"This... this is!" Rao Shistajiu was also shocked.That also took care of Alu and the others. Controlling the gt robot, he jumped up and turned back to the ground. His sharp hands were spinning rapidly, and he actually got into the ground in an instant!

"This gt robot can't take such a big thing down!" Gu Linbaqi murmured, and plunged into the ground!

And Sani also used his hair to open a big hole in the cliff, the hair stretched out, wrapped around Alu, Rin and others, and got in!

After a while, a terrifying roar was heard, and the earth shook violently!For a time, the gravel was pierced, and the sand and stone splashed!The Ligaru Mammoth smashed a terrifying pit directly on the ground!

But it shook its head, shook its body, stood up as if nothing, roared up to the sky, and walked along the road with heavy and booming steps...

"This mammoth didn't hesitate to fall from such a high place, it seems to be looking for something?" Ke Ya looked at Sun Wukong, she knew that Sun Wukong could answer her question.

"Igo's people kidnapped its cub, it is naturally looking for its own child..." Sun Wukong said lightly.

"Even a beast has such a great maternal love... Well, Wukong, we took the 'jewel meat' from her body, so she won't be in danger, right?" Jenny Bonney, with a thick line, was moved at this moment. .

"No, the gem meat is taken away, and new ones will grow in a few decades!"

"Is that so? Wouldn't there be gem meat for every meal from now on?" Jenny Bonney's eyes brightened again in an instant.

"Brother Wukong, if you guys are chatting, the mammoth will go away..." Yue'er pointed at the mammoth that was getting further and further away and reminded.

"Don't worry, you can't run far!" Sun Wukong smiled slightly.Caijing Pterosaur understood, his wings shook, and he was instantly blocked in front of Ligaru Mammoth.

And the two gt robots also drilled out of the ground at the same time, but when they saw Sun Wukong and the others, one of them was obviously stunned...

Chapter [-] Timid and Fear

"That strange dragon can't be..."

Gu Linbaqi obviously noticed the strangeness of Stajiu, and when he looked at the Caijing Winglong under Sun Wukong and the others, he was obviously surprised.

"Be careful, it's them... I have a hunch that maybe I'll run into them this time, so I want to make a quick decision and capture the gem meat before they arrive. I don't want to, I'd better take a step..." His tone was very solemn, and the black energy emanating from the gt robot became more and more intense.

"Oh! It's really them!" Gu Linbaqi looked at Sun Wukong and the others with great interest, his eyes stayed on Sun Wukong for a moment, and he couldn't sense the slightest aura fluctuation. He was an ordinary person, but Gu Linbaqi It didn't make me look down on it, but it became more and more serious.

Immediately, he looked at the other girls and said, "So, which of them almost killed you?"

Stajiu was a little unhappy with Gu Linbach's tone, but he still looked at Jenny Bonny and said, "It's the woman who keeps eating..." Then he looked at Keya and baby— 5: "The other two don't look easy, but don't be careless!"

"What about the woman with the camera? And the three children?"

"That woman is just a reporter from the Food News Agency, an ordinary person, you can ignore it..." Stajiu seemed speechless to Gu Linbach's question: "As for those three little girls, I haven't seen them before, But what do you say?"

"Okay! It seems that this sentence is redundant!" Gu Linbach smiled lazily.

Obviously, Sun Wukong looks like an ordinary person, and they naturally understand that it is unfathomable, but a few ordinary-looking little brats are nothing but ordinary people. They can't possibly regard them as martial arts masters, right?

"Hee hee~ We seem to be underestimated by others!" Abis smiled while looking at the two gt robots.Although she couldn't hear their conversation, she could read their hearts.

"Beat him!" Xiaocao clenched her fists and looked very violent, but that appearance was simply adorable.

"Your children are so violent!" Tina looked at Xiaocao with a look of surprise.

"What a child! When someone grows up, he wants to be his brother's bride!" Xiaocao immediately stared at him.

Tina shrugged, she didn't know how to complain, so let's concentrate on his own shooting, this time we must not make mistakes again.

"Oh oh oh oh~~~!"

At this moment, the Ligaru Mammoth suddenly roared, its huge and sturdy nose pointed at Sun Wukong and others, and terrifying suction surged out of his nostrils, like a terrifying vacuum cleaner. Inhale Sun Wukong and the others into its body together...

It turned out that the Caijing Pterosaur blocked its way, and the Ligaru Mammoth, who was eager to find a child, was already irritable, and naturally launched an unceremonious attack on the person who suddenly stood in front of him!

Ligaru Mammoth, although the capture level is only 48, but because of its huge size, it contains unparalleled terrifying power!And this terrifying suction is difficult for ordinary people to resist!

"Yo!" Caijing Pterosaur instantly uttered an angry cry, a small mammoth dared to attack it, and instantly made it feel that its dignity was being challenged, with one wing and countless wind blades Whistling out!

'Puff~~Puff! ~~ A series of voices sounded, accompanied by the painful roar of the mammoth, its sturdy nose was instantly cut into several segments, banged, and fell to the ground, shaking out several big pits!

"You are irritable, Xiaojing is more cruel than you! It's so pitiful!" Jennie Bonney looked at the Ligaru mammoth with blood spurting like a fountain, and shook her head.

"Master Wukong, it looks so pitiful! Let's not hurt it anymore..." Bai Xing, who was kind-hearted, immediately pleaded with Sun Wukong with a face that couldn't bear it.

"Listen to you!" Sun Wukong nodded. He loves this weak and weak white star very much. He sleeps together every day!No other sister paper has such treatment.As for why, you know.

Standing up, Sun Wukong flashed his figure and appeared in front of the Ligaru Mammoth. He stretched out his right hand and flicked its forehead. , rolled over onto the ground, and was already in a coma!

"No...isn't it?!"

Sani and the others in the back were immediately stunned by what they saw!Such a huge Ligaru mammoth was stunned by someone's finger. Isn't this a dream?

Even Star Jiu and Gu Linbaqi were slightly surprised. Such a huge body contains amazing terrifying power, and it is very troublesome for them to deal with!

If they had to choose, they would rather enter Ligaru Mammoth's body than confront him head-on outside.

However, Sun Wukong was so lightly put that he was knocked unconscious with one finger!

Stajiu and Gu Linbaqi looked at each other and sighed slightly at the same time: "This person is not something we can deal with! It seems that only the BOSS has come out in person..."

"It seems that there is no hope for the gem meat... Then, let's use the final mission of this gt robot!" Star Jiu looked at Gu Linbach and said with a serious face.

"Do you want to find out what his strength is?" Gu Linbaqi nodded, but he smiled: "I really didn't expect that we would join forces to fight a battle that is doomed to win..."

Having said that, the two gt robots jumped up and directly blocked Sun Wukong, blocking his way into Ligaru Mammoth's body!

"You...are you courting death?" Sun Wukong looked indifferently at the two GT robots in front of him, but it caused Stajiu and Gu Linbaqi, who were far away, to feel cold!That is the fear of facing death!

"It's terrifying! Just one look made me feel death!" Gu Linbaqi's eyes widened, full of shock. In the absence of the previous lazy and casual appearance, he became extremely cautious and cautious, and even more so in his heart. A touch of fear rose.

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