The goddess nodded: "Let's do it!" With a slight wave of her slender hand, an invisible light curtain instantly enveloped the entire sky, and then said softly to the Monkey King: "With the group of people Strength, setting up this barrier is enough for us to finish this meal safely!"

"Wukong, you can count me, such an interesting thing, you can't miss me!" Chi Lian twisted his waist like a water snake, and came to Sun Wukong's side, his voice was soft and enchanting, and he said again. With endless cold, full of femme fatale.

"Okay, the strong men in this world can just let you practice your hands! Let me see the results of your practice during this period of time." Sun Wukong smiled.

"My subordinates will make them go back and forth!" Zhuanpo and Deshunyao stepped forward at the same time, their icy temperament exuding icy killing intent.

"Okay, since you are all interested, let's play an interesting game!" Sun Wukong looked at the appearance of turning the soul and destroying the soul. The people who come will be the strongest in this world, and their purpose is naturally Caifeng's gem meat, do you have the confidence to stop them all?"

"Yes! If you can't even do this, then it's better to go home and give birth to a baby for you!" Ya Fei smiled slightly, charming.

"Are you planning to make us fight against the whole world? It seems very interesting!" Cai Lin's eyes suddenly brightened, obviously Sun Wukong's attention made her interested.In the glamorous eyes, fighting spirit rises.

"Then are we acting as good guys or bad guys?" Ju Chuan Shizuka asked with a single finger to her chin, full of doubts.The hugeness of the chest is an exaggerated scene.

"Of course it is to implement justice. The evil is to take our precious flesh. We naturally have to swear to protect what belongs to us and defeat the evil! Justice will prevail!" .

"Knot, don't get too excited..." Asama Miya tugged at the knot with an excited look on her face, and shook her head helplessly.

"We are all Wukong's wives and concubines. As God's wives and concubines, we can't humiliate Wukong's prestige! Sisters, come here, let's study the next problem of division of labor..." Yuehai stood on a broccoli tree On the tree, he raised his arms to the sisters around him, so the sisters who were unwilling to be lonely ran over, formed a circle, and started to make a battle plan!

Sun Wukong on the side heard it, but he was extremely ashamed. He originally just wanted to choose some sisters to deal with Yilong and others who were about to face, but he didn't want to. His sisters imagined farther than him, and they were preparing to fight. the whole world!

Do you want to play so big!But the idea seemed to be quite good, so he even added it in to write the next script!

The goddess looked at a group of Monkey Kings who were chatting hotly, and shook her head helplessly, but didn't say anything more. Since they wanted to make trouble, let's make trouble!Although she has a kind heart, her heart is even more towards her sisters and Sun Wukong.

The poor gourmet hunters who are about to catch the so-called world-shattering ingredients like moths to the flames, but they don't know that they have become characters in the script created by Sun Wukong and others, and the script should be written by them. begin!

Chapter [-] Peerless Treasures

Time passed by, and the same food was served on the table one after another.

Rainbow fruit wine, puffer whale, gem meat of Ligaru mammoth, ozone grass, and the countless vegetables and fruits in the air vegetable field are all made of the crystal scales of the color crystal pterosaur, the phosphorus powder of the spice butterfly and other rare ultimates in the world. Seasoning is made!

The various aromas emanating from it filled the entire vegetable field in the air, making all the girls become greedy, and they were not interested in talking about the battle. They sat at the dining table and waited impatiently for the meal to start.

Afterwards, the meat of Caijing Pterosaur was also brought up. For a time, the entire vegetable field in the air was filled with a layer of dreamy colors, adding a touch of brilliance to the clouds in the sky.

It made those food hunters and chefs think that the unknown mysterious food treasure was about to be interviewed, and they all speeded up and rushed to the vegetable field in the sky!

Some people even wanted to take a look at it through satellites, but unfortunately they were blocked by the barrier, and even the entire aerial vegetable field disappeared under their detection!

It's just that the meat of Caijing Pterosaur is not today's protagonist, but Caifeng created by Sun Wukong himself, the gem meat of the full name Shencai Phoenix!

The gem meat produced by the Ligaru Mammoth is already unbelievably delicious, and the gem meat condensed by the divine phoenix, which is not a mortal thing, has surpassed the level of the mortal world and contains energy. Enough to make the food cells grow amazingly!

Therefore, its birth just caused the heaven and the earth to change, and the energy riot!The world is moved, because this is no longer a divine object that should appear in the mortal world.

