"Huh~~ This person... can't even compare to BOSS? How is this possible! Really standing in front of him... I don't even have the courage to attack..." Star Jiu's heart at this moment is really difficult to calm down , Sun Wukong just stood there with a flat face, which gave him a lot of pressure, making his hands and feet cold, and he no longer had the courage to face it!

"When did my courage become so small? Or, is the other party too terrifying? It directly affects my mood?" Starjiu's hands shook involuntarily, struggling to make a move.

Chapter [-] Gem Meat

"Jumping Clown, I really like to jump!" Sun Wukong looked at the two GT robots standing in front of him, and didn't stop moving forward, he still walked towards the big mouth of the Ligaru Mammoth. ...

This ignoring attitude made the hearts of Starjiu and Gu Linbach extremely dignified, and at the same time a surge of anger rose. They are also the sous chefs of the food club. When have they been ignored so much?I feel that my dignity has been severely humiliated, and I don't care whether I am afraid or not!


The two snorted coldly at the same time, and just wanted to perform a move, they saw that Sun Wukong had passed through the middle of the two in an instant, and then the sound of 'click' resounded, but they saw the two gt robots suddenly shattered and disintegrated like this. , piled up on the ground into a pile of scrap metal!

At the same time, far away in the secret room of the food club headquarters, Stajiu and Gu Linbach spewed a mouthful of blood from the boss at the same time, and the controller on their heads exploded into pieces in an instant. , both of them became bloody!

However, they didn't seem to notice, but their eyes were full of horror!

"What happened? You are actually injured?" The black-robed old man who had been following the operation, looked extremely shocked at the scene in front of him, and asked with a frown.The gt robots they control are gt robots. Even if they are destroyed, they cannot be injured, right?

"Too...too scary!" Gu Linbaqi wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and face, his face full of fear: "If we hadn't reacted quickly and disconnected in time, I'd be dead..."

"It's actually possible to kill the operator through the gt robot... It seems that even controlling the gt robot is not safe..." Stajiu's face was full of shock, and the horror of Sun Wukong made him feel powerless for a while. Even the thought of getting started was instantly killed!Such strength, how terrifying!

At this moment, Stajiu and Gu Linbaqi are very fortunate. Fortunately, they are controlling a gt robot. If it is the main body, at this moment, I am afraid that it is too dead!

They did not confirm the true strength of Sun Wukong with the gt robot, but they confirmed what is the real fear!This person, they absolutely cannot provoke them.

"What happened?" The black-robed old man looked at the two of them seriously. This information was very important to him.

"Don't ask, let's hurry up and see the BOSS! We can't touch the Caijing Pterosaur any more..." Starjiu waved his hands solemnly, dragging his severely injured body with Gu Linbach towards the Go to the innermost floor where the three tigers are...

"Have you disconnected? The response is very fast!" Sun Wukong looked at the two piles of scrap iron on the ground lightly, and was too lazy to pay attention to it: "Since your life should not end, I will leave you all for the time being, die. Too fast, it's boring!" Listening to his tone, he obviously regarded them as toys.

He waved his hand at the Caijing Pterosaur in the sky, and walked into the huge cave-like mouth of the Ligaru Mammoth...

The Caijing Pterosaur's wings shook and flew into the mouth of the Ligaru Mammoth...

Sani and the others looked at the group of Sun Wukong who had disappeared from the mouth of Ligaru Mammoth, frowned, and looked towards Coco: "We... do we still want to go in?"

"Did you go in and find death? Didn't you see that the gt robots that almost killed us were instantly killed by him! If we are competing with them for gem meat, we will only die! Let's go back quickly, Alu... has already appeared dead..." Keke said anxiously.

"What? Death? You're not joking! Then hurry up and go back!" Sani's expression changed suddenly, and he rolled up Alu and Rin with his hair, and jumped on Coco's pet bird...

Alu got the gem meat in the original book, and just got his life back. Now that the gem meat is gone, I wonder if he can escape this disaster?

Inside the Ligaru Mammoth.

Because of its large size, the road is very spacious, and even the air is very abundant!The dark passage also became extraordinarily bright because of the radiance emanating from the Caijing Pterosaur.

The Caijing Pterosaur's speed was very fast, and it didn't take long for it to reach the depths of the Ligaru Mammoth...

