The huge lightning fire phoenix, after adding the powder of crystal scales, instantly exudes a dazzling brilliance!The delicious meat quality has been doubled, and the strong aroma of barbecued meat has accelerated the secretion of saliva, which makes people swallow their saliva all the time, showing their greediness.

The brilliance of the gem color stayed for more than ten seconds, and it was all restrained. At this time, the color of the barbecue was obviously changed from the previous golden color with a layer of transparent gem luster!It looks more tempting and makes it more appetizing.

"You can eat it!" Ke Ya couldn't help but smile when she saw everyone's greedy looks.

Hearing this, Yue'er and the others couldn't wait to tear off a piece and took a light bite...

And among the few, Sun Wukong was the fastest, and when he took a bite, his whole body trembled involuntarily!Immediately, his face was full of amazement!

Fragrant and cooked soft, juicy but not greasy, excellent taste!The tingling sensation like electric shock makes every pore stretched out instantly. The refreshing feeling is like every cell has been carefully massaged, which is wonderful!

With the addition of the seasoning of the crystal scale powder, the originally extremely high meat quality of the Lightning Fire Phoenix has been reflected at its peak!It makes its deliciousness even higher!Sun Wukong just took a bite, but he couldn't stop!

The women in Guan Keya were more clearly reflected. There were tiny electric currents flashing on their skin. The electric shock-like numbness made everyone blushed, and the look of enjoyment on their faces was beyond words. Express!

The cells and muscles of the whole body have been significantly improved and evolved, and some places that had some minor flaws have become flawless!The Sun Wukong who saw it all stopped, and his eyes moved back and forth on the girls, full of exclamation: "I'm going! The flesh of this lightning phoenix has the function of breast enhancement!"

As he said that, he turned his eyes to the place where Yue'er had clearly grown bigger. If it weren't for the presence of Tina, an outsider who was considered a light bulb, he would really like to check it out in person.

In fact, Sun Wukong is very clear that this is not a function of breast enhancement, but that everyone's cells have evolved, which makes their original body more plump.

In the midst of thunder and lightning, and the raging wind, Sun Wukong and his party were very happy to eat, and even the skeleton was fried and eaten up!

In such a bad environment, the only people who can eat leisurely are Sun Wukong and the others!As long as the enchantment is out, where can it not be settled?

In the same way, the harvest of several women is also huge. The three women of Jenny Bonny, Bai Xing, and Tina have all evolved their food cells, and Yue'er and the others have also successfully awakened their food cells, and their strength has been obtained. increase!

"The meat of this lightning phoenix is ​​really good, not only delicious, but also comfortable! Wukong, don't people in this world do that kind of life menu? I've decided! Include this meat into our life. It's on the menu!" Jenny Bonney said to Sun Wukong with great anticipation.

"As long as you like it, add it all in!" Sun Wukong smiled boldly.

In fact, he also knows that the flesh of the Lightning Phoenix is ​​not so exaggerated. It is only because of the addition of the crystal scale powder of the Caijing Pterosaur that it is so delicious.But it is precisely because of the powder of the crystal scales that the flesh of the Lightning Phoenix becomes so incredible.

This is the beauty of the crystal scales of Caijing Pterosaur, it can bring the taste of every ingredient to the extreme, and ordinary ingredients can be turned into delicacy in the world!

"In this way, with the addition of Caijing Pterosaur's meat, there are already two items in my life menu!" Jenny Bonny said with a look of joy.

"Well, what's a main dish? What's a side dish... Can you tell the difference?" Tina reminded kindly.

"What's the point, you don't understand our family, as long as we like it, we can add it all in! How can we eat five or six kinds of dishes!" Jenny Bonny waved her hand, very proud road.

"Not enough for you to eat..." After Tina heard it, she was stunned?Listen to your tone, how big is your family?In short, she would never have thought of it without witnessing it with her own eyes.

After a short rest, the group rode the Caijing Winglong again and set off towards the vegetable field in the air...

