Then Tina and the others were all blushing and awkward...

Seeing Sun Wukong beside him, he couldn't help laughing: "What are you still doing, hurry up and do it!"

After being reminded by Sun Wukong, Keya and the others immediately reacted. They sat down with their legs crossed, and started practicing the exercises that Sun Wukong taught them...

In an instant, everyone was filled with a layer of radiant aura...

Only Tina flew away alone... Among the girls, she was the only one who didn't practice the exercises taught by Sun Wukong!

When Keya and the others all withdrew from the practice, Tina returned with a blushing face...

The group set off again...

Before long, a huge vegetable bag appeared in front of several people, filling the clouds in front of them!

"Is this the Ozone Grass of the King of Vegetables? It's a huge piece!" Tina looked excited at the Ozone Grass all over the floor in front of her.

Abis and Xiaocao got off the ground first and flew towards the nearest ozone grass...

"They... can fly?!" Looking at the two little loli who suddenly flew towards the ozone grass, Tina's eyes widened again in shock.That's real flying!Without any external force, she just flew out of thin air, and she was still two little girls, could she not be shocked?

"It's called air dance, it's just an application of 'qi', we can all do it..." Keya explained simply.

"That...what else you can't..." Tina looked at Keya and said blankly.

"Wow! Wow~~! It stinks! It stinks! It stinks to death!~~" As soon as they approached the ozone grass, Abis and Xiaocao flew over while covering their noses and screaming, their mouths pouting loudly: "What is the king of vegetables, it stinks to death! I don't eat this kind of thing!"

"It's just the outer protective leaf, the stuff inside is delicious, and you have to peel off this leaf regularly. You need to peel off two leaves at the same time, otherwise it will instantly turn into the shape of a seed. ..." Sun Wukong said, his figure flashed, and he appeared next to the ozone grass that Xiaocao and the others touched just now: "It's like this..."

As he said that, he picked up a leaf and pulled it down gently. After the smoke of 'bang', the huge ozone grass instantly turned into the shape of a seed.

"It's amazing! I want to play too!" Abis excitedly flew towards an ozone grass again, grabbed a leaf, and pulled it down. After the smoke of 'bang', the ozone grass instantly turned into a seed shape.

"I want to play too! I want to play too!" When Xiaocao saw it, she immediately flew over with a blushing face...

So the two little lolitas started to wreak havoc in the ozone grass group...

In the laughter and laughter of the two of them, the ozone grasses turned into the shape of seeds...

"Hey hey~~ It's a bit too much to do this? That's the king of vegetables, Ozone Grass! What a waste!" Tina looked at it, but felt very distressed.

Chapter [-]: Magical Effects

"Okay, Abis, Xiaocao, just play with a few, but don't waste it too much!" Sun Wukong timely stopped the two little loli who were still excited.

Then I patted an ozone grass, and its leaves instantly peeled off as if they had received some order, finally revealing the curled leaf heart that exudes a luminous luster inside!

Move a little, it is growing and opening!In an instant, the water splashed, and under the refraction of the sun, the water droplets became extraordinarily dazzling and dazzling!

"Such a big vegetable bag is actually wrapped with such a small piece of fresh leaves? But it looks delicious!" Jenny Bonney said, and he lowered his head and took a bite.

He just took a bite, but immediately spit it out: "Bah! Bah! Bah!~~What a piece of shit! It's unpalatable!"

What you eat is the fresh and tender leaf heart, but what you spit out is a black and rotten thing.

Even the whole piece of fragrant and tender leaf heart is in the gap where it was bitten out, spewing green smoke, and it rotted in a moment.

"What's going on?" Jenny Bonney originally thought that this thing could not be eaten at all, but when he saw that the whole Ye Xin was rotten, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"It's because you were too impatient, and you didn't listen to our explanation, so you started eating..." Keya looked at Jenny Bonney with a funny face, and said, "This ozone grass is different from other ingredients. It is a special cooking ingredient, when you peel off the leaves, you have to peel off two pieces at the same time, and when you eat it, you have to bite down both at the same time, otherwise it will become like before!"

