, turned and left.

This is the advantage of being the boss!The boss made the next sentence, as subordinates, you should do it with all your might!

Regardless of the fact that the food club is still carrying out the act of killing...

After Jiro caught the puffer whale, he immediately came to the place where Granny Jiunai lived, but he didn't want to, and Yilong was already waiting here.

"I knew that after capturing the puffer whale, you will definitely come to Jieno..." Yilongqi laughed when he saw Jiro entering the door.

"Are you here to ask about the 'big burrow' before?" Jiro was not surprised when he saw Yilong, and he was not surprised that such a big thing happened.

"So, you really did it?" Yilong's grinning face suddenly became extremely serious: "Did you... have found that thing? It actually increased your strength to this point! Even the old man is ignorant of it. Under the circumstance of love, you gave me a hole!"

"That thing? You mean god! If only it were so easy to obtain!" Jiro waved his hand.

"Could it be captured that Caijing Winglong?!" Hearing Jiro's words, Yilong's eyes lit up. Since it wasn't a god, then it was the legendary Caijing Winglong.

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