"Retreat!" Sun Wukong finally said lightly when he saw this.

The Caijing Winglong with a fierce look on his face instantly lowered his arrogant head. He did not dare to violate the words of Sun Wukong in the slightest. Although he was unwilling in his heart, he still stepped back without hesitation!

And when Sun Wukong waved his hand, the colorful feathers that shot down from the sky disappeared in an instant!

Caifeng also fluttered her wings and slowly landed in front of Sun Wukong, lying prone on the ground, obediently rubbing against Sun Wukong with her noble head, she actually spit out human words and acted coquettishly: "Master Chuangshen, Who are these four dissimilar guys? They weren't created by you! How dare you be disrespectful to others, let me fan her wings to relieve her anger!" The voice was like a yellow warbler, sweet and light to the ear.

"Chuangshen... lord? God?!" When Tina heard Caifeng's address to Sun Wukong, her eyes widened again, not knowing what to do.

The Caijing Pterosaur on the side heard it, and was immediately furious, and immediately glared at Caifeng, everyone is a pet, why are you so arrogant?

"Be quiet, I created you, not to see you two quarrel!" Sun Wukong said and tapped Caifeng's head lightly, his mind moved, and he directly removed the enchantment here.Caifeng has been created, so it doesn't need to exist anymore.

"I know! You created me to eat me!" Caifeng whispered.

"I know it's nonsense, everyone is waiting! Hurry up!"

Caifeng didn't dare to neglect, and when the phoenix pecked one, it actually spit out a piece of crystal clear 'jewel meat' with compelling aura!

Immediately, the aura here turned into a mist that was dense, and people breathed with rays of light.

The intoxicating fragrance permeates every space of the vegetable field in the sky!Even the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been affected, and it has rapidly gathered towards the sky here, forming a heaven and earth mutation!The clouds in the sky are covered with a layer of rays of light.

"Is this Caifeng's gem meat? It's so beautiful! And the taste makes me a little tempted!" The goddess looked at the 'jewel meat' floating in front of her with a trace of it on her face. Surprised.

"Keya! You know the ingredients of this world best, I'll go and make this gem meat for you! I can't wait to taste this taste!" Saeko looked at Keya and said.

"Okay! There are just a lot of vegetables and fruits here, plus the ingredients I prepared, it's enough!" Keya nodded, and led a dozen sisters into the kitchen with gem meat...

At this time, because of the heaven and earth changes formed by Caifeng's 'gem meat', the entire human world has attracted attention!

Media news is overwhelming for a while!The whole world was deeply shocked!

At the igo headquarters, Yilong stood in front of the window, staring at the far-off sky that was dyed into a glow, his eyes were full of shock: "What is this amazing ingredient? It actually caused the world to change? Even My gourmet cells are all about to move, revealing the nature of gluttony? Is there such an incredible ingredient in the human world? God has not yet been born, yet such incredible ingredients have appeared! This world is doomed It's not going to be peaceful!  …”

In a busy city, Jiro, dressed as a drunkard, also looked up at the red cloudy sky in the sky, his eyes were full of light, and he seemed to be excited and inconceivable: "There are such incredible ingredients in the world... And it's still in the human world? The energy of heaven and earth resonates. I'm afraid this is a mysterious ingredient that is even more incredible than god? It seems that this time, it is rare to cooperate with Senior Brother Yilong again..."

The headquarters of the Gourmet Club is also not peaceful at the moment. The whole body is filled with a kind of excited and irritable mood, waiting for their final decision-maker to appear!

With the sound of the slow footsteps, the irritable and excited mood in the hall subsided a little. When Domilot saw the person, the first one couldn't wait to say: "Boss, you feel it too? This world On the top, there are still ingredients that make the energy of heaven and earth stop rioting! It even arouses the instinctive gluttony of gourmet cells! The ingredients born this time must be extraordinary!"

"It's more than extraordinary, even the legendary god can't compare..." Sanhu's voice was very low, but the obvious excitement was clearly felt by everyone present: "It's really shocking Ah! In this world, there are still such incredible ingredients! And it's still in a dilapidated place like the human world..."

"It's really shocking! In the legends, but I've never heard of such ingredients being born?" Chlomade frowned and thought, but his eyes were shining.

