A new day is coming soon, and Sun Wukong was dragged out of the warm embrace of Bai Xing by three little loli.This made baby-5 and the others pinched their dissatisfaction on the faces of the three little loli for a while, and then they got up after venting their dissatisfaction...

After washing up and having breakfast, the group set off on the Caijing Pterosaur...

In less than an hour, a huge vine that reached the sky appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The magnificent scene winding above the clouds made Tina full of shock!

It was Keya and the others who were relatively calm, after all, there was also a huge bean sprout on the empty island.

"It's here, above the vines, it's the 'air vegetable field'! The ozone grass is there!" Sun Wukong said, patted the Caijing Pterosaur, and the Caijing Pterosaur immediately hovered and landed on the ground. on the huge vine.

"What a big vine! This is the first time I've been to this place! I'm so lucky to have a super bowl! Are we going to go to heaven?" Tina said in shock with her mouth wide open.

"What is God, I really can't speak!" baby-5 rolled her eyes at her.It made Tina touch her head embarrassedly.

"Let's go!"

"Go? You said we want to go up?" Tina's eyes widened when she heard Sun Wukong's words: "Don't we have Caijing Winglong? Why go up?"

"This is the fun of adventure! I don't understand it!" said Abis, pulling Yue'er and Xiaocao to run up the vines first...

The brisk running and jumping gesture made Tina stunned. Is this really just a child?How can you be so good at it?She seems to have awakened the gourmet cells, and she is not as strong as these little loli?This discovery immediately shocked Tina.

"Sure enough, none of this group of people is normal!" Tina could only murmur in her heart.

Chapter [-] Lightning Phoenix

A group of people walking on the huge vines, all the way up, it feels like stepping on a ladder!Looking at the clouds all around, there is a very comfortable feeling!

Only Tina, after walking for a while, was lying on top of the vines and didn't dare to move, because she was afraid of heights!This was really made fun of by Xiaocao.

Although Tina felt ashamed, she had no choice but to lie on the back of Caijing Pterosaur and let it carry it!

Along the way, I encountered quite a few mimetic human-faced birds, birds and beasts, whose capture level was only level 2. They looked ferocious, but they were actually very docile.

Abis and the others just walked for a long time, but they ran out of patience and went on. The group had to ride the Caijing Pterosaur and fly quickly along the vines to the vegetable field in the air...

Riding Caijing Pterosaur all the way, the speed of progress finally accelerated, and it was inevitable to encounter the attack of the evil bean tree on the way, but Caijing Pterosaur easily avoided the past!

When the group rode the Caijing Pterosaur to the corresponding height, they saw a dim sky with dark clouds, lightning and thunder!People in this world call it a monster made of clouds, cumulonimbus!

There are thunder and lightning in the clouds, and the wind is as violent as a typhoon, whirring. In this high sky, it makes it difficult for ordinary people to stand. If it wasn't for Sun Wukong's enchantment, Tina would have been blown away first. .

It's just that the harsh environment did not make Caijing Pterosaur show the slightest timidity, but instead showed a little disdain.For it, the environment here is nothing at all!His wings trembled, and he flew towards the thunderclouds of lightning and thunder without caring...

It's just that in the thundercloud, a huge hailstorm suddenly started!The snow-white ice cubes looked like huge rocks. If they were hit, it would be unbearable for ordinary people!

The Caijing Pterosaur shuttled between the hail with ease, and the dense hail could not stop it from moving forward!

This thrilling and exciting scene made Tina amazed, especially the lightning that struck them from time to time, which made her scalp tingle!It's just that although the lightning is terrifying, it is blocked by the enchantment and cannot hurt them in the slightest.This made Tina's fearful mind a little relieved!But the mood is still extremely tense.

And the crystal scales of the Caijing Pterosaur can ignore the thunder and lightning, and shuttle in the thunder cloud independently!Such a thrilling scene, if it were an ordinary person, there would be a possibility of death at any time!It's just that Sun Wukong and the others passed through easily!

"Oh oh~~!"

Suddenly, a loud and strange scream sounded, and everyone looked for the sound, but saw a dazzling light flying over in the thundercloud...

