"That piece of meat is mine!" Xiaocao looked at her with a hostile look when Tina ate a bite of her own meat, not even in the mood to eat the marshmallow, and picked up the small one on the side. The potted plants were eagerly waiting for Tina.

However, Tina's face was blushing, as if she didn't realize it, countless beautiful images flashed in her mind, as if she had walked into the perfect dream she dreamed of, and it was difficult to wake up again: "It's so delicious! Even if I die, I have no regrets! "

"Forget it, Xiaocao, I have eaten everything, and my brother will cut a piece for you later!" Sun Wukong immediately put Xiaocao into his arms, rubbed her head, and comforted.

The Caijing Pterosaur outside listened, and his whole body suddenly trembled.If she could talk, she would have to yell 'Why is it always me who gets hurt! 'It is unfortunate to meet such a master. Originally, one piece of Caijing Pterosaur's meat is cut off, and it will not regenerate.

However, because of Sun Wukong's relationship, after cutting a piece of meat, the wound of Caijing Pterosaur can be restored immediately. Therefore, it has become a treasure house of food for Sun Wukong and others to move.

After listening to Sun Wukong's comfort, Xiaocao retreated into his arms and became quiet.

"But Tina, do you know how many megabytes you ate in that bite just now?" baby-5 looked at Tina with a playful expression.

"Miao?!" Tina was awakened from the state of ecstasy when she heard it. It seems that she is very sensitive to the word money!Mei Mu glared at the boss in an instant: "Is it so exaggerated? It's just one bite! Don't scare me!"

"Why do I scare you! Didn't you see that you regenerated food cells just by taking a bite? As a person in this world, you don't know what this means, right? How much do you think it is worth? Where's the money?" baby-5 said with a smile.

"This... is indeed a priceless treasure..." Tina recalled the delicious taste just now, her whole body began to soften again, and then her complexion began to turn pale again: "Well, shouldn't you ask me to pay it back? The whole person can't afford to sell it!"

"How come, we are not so stingy anymore! I just remind you how precious you are eating!" Baby-5 said: "Tell you, this is the meat of Caijing Pterosaur, the legendary The dreamy ingredients of the food, according to Wukong, is only a little bit worse than that of God..."

"God... it's not!" Tina was stunned, she naturally knew exactly what god represented.And is the meat she just ate just a little worse than god?Then she really doesn't know how many trillions she has eaten. No, it shouldn't be measured by money.

"Don't fool me! The flesh of Caijing Pterosaur is really comparable to the legendary god?" Tina's eyes widened, obviously not quite convinced.

Because of god, that is the main dish of the food god Acacia. Can the meat of this Caijing Pterosaur be compared with it?

"Ordinary Caijing Pterosaurs are naturally somewhat different from God, but this Caijing Pterosaur is the only one left in this world, and it has lived from ancient times to the present! And Caijing Pterosaur's meat is the same as Chen's. Like old wine, the longer it lives, the more delicious it will be! Compared with God, it is naturally not much different!" Sun Wukong explained briefly.

Yilong, Jiro, Sanhu and others have always believed that this Caijing Pterosaur was a cub cloned from genetic cells!If you let them know that this Caijing Pterosaur is a real Caijing Pterosaur from ancient times to the present, I am afraid they will not be able to sit back and watch!

"Okay, let's talk about this first! Hurry up and eat the rest, we'll set off immediately!" Sun Wukong looked at Tina and urged.

"Also... let's forget it! Such a precious thing... I... I can't afford it!" Tina looked at the almost transparent piece of meat in front of her with gem-like colors, swallowed her saliva, and wanted to eat it. dare not eat.This is a treasure that cannot be measured by money!One sip, even her life savings is far less than that!

"Eat all the food, do you still care about such a mouthful? Hurry up, stop the ink!" Baby-5 urged on the side.

Tina swallowed her saliva. Thinking about it, she couldn't resist the delicious temptation. She immediately picked up the knife and fork, and started eating again. For a while, the indecent whispers came out...

When the group came out of the candy house, Tina's face was all red, and she felt light when she walked!

Seeing Sun Wukong and others coming out, Caijing Winglong, who was lying on the ground, immediately stood up, but his front feet shook without a trace for a moment!