"There is no record, maybe new ingredients are born!" Stajiu pondered for a while and said.

"Don't guess! This time the movement is so big, I am afraid it has attracted the attention of the whole world! Maybe even people in the food industry will rush to the world after getting the news! And the people of Igo, I'm afraid it won't give up such a good opportunity, right? Boss, give an order, how should we act?

"All staff are dispatched, and we must get these ingredients at all costs! This time, I will go in person! The world that has been quiet for so long should shake!" The light of firmness that must be obtained, this time, he intends to play a big game, and wants to fight with all his strength.

"Boss, what should we do if we encounter the owner of the Caijing Winglong again this time?" At this moment, Star suddenly asked with a frown.

"If you stop it, at all costs! Kill!" The answer to him was Sanhu's cold words full of killing intent!

Originally, he had given up the plan to capture the Caijing Winglong when he learned of the reports from Stajiu and Gu Linbach, and waited until they captured God.But the sudden appearance of that unknown mysterious ingredient this time finally made him make up his mind.Even if it is the mysterious and terrifying powerhouse, he is no longer afraid!

"Go get ready! Eat more! Adjust your state to the peak, and set off with me in half an hour!" Sanhu's order was finished, he turned and left alone, obviously he was also preparing...

Chapter [-] Script

No matter how turbulent the outside world is, the vegetable field in the sky has entered a busy place, and countless people in the world are shuttled between the vegetable groups, picking those incredible vegetables and fruits!It has formed a beautiful scenery that cannot be compared anywhere else.

"The food in this world is really reasonable! It really is a thousand ways, and there are endless laws! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I still don't know that there are such laws that make sense in the world..." Goddess Standing pretty on the edge of the clouds, looking at the world below, holding hands and dancing, a crystal-like butterfly suddenly appeared between her palms.

As thin as a cicada's wings fluttered, countless fluorescent dots oscillated!Contaminated on the skin, in an instant, it becomes white and smooth!

"Wow! This...this...this...this is the legendary spice butterfly, where did you get it? It's amazing!" Tina saw it and came to the goddess at a flying speed. She slapped the butterfly in her hand violently, her face full of excitement.

"It turns out to be called Spice Butterfly... The fragrance it emits is like the natural fragrance of nature. It has no blood and no soul, but it is full of vitality. It is really interesting..." The goddess smiled slightly, and Tina instantly seemed to see Wan Dao Xiaguang!

For a time, he was shocked by the flawless perfect face of the goddess, with a look of dementia on his face: "Oh my God! It's so beautiful! There are such perfect women in the world..."

"Your name is Tina, isn't it? It's the same name as the strange boat created by Wukong..." The goddess smiled slightly.Tina felt that she had been redeemed for a moment, and some of the troubles in her heart disappeared in an instant.

"That...the boat?" Tina looked puzzled. Since it is a boat, why is it called 'the'?Shouldn't it say one?

"That's it..." The goddess looked at a woman who was lying on the broccoli tree and kept nibbling, and smiled.

"Hey! Hello! Do you want to eat together? It's delicious!" Tina seemed to feel it, turned her head to look over, waved at Tina who was holding the camera, and lay on her back again. The broccoli tree gnaws hard!Obviously, the deliciousness made her a little unable to stop.

Obviously, Tina was very curious about the woman with the same name as her, so she walked towards Tina on the Imperial...

And the goddess whispered to a beautiful girl not far away: "Little Li, please send this spice butterfly to Keya and the others. As a condiment, I think it should be useful..."

"Yes, goddess..." Xiao Li respectfully took it.

"Our identities are already equal, you don't have to treat me as respectfully as before..." The goddess shook her head helplessly.

"I'm used to it, and no matter what Xiao Li's identity is, you are my goddess..." Xiao Li was serious.

"Forget it, it's up to you, I've said it so many times, but I don't see you listening..."

Xiao Li just smiled and walked towards the kitchen with Spice Butterfly...

The goddess came to Sun Wukong's side: "Wukong, the movement here seems to be a bit loud, and it has attracted the attention of others. Do you need to set up a barrier?"

"Don't be too strong, and give them a little hope, as our after-dinner sideshow!" Sun Wukong smiled faintly, and there was a hint of ill will in his eyes.

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