"Let's start! You start with the easiest food first, and after you have awakened your gourmet cells, you will eat Caifeng's gem meat!" Sun Wukong reminded at the right time: "In this way, it will help you the most. of!"

All the girls nodded their heads, moved their chopsticks one after another, and caught their favorite dishes...

A large wave of stunning women eating at the same time, it is a visual feast, and a large wave of women radiating radiance at the same time, the scene of awakening the food cells, is an endless shock!

"It's... just like a dream!" Tina looked at everything in front of her and felt a little unreal. She stared blankly and forgot to shoot.

"Gourmet... cells..." The goddess frowned when she saw that each sister was bathed in divine light: "Wukong. This gourmet cell is indeed a shortcut to improve strength, but the hidden danger is There are also quite a few, once you are hungry, there may be a backlash effect!"

"Of course I know this, I just helped them raise their food cells to the limit, and then helped them fully absorb the power of food cells, thereby enhancing their own potential!" Sun Wukong smiled lightly without caring.

"Is it possible to use gourmet cells to boost potential? This method is indeed feasible, and it is also the most painless method!" The goddess nodded slightly, agreeing with Sun Wukong's point of view.

All the girls have been developed by Sun Wukong, and they have all reached their own limits. If they want to improve, they can only rely on their own cultivation to break through their own limits!

Although human potential is unlimited, the process of breaking through the limit is a bit slow. Sun Wukong does not have the patience to wait, because he does not know when the potential threat will suddenly attack!Therefore, the faster the strength of the girls improves, the better for him.It is better for everyone to work together than to fight alone!And who can guarantee that Yuan Mie is only alone?

And this gourmet cell is obviously an opportunity to develop the potential of the girls, because as long as there are enough ingredients, the gourmet cell can grow rapidly!

For this world, the so-called food also has its own limit!But for Sun Wukong, it is possible to raise this delicacy to a higher level, so it can also raise the strength of the girls to a higher level!

Moreover, people in this world will have little effect on the food that they have eaten once and use it again!But the girls are different. They can use the exercises given to them by Sun Wukong to absorb the energy in the ingredients infinitely to improve their food cells.

As long as you eat, you can increase your strength infinitely. This simple and effective method does not need to be in vain!

"It's finally the turn of the last dish!"

At this moment, all the girls were all looking forward to the last food being served. Before they could see it, they were all secretly swallowing their saliva and looking forward to it.

As soon as Caifeng's gem meat was served on the table, the moment the lid was opened, it was instantly filled with radiance and radiance!The exciting girls couldn't open their eyes for a while!But the astonishingly rich and mellow fragrance has already been introduced into the nose, and for a while, the stomachs of the girls are inexplicably 'gurgling', and just a touch of aroma has already aroused their gluttonous desire nature!

The dazzling rays of light didn't gradually dim until more than ten minutes later, which allowed the girls to see her true face!

It's really radiant and crystal clear, just looking at it, you can feel the hunger in your stomach!Although it has been made into food, it still exudes amazing life fluctuations, as if it is still a living thing, immortal energy is transpiring, and it is full of spirituality.The pervading divine brilliance is like a galaxy shrouded in hazy, hazy, making people fall into a fairyland!

Bathed in the divine light of life, everyone's cells were activated, and when they smelled it again, everyone exuded an amazing color light, full of holiness, like a fairy approaching each other. dust!In the body, the gourmet cells are also uncontrollably moving around, exuding an instinctive gluttony desire!

For a time, the expressions of all the girls looked very bad, which is really a bit embarrassing for a lady!It's just that at this moment, no one has paid attention to what his expression looks like at this time.

"Oh my god! indeed the legendary...the gem meat condensed by Caifeng! Just smelling it, I already feel comfortable all over my body, and my strength is endless! Come on~~ Wukong Come and have a good fight with me!" Jenny Bonney stared at Caifeng's gem meat on the table with bright eyes, with a strong sense of excitement and greed in his eyes, wishing to swallow it all into his own. In the stomach, even more excitedly, he pointed his finger at Sun Wukong.

"Okay! Let's go, brother will fight with you for [-] rounds!" Sun Wukong smiled, got up and hugged Jenny Bonny in his arms, causing Jenny Bonny to blushed instantly and turned over. A big white eye: "I'm just joking excitedly, let's vent, you're serious!"

"Okay, hurry up! It's been a torment for the last moment! Let's start eating quickly!" Bulma said impatiently.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused the resonance of all the women, and nodded again and again.

Chapter [-] Amazing Growth

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