"Yo!" Caijing Pterosaur let out a weak low voice, the fierce and terrifying aura just now disappeared, turning pitiful, and hiding behind Abis full of depression.

Because this little loli can not only understand its words, but also feel more secure.Because it knows that its owner likes these three little loli very much.

I can't afford to offend this mistress, can't I hide?

It's just this useless behavior that made the three Thunder Eagles in the air furious!

Well, it was actually frightened by such a useless monster just now, what a shame!

There was a roar, and a terrifying gust of wind blew instantly between the wings!

The poor little grass was still twisting her little butt to find something to eat in the vegetable field. With the strong wind, one of her small body did not hold steady and flew straight into the air...

"Xiaocao!" Tina was shocked when she saw it. She was very fond of this cute little loli. When she saw Xiaocao's death, she rushed over without thinking about it...

It's just that with her skills, no one was saved, but she was blown away by the wind...

Sun Wukong shook his head, but Tina also had good intentions, and her behavior was even more commendable, so she didn't say anything, just waved her hand, and Tina, who was blown away by the strong wind, appeared in his hand in an instant: "You still care. Take care of yourself! Xiaocao doesn't have to worry about you."

When Tina, who was still screaming, heard Sun Wukong's voice, she suddenly came back to her senses, and at the same time she was relieved, her face turned red!

I was wondering if I should remind Sun Wukong... It turns out that this guy wrapped around Tina's right hand and pinched it where it shouldn't...

You don't ring your waist, what do you mean by ringing your chest?

"Ah! My tomatoes..." The grass fluttered in the gust of wind, but her eyes were fixed on the tomatoes that had been twisted to a pulp in the gust of wind. She liked the sweet taste very much, but now it is become sloppy!

In an instant, Xiaocao's cute eyes became full of anger, but she was still very cute.With a small gesture, the small potted plant that flew with her flew back to her hands autonomously, and threw the small potted plant in her hand towards the three Thunder Eagles as if in a fit of anger...

"Now is not the time to be petty!" At this moment, Tina wanted to complain, but the next scene made her eyes widen and she was shocked!

I saw that the small potted plant that was thrown by the grass suddenly grew rapidly, and in a moment, it turned from a small potted plant into a towering tree!

The branches are vigorous and strong, sturdy and strong, exuding a metallic luster, the diamond is not broken, the thunder and fire are not invaded, and the three-headed thunder eagle is tightly wrapped.

Xiaocao's small potted plant has been intensively cultivated by Sun Wukong. It is no longer an ordinary small potted plant. It is tougher than diamond!It can be said that it is invincible, the diamond is not damaged, the thunder and fire are not invaded, and it is absolutely impossible to break it by ordinary means!

"My mother! Is this really a child?" Tina looked at the golden giant tree in the sky, her mouth wide open, unable to close for a long time.Even the foul language was said, which shows how much the shock in my heart is.

It's no wonder that it's just a cute looking little loli, but it's so terrifying when she gets angry!That's a monster with a capture level of 90 or higher!She was actually subdued by such a little loli who didn't seem to have a trace of lethality!

"That...how old is Xiaocao? How powerful?" Tina asked Keya next to her, swallowing her saliva.

"As you can see, a little loli!" Keya smiled slightly: "But don't treat them as children, after Wukong's training, they are all amazing! Especially Yue'er, Lian Jenny They are not rivals!"

"Yue'er is so powerful? Is it true?" Tina immediately widened her eyes, full of incredible!Is the little girl who looks gentle and well-behaved, smart and sensible so powerful?Jenny Bonnie and their strengths she has seen before, terrifying and weird!Terrifying and overwhelming!Can Yue'er be even more terrifying than them?Do you want to be so exaggerated?No matter how evil it is, it's impossible, right?

"You won't understand..." Keya shook her head and explained simply: "Yue'er was raised by Wukong, so her talent is unimaginable, and she was born free from disease and disaster! So we are Incomparable."

"Is that so? But, who is Wukong? I see that you are all becoming more and more mysterious!" Tina asked curiously with wide eyes.

Chapter [-] Ozone Grass

"Maybe you will know this later... Now... I can't tell you!" Ke Ya smiled at Tina.

When Tina heard it, she was a little disappointed, but everyone has their own secrets, so it is not easy for her to ask any more questions.

When the crisis was resolved, Sun Wukong also let go of Tina at the moment, which made Tina slightly relieved. When Sun Wukong held one hand, the feeling of the wrist wrapping her chest made her nervous. !But embarrassed to blatantly remind.Now that Sun Wukong has put it down, he is naturally relieved to find that Keya and the others seem to have not noticed.

"Keya, can these three Thunder Eagles be eaten?" Jenny Bonney asked, pointing to the three Thunder Eagles bound by the ancient golden tree.

"Of course, the capture level of the three-headed Thunderhawk is higher than that of the Lightning Fire Phoenix, but it does not mean that its meat is more delicious than the Lightning Fire Phoenix..."

"You can eat it..." A cold light flashed in Jenny Bonney's hand, and an ancient sword emerged, jumped up, and swung the sword out, and the three heads of the three Thunder Eagles, who had nowhere to hide, fell instantly. On the ground!

And the huge golden giant tree also shrank rapidly, turning into a small potted plant again and flying back to Xiaocao's hands.

"You still want to eat it! How big of an appetite!" Tina looked at Jenny Bonney with a speechless expression.

A three-headed Thunder Eagle of Nuoda was roasted on the fire by Koya again...

With the smell of meat wafting, even if the girls were full, they couldn't help but be greedy.With the addition of the crystal scale powder of Caijing Pterosaur, the aroma is even more attractive!

The meat quality of the three-headed thunder eagle is similar to that of the lightning phoenix, but it does not have the feeling of comfort with the slightest electric shock, so it is greatly reduced!But it's still a rare delicacy. With the blending of vegetables in the air vegetable field, the taste is naturally unique in the world!

Each of Keya and the others tasted a piece, and the rest were all killed by Sun Wukong and Jenny Bonny.

After that, Sun Wukong and his party walked to the location of the ozone grass again...

Walking in the carpet of vegetables, what you see along the way is even more amazing!The vegetables with uneven heights are so inconceivable, each exudes a crystal-like Guanze, not stained with the slightest dust and stains, making people feel like they are in a dreamy picture scroll.

Tina was amazed all the way to shoot everywhere: "Is this the vegetable field in the sky, vegetablesky? It's a wonderful place! The fragrance of vegetables is full of everywhere... Ah! This feeling... It's really great!" At the same time, Tina was intoxicated by herself.

Yue'er and the others are also full of excitement as they shuttle through the vegetable fields, looking for what they like...

And Bai Xing followed them everywhere, full of excitement and excitement, tasting this, tasting that, with a happy smile on his face all the time.

For her mermaid princess, who has never seen anything in the world, ordinary flowers and plants can make her excited for a while, not to mention such an incredible magical place!

Eggplants, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, squishy marshmallow squash, and broccoli have all turned into tall, patchy trees!

Every vegetable here that is very ordinary in the real world, but here, becomes so delicious and incredible!

All the girls were trying to eat all kinds of vegetables and fruits without stopping, and it didn't take long for everyone to lie on the soft ground with a big belly and didn't want to move.

"By the way, the nutritional value of vegetables in this place is very high, and they are digested very quickly. You should hurry up and refine them, otherwise you will make a fool of yourself..." Sun Wukong seemed to remember something, and looked at Keya. They are smiling.

"What's wrong?" Abisi looked at Sun Wukong curiously, but suddenly, her complexion couldn't help changing, her face was slightly red, and she immediately covered her little ass.

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