"Husband, try it first!" Yue Hai gently clipped a piece of Caifeng's gem meat and placed it beside Sun Wukong's mouth, with a gentle face and a sloping arrogant figure that outlined a very attractive arc Wire.

"That's right!" Saeko, who knows how to be a woman, nodded seriously.

All the girls also nodded in agreement, Sun Wukong was not polite, and when he took a bite on the gem meat in front of him, the juice splashed and instantly transformed into a bright glow!The vitality is mixed with the strong fragrance that makes the heart and soul indulge in it. When you take a bite, your mouth is filled with the fragrant juice, which makes the taste buds have an explosive sense of refreshment!

At this moment, the spirit, qi, and spirit were suddenly shaken. Before swallowing, the cells of the entire body were activated and activated frantically. Even if it was Sun Wukong, the muscles of the whole body swelled autonomously. It is even more radiant, blazing out from the pores!It really is like a god who came into the world, and people can't help but worship!

That wonderful feeling like ascending an immortal can no longer be expressed in words. Needless to say, the fragrant and wonderful taste, what is even more shocking is the vitality and aura of the gem meat itself!It almost turned into a torrent and slammed into Sun Wukong's body. It felt like the spiritual energy of the whole world was massaging him. It was really indescribable!

The indescribable sense of comfort caused Sun Wukong's mouth to have a thick wretched smile, and he almost fell asleep because he couldn't resist the sense of comfort!Fortunately, his will is firm and he is unwilling to sleep, so naturally it will not have much impact.

"Wukong! How's it going?" Xiaoyixian looked at Sun Wukong with anticipation on his face, and asked very curiously at his extremely enjoyable and wretched expression.

"Indescribable!" Sun Wukong gave a thumbs up and just said these four words, because he no longer knew how to express it: "You can experience it for yourself! Even my muscles are involuntarily active, It can be seen that this gem meat is indeed a rare and unparalleled treasure in the world, although it can't increase my strength, but for you, it is definitely a great help!"

"Then we're welcome!" Gaocheng Saya immediately couldn't wait to divide the huge plate of gem meat into countless portions, and each of the girls took a portion and placed it in front of him.

I saw that the nugget of meat was bright and golden, and it was crystal-like and translucent.

Just by looking at it, you can know that this is definitely the supreme food treasure. Eating it can make one's spirits roll, and the strength is infinite, and the strength can be improved a lot.

Only Tina looked at this place, which had been shrouded in the rays of the sun, with a look of regret: "This light is too dazzling, it is impossible to shoot at all!"

"You are still in the mood to shoot now! Don't worry about it, come and taste this gem meat!" Tina of the Imperial hurriedly pulled Tina to sit down. Because the two have the same name, even if it is the first time they meet, their feelings are still Incredibly kind.

"I... do I have a share too?" Tina's eyes widened, looking at the glowing gem meat in front of her, she instantly became obsessed.Completely attracted by the light.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Tina from the Emperor gave her a blank look.Then droolingly looked at the piece of gem meat in front of him, and together with the girls, they picked up the table knife and cut a small piece, and put it in their mouth!

For a time, the watery or agile or charming eyes of each beautiful woman were wide open, and a torrent of aura poured into their meridians and every cell, and even ordinary people could clearly understand the aura. Feel the amazing growth!While the face is flushed, the whole body is full of radiance!

This time, it was hundreds of times stronger than the glow that emitted from just smelling the aroma before, making people unable to open their eyes at all!

If it weren't for the barrier of the enchantment, these amazing and terrifying breaths would definitely shock the whole world!

The red clouds flickered, illuminating the sky, and even the clouds rolled violently!

This wonder of the world made people in this world even more shocked, even Yi Long and others were moved, and they rushed to the extreme speed on their own mounts...

"What kind of ingredients are actually causing the world to mutate one after another? Is this series of changes a sign of imminent maturity?" There was an amazing greed: "I thought that only the gods of Acacia would be able to satisfy me, but I didn't want to, the world still has such incredible ingredients! Sure enough, people are changing, and the world is also changing. …”

"However, no matter what kind of world-shattering ingredients you are, it will belong to me alone! It seems that I don't have to wait for the birth of god... Then, let me wait... appear in front of the world in advance!" Just after falling, the figure under the black robe suddenly disappeared...