"It's just food, then there are so many breaking rules!" Jenny Bonney immediately curled his lips with a displeased face, and said to baby-5: "Go, accompany me to peel a tree and try it! I will still If you don't believe it, you can't control a small ingredient!"

Having said that, the two women came to the side of an ozone grass, each grabbed a leaf, and both peeled off!With the cooperation between the two, it is obvious that there is no difficulty in the slightest. It is very easy to peel off the leaves to reveal the fresh and tender leaves inside!

This time, Jenny Bonny didn't rush to eat, but looked at Sun Wukong: "Wukong, how do you want to eat? Demonstrate!"

"Actually it's very simple. Two people can bite at the same time, and one person can bite at the same time at a very fast speed..." Sun Wukong said, squatted down, and bit down on Ye Xin in front of him. At the same time, there was a bite mark on the opposite side of Ye Xin!The water splashed and sputtered into sparkling pearls!

And Sun Wukong's eyes also brightened: "The soft and strong taste, the comfort and elasticity when biting gently, the tenderness and sweetness like fruit, and the sour taste in the mouth! It is worthy of being known as the king of vegetables! This is so. Deliciousness has gone far beyond the realm of vegetables..."

"Is it really that delicious?" Tina held the camera, her eyes widened: "And what happened just now? You obviously just took a bite, why does the same gap appear on the opposite side?

"That's because Brother Wukong's speed is so fast that we can't see it clearly with our naked eyes!" Yue'er explained on the side: "So it seems that Brother Wukong just took a bite, but at that moment, Brother Wukong, I've already taken two bites!"

"Two bites? How fast is this!" Tina's eyes widened in shock.It was hard for her to believe how a person's speed could reach the point where the naked eye couldn't see it clearly, or even so fast that it was completely synchronized with an action!

"The speed of two bites at the same time, I'm still a little short... Except for Wukong, it seems that only Yue'er can do it..." Jenny Bonney said, and looked at baby-5 again: "You merged Goku's magic sword, you should be able to do it too!"

"I'll try it!" said baby-5, also imitating Sun Wukong, and bit down on Ye Xin of the ozone grass!His head instantly turned into an afterimage, and he took a bite on both sides of the cabbage. The movements were done in one go, obviously a success!

"It's really delicious!" Baby-5 held her face in her hands, her eyes narrowed.

"Xiaocao, let's try it too!" Abis pulled the grass and took a bite on the tender leaf at the same time. The juice overflowed in her mouth, and the faces of the two little loli were full of happiness. Smile: "It's really delicious! Sister Yue'er, you can try it too!"

Yue'er nodded slightly, lowered her head and took a nibble. In an instant, two gaps appeared in Ye Xin's heart. The speed seemed to be comparable to that of Sun Wukong!

Of course, this is not to say that Yue'er's speed has caught up with Sun Wukong, but the effect looks almost the same with the naked eye!In fact, Yue'er's speed is incomparable to that of Sun Wukong.

"It's amazing!" Tina saw Yue'er show such a hand, and finally believed what Keya said before!My heart was naturally full of shock.It's really hard to believe that such a little girl's strength is so terrifying!Comparing herself with her, Tina instantly felt like she was hit by a piece of tofu.

"Sister Yue'er is still amazing! I don't even know when she became so amazing!" Abisi said with envy.

"Brother Wukong is now cultivating your potential. When your potential increases, your strength will naturally increase!" Yue'er smiled slightly.

"That's right!" Abis giggled at the moment, her eyes on the leaf heart of the ozone grass again: "Although this thing is delicious, it is too troublesome to eat! Brother Wukong, can you make it into a Simpler?"

"Of course! In the final analysis, this is only limited by the rules of this world, as long as this limit is erased!" Sun Wukong said, lightly touching the leaf heart of the ozone grass, the invisible fluctuations spread instantly, It disappeared again in an instant: "Okay, now you can eat whatever you want!"

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