This moment of shaking is hard for ordinary people to notice, but how can it be concealed from Sun Wukong and others.

"Wukong, do you feel that something is wrong with Xiaojing since we caught the puffer whale?" Ke Ya looked at Sun Wukong and asked.

"I also feel that this guy seems to be listless... He's been lying on his stomach all day, and I haven't seen it move..." Jenny Bonney also frowned.

"From ancient times to the present, it has lived long enough, and its lifespan has come to an end! It seems that the deadline is approaching!" Sun Wukong glanced at Caijing Winglong and said lightly.

"The deadline is approaching? This can't be done! It must not die! Otherwise, we won't be able to eat its meat!" Jenny Bonney suddenly looked worried.

Caijing Pterosaur let out a low roar, and cast a resentful look at Jenny Bonny, and the light from the crystal scales dimmed again.

"Does it say that I'm just your food..." Abis translated aside.

"Hey~ I'm just joking, don't take it seriously!" Jenny Bonney rolled her eyes and said, "Anyway, after getting along for so long, I'm also feeling emotional."

But the girls all rolled their eyes at her: "Are you sure that's not what you mean?"

"..." Caijing Pterosaur also snorted.

Jenny Bonney immediately reported it with a smile.

Sun Wukong shook his head, waved his hand lightly, and the fluorescent light full of vitality shone on Caijing Pterosaur's body and merged into its body...

The listless Caijing Pterosaur instantly raised its head, emitting a loud chirping sound, and the sluggish aura instantly climbed to its peak, even if the clouds in the sky were surging rapidly!

At this moment, Caijing Winglong just recovered its original look!

Chapter [-] The Crisis of Alu

The previous Caijing Pterosaurs were not at their peak, and their lifespans were almost at the end of their lives.

Otherwise, as the ancient beast at the peak of this world, it is not only this ability!When he was fighting with Stajiu, he had already revealed something wrong, otherwise he would not have knocked himself out!

Even if Sun Wukong did not wake it up, it would die within two years of its slumber!

Now given the power of life by Sun Wukong, the Caijing Pterosaur has regained its vitality. Compared with the previous life force, it is like a different person, no, it should be a different beast!The crystal scales all over the body exudes a dazzling gem-colored luster, and it looks almost transparent!

It also exudes the aroma of mixed flavors. At this time, the crystal scales can be called the most delicious and versatile seasoning in the world!Even the most common ingredients, as long as you throw in a little bit of crystal scale powder, will become a rare delicacy in the world!

And under the light of this light, the eyes of Ke Yaji's girls are all hallucinations!However, after they followed Sun Wukong, they were no longer bewitched by this, and just shook their heads, which broke the illusion in front of them.

Only Tina's face was demented and her saliva was drooling. She looked very dumb and stupid!Then she became extremely angry again, and she didn't know what she saw!

This is the true posture of Caijing Pterosaur, even if you just look at her, you will be sucked into the illusion and cannot extricate yourself!When countless people captured Caijing Pterosaurs, most of them did not die in the hands of Caijing Pterosaurs, but in the cannibalism in that illusion!

Tina was lightly patted on the back by Sun Wukong before she woke up, and then glanced at Sun Wukong without a trace, her face a little unnatural: "F... What happened?"

Xiaocao put the small potted plant on her head, hugged Sun Wukong's thigh with both hands, looked at Tina, and shook her head: "You looked so stupid just now!"

Tina's pretty face immediately turned red!Sun Wukong shook his head, but saw Caijing Pterosaur suddenly lowered his head at this moment, and rubbed his head gently on Sun Wukong's body, his eyes were full of respect and gratitude!

In the past, it was only intimidated by the terrifying strength of Sun Wukong, so it was forced to surrender. Now it was saved by Sun Wukong. Instead of suffering from the end of life, it was really convinced by Sun Wukong's methods, and he really chose to surrender. There will be no betrayal.

"This guy's qi...has become much stronger! It's almost on par with the previous Jiro! It turned out that it was only Alzheimer's before that made him stunned! Now his posture is much more domineering... "..." Jenny Bonney looked at the heroic and terrifying Caijing Pterosaur at the moment, and nodded, her words suddenly changed again, and her saliva was flowing: "But it looks much more delicious!"

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