The girls just ate a mouthful of Caifeng's gem meat, and they all closed their eyes slightly, and the aftertaste was endless. Amazing evolution!It's a delicacy that shouldn't exist in the world.

"It's really delicious!" Ziyan tore off a large piece of meat again, and Xiaguang was pulled into silk threads, a little bit of crystal, and the meat was golden and fragrant.When you take a bite, the glow is flickering and the aroma is fragrant!

At this moment, all the girls lost their usual elegant eating appearance, because it was too delicious, and the restraint and red tape had been temporarily forgotten by them, and only the food in front of them was in their minds!

In the blink of an eye, the huge gem meat has been divided up by them, and the tongue is about to melt away.

"It's so cool! I feel that my strength has grown amazingly!" Tsunade shouted, punching the void in front of me!

With a 'bang' sound, the atmosphere shook!The amazing roar resounded, making the whole sky buzzing!The clouds on the horizon were all shaken by the strength of her fist!

Tsunade's terrifying power has grown even more terrifyingly!

The Moon God waved his hand lightly, and the radiant sky was instantly blocked by an image of a starry sky. With a single count, the world was known to rise and fall!It's just that her expression is still unwavering, even if her strength has improved to this point, she is still beautiful, indifferent, dignified and elegant.

And while Shao Siming was dancing with his slender hands, he saw a secluded orchid growing from its buds, and in a moment, it was already an ancient tree, exuding a faint glow, this was just the magic of her yin and yang!

Obviously, after eating Caifeng's gem meat, the strength of the girls has grown amazingly!

Chapter [-] Moths to the Fire

"The power of the physical body has indeed risen to an astonishing level. It seems that this food cell is very suitable for the cultivation of the physical body! It just fits the cultivation method Wukong taught us!" The power, even she herself was shocked.

"After all, what Wukong is best at is physical art!" Terumi Mei smiled slightly: "It seems that we won't have to work so hard in the future, just keep eating and don't have to worry about gaining weight, it really does it all!"

"Since the effect is so good, let's continue!" Jenny Bonney's eyes lit up, obviously not enough.

"I'm afraid it won't work, trouble is approaching here..." The goddess tilted her head to look below the clouds and said softly.

"Oh! They are really on time! It's also good, just use them to practice their hands!" Baby-5 got up and stood up, looking like he was honing his fists.

"But there are too many people, and you are too bright. Those who don't like fighting should go back and watch the battle! If you want to make a big fuss, just stay!" Sun Wukong clapped his hands and said.

As a result, Ju Chuan Shizuka, Bai, Bai Xing and other girls who did not like to kill all returned to the world of Sun Wukong with the goddess. In the virtual mirror displayed by the goddess, the venue where the vegetable field in the sky was restored, making them feel as if they were there in person. The battlefield generally watches this battle...

At this time, the huge vine connecting the vegetable field in the sky was already filled with people, all of them looking up, with greed in their eyes, and they couldn't wait to head towards the vegetable field in the sky...

It's just that this group of people is a group of people who are relatively close to the vegetable field in the sky, and they don't have any powerful roles. Therefore, those who were swallowed by raptors, attacked by evil bean trees, and fell to their death from vines can be said to be everywhere!

"It's really a bunch of ignorant people! If you don't have that strength, why would you come to die in vain!" Da Siming looked down from the clouds, watching the people who lost their mouths or fell to their death by the strong wind. Man, his face is full of indifference.

"Greed is the nature of human beings, knowing that there is danger, but still being fortunate, like a moth to a flame, desperate for everything..." The Moon God sat silently aside, still so calm and elegant.

"It's up to you, you can't blame anyone, you can only blame them for being greedy, there's nothing to blame!" Cai Lin had a cold expression on her face.

"It seems that even if someone can come here, it will be a few days later!" Yun Yun had not finished her words, but suddenly tilted her head and looked towards the end of the sky, with a surprised expression: "Huh? It's here. A decent bunch of people..."

For a moment, I saw a few huge birds and beasts appear in the sky...

"Ah! It's Igo's person, and the leader turned out to be President Yilong! And Director Mansam is also..."

"That wouldn't be the acupuncture expert Jiro, would it?"

"And the mother-in-law, one of the national treasures in the world!"

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