Looking at the 'meat ball' made up of pieces under her feet, Yue'er seemed very curious: "What is this piece of? It looks so strange!"

"Should it be a mammoth cell? Because of its size, the cells are also huge?" Tina explained while filming.The expression on his face was very excited. The shooting this time was extremely smooth, and there was no mistake like before.

"This is what Sister Bulma said about cells..." Yue'er looked stunned. As an ancient person, she didn't know what cells were, but she still heard about Bulma and the others.

After a round of twists and turns, Sun Wukong and his party finally saw a lump of precious meat hanging in the air with a gem-like luster!

The dazzling light and color look like gems!The smell of meat that exudes even makes people's appetite soar, and I can't wait to swallow them all!

The foodie Jenny Bonnie's eyes are already shining, and she can't wait to jump up and eat it all. With a wave of her slender hand, two qi energy burst out from her knife in an instant, connecting the two sides of the gem meat. The meat tendon is cut off and caught!

"Is this gem meat? This scent is really unbearable! And it looks so beautiful, no wonder it was used as a 'wedding ring' in ancient times!" Jennie Bonney said, already I couldn't help but opened my mouth and took a bite.Because this gem meat was specially captured for her.

"Ah! Raw?" Xiaocao looked at Jenny Bonney in surprise.

"It's okay, this gem meat can be eaten raw..." Keya explained immediately.

"This taste... It's really great! Although it can't be compared with the meat of Caijing Pterosaur, it is more delicious than other barbecued meats I have eaten before... No, there should be no comparison at all!" Jie Ni Bonny sighed happily there, and threw the cut pieces of meat into her mouth!His face was full of intoxication.

After a while, a jewel-colored light suddenly radiated from her whole body, and a steady stream of power emerged from her body, causing Jenny Bonny's eyes to widen instantly: "This... Power...this...is this the so-called gourmet cell? It feels amazing!"

"Sure enough, this gem meat is very suitable for Jenny Bonny!" Sun Wukong couldn't help but smile when he saw such a scene: "With this food cell, it will be much easier to increase your strength in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the place where Jenny Bonney cut off the gem meat, waved his hand lightly, time passed quickly, and a new lump of gem meat grew bigger and bigger under Tina's incredible gaze...

Chapter [-] is broken

"A new gem meat was born? What the hell is going on?" Tina's eyes widened, her face full of incredulity.Because of her understanding, after capturing the gem meat of the Ligaru mammoth, it will take decades for it to grow back!

But they had just caught it, and how it suddenly reappeared was beyond her comprehension.

"Brother Wukong just accelerated the growth time of the Ligaru Mammoth at this moment! For us, it was just a moment, but for the Ligaru Mammoth, decades have passed. !" Yue'er explained carefully.

"Accelerate time? You...you can control time?!" Tina heard this, but was even more shocked, her eyes widened when she saw Sun Wukong.Immediately, he looked at Jenny Bonney and said, "Is it the same as Jenny's ability to age people?"

"How is that possible!" Jenny Bonny shook her head: "My ability can only make people old or small, but I can't really control time like Goku, even if I use my ability on Ligaru On the body of the mammoth, it will only grow old, and will not regenerate gem meat!"

"Control time... Who the hell are you!" Tina stared at Sun Wukong in shock.The experience in the past few days has almost overturned her previous cognition.Only now did she realize that she seemed to have really come into contact with the mysterious side of the world.

"That's not what you can understand now!" Sun Wukong glanced at Tina lightly, and with a wave of his hand, the gem meat that had just regenerated immediately fell down, he grabbed it in his hand, and placed it on a few girls. In front of him: "Come on, try them all! Keep you enough to eat!"

Saying that, Sun Wukong waved his hand, and a complete piece of gem meat grew out again, and then tore off the newly regenerated gem meat, sat down side by side with Jenny Bonny, took out countless snacks and wine, and shared a few. women enjoy together...

Because Tina already has gourmet cells, after eating the gem meat, her strength has also increased a lot, and she is no longer as weak as before.

With the two big stomach kings, Sun Wukong and Jenny Bonny, eating more than ten pieces of gem meat in a row, the poor Ligaru Mammoth was accelerated again and again, and at this moment it was too old to stand up.

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