"Yo~" Caijing Pterosaur immediately murmured to Jenny Bonny and hid behind Sun Wukong.

Abis on the side immediately translated: "Didn't it say that you just ate it just now, and now you're eating it again!"

"But you look tastier now..." Jenny Bonney said with shining eyes.

"Okay, don't worry about eating for now, let's go and capture the gem meat!" Sun Wukong patted Caijing Pterosaur's head, the other party understood, and immediately bowed his head and lay prone on the ground.Sun Wukong rolled over and rode up.

The three little loli immediately followed and climbed up, the smallest Xiaocao nestled directly into Sun Wukong's arms, while Yue'er and Abis could only hug one arm on the left and one on the right.

"Okay, this gem meat is a wedding gift that Wukong prepared for me. I can't delay it. Then I will let you go first!" Jenny Bonny nodded, stepped a little, and rode directly on the Caijing Pterosaur's. on the back.The other girls followed suit.

"Candy shop... what to do..." Xiaocao pointed at the candy shop, a little reluctant.

"It's okay, my brother will take it back for you, and continue to eat when you go back!" Sun Wukong said, with a big wave of his hand, a candy house in Nuoda disappeared instantly.

Tina was stunned for a moment, with a look of shock on her face: "You...what did you do? Such a big candy house...how did it disappear all of a sudden? Where did you get it?"

"If there is a chance in the future, I will explain to you..." Sun Wukong replied lightly, the Caijing Pterosaur's wings shook, and instantly turned into a streamer and flew towards the sky!That speed, more than twice as fast as before!

Sure enough, the old posture can't be compared with the peak of integrity!

"Slow down, don't be so fast, it's good to enjoy the scenery along the road..."

Caijing Winglong listened to Sun Wukong's words, and then slowed down...

Along the way, I encountered a lot of interesting food...especially the huge mushroom forest, even Sun Wukong couldn't help but spit out a groove: "What a really evil forest!" Yaji girl turned into a big red face.

While playing, they were on their way, and it was not until the afternoon that everyone came to Ligaru Island.

But I saw Alu and his gang fighting against two gt robots!It just seemed to be coming to an end, Alu was knocked to the ground, and Coco was already on one knee, covered in scars, looking embarrassed, while Komatsu was hiding behind a rock, his face full of fear and anxiety!

There is also a woman with short men's hair, who has fallen into a pool of blood, with only a trace of vitality remaining...

"This situation... It doesn't appear in the original book... It seems that because of my relationship, a lot of changes have taken place!" Sun Wukong looked at the scene below and seemed a little surprised. When he looked at the two gt robots , and immediately saw through the true identities of the two: "Stajujiu and Gu Linbach, no wonder they are so miserable..."

"It's an acquaintance again! It looks like they've been abused badly! Wukong, do you want to help them?" Baby-5 looked at the Alu people below and turned to look at Sun Wukong.

"No, just look at it and talk about it!" Sun Wukong waved his hand lightly.

Stajiu controlled the gt robot and walked slowly to Alu, looking at him indifferently, with a very calm tone: "It seems that your self-feeding has reached the limit... It's a pity, if it was me before Controlling this gt robot may not be your opponent... This is really nostalgic. I was the same as you a few days ago. I used this trick and almost died... But I still survived, so the cells It has also evolved... Maybe if you can survive, you will be like me, and your strength will increase... Unfortunately, you don't have that chance..."

Saying that, Stajiu controlled the gt robot, and the sharp right claw stabbed ruthlessly towards Alu's heart...

Chapter Thirty-Three Ligaru Mammoths

It just stopped abruptly when it was close to the mouth of the heart. Starjiu was slightly taken aback, and he controlled the gt robot to increase the force to stab down, but only pierced the surface of the skin of Alu's heart. , it is no longer difficult to enter!

It turns out that there are countless hairs that are hard to see with the naked eye, entangling its arms, making the gt robot's hand difficult to pierce!