When I got close, I found out that it turned out to be a huge strange bird emitting a dazzling light. It rode the wind in the thundercloud of thunder and lightning, and the terrifying lightning struck it, and it was actually caused by its bright light. The feathers bounced back!

Seeing this big bird, Tina immediately widened her eyes with excitement, full of excitement, and hurriedly picked up the camera to take a picture: "Lightning Fire Phoenix (also translated: Bright Phoenix), it turned out to be Lightning Fire Phoenix, What a big bowl of luck!"

Keya looked at the Lightning Fire Phoenix and said calmly: "Lightning Fire Phoenix, capture level 75, the legendary Thunderbird inhabiting thunderclouds, its feathers have the effect of rebounding thunder and lightning, and the fleshy texture of currents swims away. Extremely delicious, it is said to be able to evolve cells!"

"Can you eat? Can you still evolve cells? I'm just a little hungry!" Jenny Bonnie's eyes lit up, and she jumped up with a little bit of ground under her feet. A light curtain flashed on her body, covering her body. He plunged directly into the thundercloud of the gust of wind, and when he squeezed his fist, he punched the lightning phoenix...

"Oh oh oh~~!" Seeing that someone was attacking him through the thunder cloud, the lightning fire phoenix suddenly became furious, his eyes were full of fierce light, it seemed that a thunderbolt flashed, and with a wave of his wings, it actually swept the whole body. The lightning to incite Jenny Bonnie!

A 'chi la' thunder, like the lightning it unleashed by itself, slashed towards Jenny Bonnie!

If it were an ordinary person, and the person was in the air, it would be difficult to dodge this blow, but for Jenny Bonnie, who had learned the air dance, it was not difficult!

The body just dodged to the side, then dodged, and in a flash, it appeared under the belly of the Lightning Phoenix, and the beautiful fist slammed out with a loud bang, and an invisible wave of air flowed along Jie. Nibonnie's fist spread to the entire body of the Lightning Phoenix in an instant, and along with the scream, the light of the Lightning Phoenix dissipated, like a broken kite falling downward...

Che was grabbed by Jenny Bonnie and flew towards the place where Monkey King and the others were...

"Kaya, please!" Jenny Bonnie threw the Lightning Phoenix's body on the huge vine and looked at Keya expectantly.

"Wukong, these feathers are a little troublesome, please remove them!"

Sun Wukong nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the lightning phoenix's feathers disappeared instantly, becoming like a pheasant with its feathers stripped off, which looked a bit funny.

"These feathers look very beautiful, and if you have time, it would be good to make a dress!" With a slender hand, Ke Ya directly put all the feathers of the Lightning Phoenix into her space ring.

"Lightning Phoenix! I didn't expect that I was fortunate enough to see the process of capturing it with my own eyes. I'm so lucky! I'm so happy!" At this moment, Tina excitedly took pictures in various poses.

As time went by, watching the golden and juicy barbecue on the fire, smelling the intoxicating fragrance, Sun Wukong and the others were involuntarily swallowing their saliva...

"Kaya, are you ready? My stomach is rumbling with hunger!" Jenny Bonnie was already greedy at the moment.

"Come on, don't be in such a hurry..." Keya smiled slightly and looked at Caijing Pterosaur: "Xiaojing, give me a piece of your scales!"

When Caijing Pterosaur heard the words, the next time he took a bite, he bit off a scale on his body and handed it to Keya.Then he gently rubbed his head against Sun Wukong's body and licked the place where a scale was missing. The meaning was very obvious. This was asking Sun Wukong to regenerate her missing scales.

Because Caijing Pterosaur is full of treasures, her wounds can only be slowly regenerated and healed by the precipitation of time, so there is another saying: Caijing Pterosaur can't recover on its own.

"I can't tell, you are pretty, but it's just a scale!" Sun Wukong shook his head amusedly at the behavior of the Caijing Pterosaur, and wiped the missing scale with one hand. Time accelerated, and the scale regenerated instantly. intact.

Chapter [-] Vegetable Field in the Air

The crystal scales of Caijing Pterosaurs are very magical. When they grow on the body, their hardness is even harder than diamonds!Once taken off, it only takes a moment to become extremely crisp, and with a slight scratch, it is a bright gem-colored scale powder, exuding the aroma of various seasonings that ordinary people can't resist!

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