This time, without any delay, Caijing Pterosaur galloped along the vines all the way up, and before the sun went down, it finally came to the vegetable field in the sky!

At this moment, the sun is already Xixia, and the whole world is covered with a beautiful sunset!

And the sunset covered in the vegetable field in the sky adds a dreamy color to the place!Those incredible vegetables grow in the white clouds!It looks so incredible!It made Yue'er and them all excited!

"It's here! It's here! Is this the vegetable field in the sky? It's really beautiful!" The lively Abis rushed out first, got into the vegetable field, took a bite at a cabbage, and squinted her eyes. Get up, wave to say hello: "Wow! It's so sweet! Sister Yue'er! Xiaocao, come quickly!"

Yueer and Xiaocao heard the words and ran over immediately... The three little loli were very happy to try the vegetables here...

"Where is the ozone grass? Where is the ozone grass?" Although Tina was shocked by the bad environment here, she was most concerned about the ozone grass, which is known as the king of vegetables.

"It should be right in front!" Sun Wukong looked forward, just about to walk forward with a few girls, but he seemed to have a feeling, and looked up at the top of his head!

"Yo!" At the same time, Caijing Pterosaur also roared at the sky, a terrifying aura filled the air, and the originally docile eyes instantly became extremely ferocious!

The clouds dispersed, but a huge black shadow fell from the sky!

That appearance, it looks like a huge strange bird, and above the two claws, the light of lightning flashes, and the whole body exudes a dangerous atmosphere!

"What a big strange bird! It has three heads! Brother Wukong! What kind of bird is this?" Yue'er looked up at the huge black shadow in the sky, her face full of curiosity.

"Three-headed Thunder Eagle...he is a big guy for the human world!" Sun Wukong looked at the shadow in the sky and said lightly.

These three thunder eagles did not appear in the original work, but the world is so big, it is not surprising that there are too many creatures that have not appeared in the anime.

Chapter [-] Xiaocao is very angry

Three-headed thunder eagles, mammals, capture level 95, the meat is tender and delicious, but it is a rare delicacy in the world.

This is a very magical bird, but for breastfeeding, it has three heads, and each head has its own way of eating.

The main head in the middle likes meat, and is naturally opposed to the lightning and fire phoenix, and regards it as bait; the head on the right likes vegetables, melons and fruits, and his favorite vegetable is naturally the ozone grass, which is known as the king of vegetables; The head is like drinking beverages and other miscellaneous food.The taste is clear, this is a veritable strange bird.

Because of the scarcity, the three-headed Thunder Eagle is rare, even rarer than the Lightning Fire Phoenix.

The three-headed Thunder Eagle actually came in pursuit of the Lightning Fire Phoenix, but on the way, because Sun Wukong and the others killed the Lightning Fire Phoenix, and they were protected by an enchantment, the three-headed Thunder Eagle never found it and wandered in the thundercloud. I couldn't find the target, so I just focused on the ozone grass, and this was the scene of meeting Sun Wukong and the others.

"Three-headed Thunder Eagles, it turned out to be three-headed Thunder Eagles! This is even rarer than the Lightning Fire Phoenix! The rumors are about to die out, but I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see that today is really a super super super super super bowl. Lucky!" Tina exclaimed excitedly for the first time.

Holding the camera is a quick shot...

"Yo~uu~!" It was just the three-headed Thunder Eagle's roar that apparently startled Tina, screamed, and hid behind Sun Wukong, and said nervously: "Be careful, these three I heard that the level of the Thunder Eagle is as high as level 90 and above, and I also saw it in a book..."


Caijing Pterosaur also roared up to the sky, bloodthirsty and violent breath, his eyes showed a ferocious look like seeing prey!

The claws kicked on the ground, and the entire cloud layer was shaking violently!

Such brutal demonstration-like actions obviously frightened the three-headed Thunder Eagles, with fear in their eyes, they turned around and wanted to leave!

But he didn't want to. At this moment, Jenny Bonny slapped Caijing Pterosaur on the forehead and shouted: "Be honest with me, you want to demolish my mother's vegetable field in the air!"

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