"Haha~~ The timing of my appearance this time is really perfect! Even I am moved by myself!" A voice sounded very narcissistic, and some mother's voices came from the sky, it turned out that Sani was in The moment of crisis arrived just in time.

"Sani..." Coco saw the arrival and rescued Alu, and his nervous mood suddenly relaxed a lot.At the same time, he said very solemnly: "Be careful, these two are gt robots of the food club, not simple things..."

"How could I underestimate the enemy if I can drive you to this point!" Sani looked at the gt robot controlled by Starjiu with a solemn expression, his expression suddenly changed.

I saw that the pointed and long mouth of the gt robot suddenly separated from the two sides, revealing the precise laser cannon inside, aiming at Alu!At the entrance of the cave, a laser is rapidly condensing!

With a 'chi' sound, it shot out, and at such a close distance, it is difficult for ordinary people to dodge it!Not to mention that Alu, who has been weakened to the extreme after using self-feeding at this moment!

But fortunately, Sani noticed it at the first time, controlled his hair, entangled Alu, and pulled his body directly out, but the speed was still not as fast as the speed of the laser emission, 'puchi' , The laser did not penetrate Alu's chest, but directly penetrated his left thigh!But fortunately, a life was saved!

"It's not dead, it's a big life!" Jenny Bonney pouted and said heartlessly.

"Anyway, he is also the protagonist of this world, how could he be killed by a supporting role so easily!" Sun Wukong smiled faintly.

"Protagonist? You said that the miserable guy who was abused is the protagonist of this world?" Jenny Bonney pointed at Alu, and said in surprise.

"Is the protagonist so frustrated? Is it too weak?" Baby-5 was also surprised.

"Then do you want to bet? In this case, I bet they will lose their lives!" Sun Wukong looked at the two daughters, but smiled slightly.

"I'm full? I bet you?" Jenny Bonney rolled a white glance at Sun Wukong, looked at the arena, and said in confusion, "But in this case, I really don't know what they're going to do. Only escaped this disaster! Could someone come out to save them again?"

"You'll know when you look at it!" Sun Wukong smiled slightly, and looked up at the mountain peak that was soaring into the clouds...

Well, this is not really a mountain, just the end of a plateau!And the Ligaru mammoth lives in that vast plateau!

"There is indeed a strong 'qi' that is getting closer and closer. Could it be that they will be saved by the thing above?" Yue'er looked up, and the soft voice was very pleasant.

Just as he finished speaking, he saw a huge black shadow falling from the sky!Abis widened her eyes immediately, full of shock: "Wow! Brother Wukong, a really big thing fell from above!"

The girls all looked up and showed their surprise. They saw that the sky was dark, and the clear sky was covered with a layer of shadows!It can be seen how huge the falling thing is.Along the way, there was also a loud neighing sound. Such a huge thing was actually an animal!

"Xiaojing, stay away, don't get hit..." Keya immediately patted the Caijing Pterosaur.

Caijing Pterosaur snorted softly, his wings shook, and instantly turned into a stream of light, appearing hundreds of meters away...

Looking at the smashed thing from a distance in the sky, the girls finally saw what it was!Xiaocao opened her mouth wide: "That's... an elephant, right? It's so big!"

"Cough cough~~" Sun Wukong suddenly coughed dryly when he heard it. He admitted that he was thinking crooked.

"It's not an elephant...it's a mammoth, which is the goal of our trip!" Sun Wukong rubbed Xiaocao's head and corrected.

"Is this the Ligaru Mammoth? I thought that only the sea kings had such a terrifying size. It turns out that the animals in this world are also so huge!" Baby-5 said with a look of admiration.

"Rescue?" Starjiu looked at Sani who had rescued Alu, his tone was flat, and he still had the chance to win: "But it's just an increase in casualties!"

As he said that, he crossed his palms, as if he was about to perform some nirvana!It's just that he suddenly felt something, and when he looked up, he saw the giant shadow covering the sky falling towards them!

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