"Really? That's great!" Abis immediately cheered, and she lowered her head and bit down, and the happiness on her face suddenly climbed on her face...

But for a moment, the heart of an ozone grass leaf was divided up by Sun Wukong and the others!

But suddenly, Ke Yaji and the women all exclaimed.

It turned out that they had eaten the Lightning Fire Phoenix before, three Thunder Eagles and countless vegetables and fruits, and now they ate the Ozone Grass. The combination made their gourmet cells undergo an amazing evolution!

If I change to a man, I am afraid that my muscles have suddenly swelled and my clothes are bursting!And they are women, so naturally they won't become bloated, but their chests suddenly swell a lot!

This really has the magic effect of breast enhancement!

Chapter [-] Caifeng

"Wow haha~~ I'm getting bigger! Brother Wukong! I can finally be your big breasted mother!" Xiaocao's face was immediately filled with excitement.

When Tina heard this, she immediately crossed her arms and cast a look of contempt at Sun Wukong!

"Why are you looking at me with a perverted look?" Sun Wukong immediately stared at Tina: "She is under the bad influence of the big breasted girl around her, so it's none of my business!"

"Cough cough~~" Ke Ya coughed awkwardly, and Xiao Cao suddenly said such a sentence, which made her even more embarrassed as a woman of Sun Wukong.It was baby-5 and Jenny Bonney, two nerve-wracking women, but there was nothing unusual about them!

On the contrary, he was full of joy at the place where he suddenly became bigger: "This food cell is really good ability! It seems that I will eat more in the future!"

In the past, they always envied Juchuan Shizuka, Yu, Tsunade and other women, but now they can finally stop envy them, and they can hold their heads high.

Such a beautiful vegetable field in the sky, Sun Wukong and the others did not rush to leave immediately, but with a wave of Sun Wukong, after creating a house, they settled here temporarily!

Because of the countless vegetables and fruits here, as well as the king of vegetables, Ozone Grass, can make Dekeya and the others get a good training!

For others, eating an ingredient again and again will not have a significant effect on improving the cells of the gourmet food.

But for Keya and the others, it doesn't exist anymore, because they have the exercises taught by Sun Wukong, and they can still refine the energy contained in vegetables without reservation to strengthen themselves!

After staying here for more than a week, Keya and the others' strength has also been significantly improved. Even Tina is no longer the helpless rookie she used to be.

On this day, Tina woke up early in the morning and wanted to do the usual filming work, but she was completely stunned by the sight in front of her as soon as she left the room!

He rubbed his eyes fiercely to make sure he was wrong!

It's just that she blurred her eyes, and the picture in front of her still hasn't changed at all!It seems that she is not wrong!

"Tina, you are awake, come here soon, there will be a good show soon!" Keya, who was not far away, saw Tina going out, and immediately waved and greeted.

Tina came to Keya's side with amazed eyes, looked around, looked at the beautiful woman who was so beautiful in person and had an excellent temperament, and asked blankly, "That... Ya, what happened to them...? Could it be that we... have really come to heaven?"

It turned out that the person around her was absolutely stunning and beautiful, and the beautiful shadow really shocked her. Usually, seeing such a beautiful woman is enough to shock the world, but now she sees dozens of them all at once, can she not be shocked? ?

You know, people like Xue Nu and others are already stunning, but after they become Sun Wukong's women, they become even more beautiful and moving!Temperament alone can make those who thought they were beautiful women feel ashamed.

"They! They are all my sisters! I will introduce you slowly when I have the opportunity. Now I will concentrate on how Wukong creates Caifeng!" Keya pulled Tina and came to sit beside the girls.

"Creating Caifeng? What do you mean?" Tina was obviously confused.There were so many strangers suddenly appearing in the early morning, and they were all so beautiful that they looked like angels. It was no wonder she could react.

"You'll know just by looking at it, it'll start right away!"

As soon as Keya's words fell, she saw that Sun Wukong, who was surrounded by all the girls in the center, had already acted!With a wave of hands, a barrier that blocks everything spreads out, completely isolating this place from the outside world!Prevent the movement here from awakening the Lord of this world!

Immediately, he lifted it up with his second hand, and saw the rich life force emerge from Sun Wukong's hand, turning into billions of light spots swirling in the air!In the process of poking and condensing, a colorful phoenix gradually condenses in the air...

"This is... creating... life?!" Tina was truly stunned, her face full of horror!create life?how is this possible!This is definitely not something that humans can do!Who is he!

For a time, Tina looked at Sun Wukong's eyes, and some were only shocked and puzzled!There is also worship and reverence from the soul!

The color of the phoenix is ​​getting clearer and clearer, and it gradually takes shape in the structure of the endless power of life... Finally, it is accompanied by a dazzling seven-color light and a loud and crisp phoenix!A beautiful phoenix radiating dazzling light appeared above the sky!

Between the wings, a little bit of colorful light is poured, glamorous, noble, so beautiful!

The terrifying breath spreads out, sweeping like a gust of wind!

The crisp Fengming is sweet and light, and it can shake people's hearts and souls, as if they were redeemed!

This is really the legend, that real phoenix!

It's just that its feathers are colored, exuding colorful dazzling brilliance, Gu Ming: Caifeng.

"God! He...he...he actually...really created...a...a phoenix!" Tina was really stunned at this moment.

"Yo!~" At this moment, the crystal scales on the back of the Caijing Pterosaur stood upright, looking up at the Caifeng in the air, with a fierce gleam in his eyes!More deeply afraid!It's just that it also has its own dignity and pride, even if its opponent is stronger than itself, it is not afraid of it!The terrifying aura unreservedly radiated out, and the emperor-like aura of Caifeng rushed away!

Caifeng seemed to be aware of it, and looked down at Caijing Pterosaur, those eyes full of humanity were instantly filled with contempt and disdain!The phoenix pecked one, and a colored beam shot out instantly, targeting the Caijing Pterosaur below!

Caifeng is obviously going to give color to the Caijing Pterosaur that disrespected her!


Caijing Pterosaur immediately made a bird-like chirping, its wings shook, and it instantly turned into a streamer to dodge away!The target pointed directly at Caifeng in the air, the wings shook, and the terrifying wind swept through, turning into a sharp blade like a blade and cutting towards Caifeng!

These two kings from different worlds, one is as fierce as a savage beast, and the other is arrogant as the king of birds!As soon as we meet, it's a big fight!

When Caifeng saw that the other party actually dared to fight back, she was furious, and the color light in her body became more and more blazing, and the sky all over her body appeared in the sky full of Caiyu, closing the sky here!The colorful light that wraps the Xia is blazing out like meteors!It actually smashed the gust of wind that swept in in an instant!Undiminished, he unceremoniously shot towards the direction where the Caijing Winglong was located...

With this power, even the crystal scale defense of the Caijing Pterosaur is probably difficult to resist!

After all, Caifeng was created by Sun Wukong himself. At this moment, the judgment was made!

Chapter [-] The Movement

Although it is invincible, Caijing Pterosaur still does not flinch!The pride that comes from the bones does not allow it to shrink back!On the contrary, the fierce light became more and more prosperous, showing a desperate attitude!

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