"I didn't expect it to be the legendary Phoenix... This is really tricky!" Yilong frowned slightly, also hesitating whether to capture it or not.

When the three tigers looked around, he did not see the figure that made him fearful, and there was no trace left here. It seemed that there was no one else except them.

However, at this moment, Caifeng suddenly let out a loud phoenix cry, the phoenix wings shook, and instantly turned into a colorful light piercing the clouds of the vegetable field in the air, and leaped directly towards the ground...

"Not good! Phoenix escaped!" Alu shouted immediately.

The three tigers remained silent, but the front body flashed and jumped down towards the hole that Caifeng drilled out!

"Chase!" Yilong just said this in a hurry, and then jumped down...

Stajiu and others also jumped and chased after each other...

Looking at the figures jumping from the entrance of the hole on the ground, Alu came to the entrance of the cave, looked at the endless sky, and exclaimed: "This is an altitude of tens of thousands of meters! They really dare to jump! And we've worked so hard to get here... how do we have to go down right away... Isn't this a joke?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and follow, I will catch you with my hair..." Sani said, and jumped down first.

Alu, Coco, and Zebra immediately jumped down!

Rao has Coco's hair entwined, and it blows them all over the place, and there is even thunder.

Fortunately, when they fell in the area of ​​the thundercloud, they were caught by Coco's pet Keith, otherwise, with their current strength, they would fall from an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and even if they didn't die, they would have to fall into a disability.

After all the people left, a strange house appeared in the open space here, but Sun Wukong and the others were drinking tea and chatting leisurely!

"Okay, those people have been led away by Caifeng, I should clean up the vegetable field in the sky!" Sun Wukong said, got up and stood up, his mind moved, the whole vegetable field in the sky disappeared in an instant, and appeared in the over the world of his own creation!

"Then let's set it up a little bit, and let this vegetable field in the sky become a scene in my world..."

Just when Sun Wukong set up a venue and environment suitable for the vegetable garden in the sky in his own world, Yilong and others had already caught up with Caifeng!

No, it should be said that Caifeng herself slowed down. Her mission was to lure Yilong and the others away, and prevent the aerial vegetable field from becoming a battlefield for everyone!

Caifeng looked down at the crowd, and her crisp voice spread out, it seemed to wash people's hearts, but she opened her mouth to convey the deceitful words that Sun Wukong told her: "I am the divine Caifeng, tens of billions of dollars. Only appeared once in the year! Only those who are favored by heaven can get my essence - gem meat, then, who will that person be?"

Saying that, Caifengfeng pecked one, and a fist-sized gemstone flesh exuding colorful light spewed out of her mouth...

In an instant, terrifying breaths burst out from the bodies of Yilong and the others. Their gourmet cells burst out of their bodies uncontrollably, and they were attracted by Caifeng's incredible deliciousness. It melted, and there was a strong greed in the pupils: "Gems...meat...give me! Give me!"

The desire sent to the soul made Yilong and the others' faces change greatly: "No! The gourmet cells have gone berserk..." At the moment, they tried their best to stabilize their minds, and only then did they stabilize the gourmet cells that were about to go berserk.

"What a rich energy! Just smelling it, I feel that my whole body is full of energy, and the food cells have been faintly evolved! It's no wonder that these ingredients resonate with the world..." Sanhu exclaimed, his eyes full of exclusiveness desire.

"Eaters, blessed by heaven! Live with the heavens and the earth! But if you only have one share, what choices will you make?" After Caifeng finished speaking, her figure instantly turned into a thousand rays of light and disappeared!

"Three tigers... Should we sit down and have a good talk?" Yilong turned his head to look at the three tigers.

"I will monopolize these ingredients!" Sanhu's face was stern, and the tone of his answer was very decisive: "And you will all be my bait!" He said, and saw him open his hands, waiting for a hug pose!

The muscles all over his body suddenly burst into flames, and he tilted his head forward slightly, his expression arrogant and terrifying: "Because for me now, everything... is for food..." As he spoke, his tongue came directly out of his mouth. Stretching out, he shot towards Yilong: "Hungry Fire Chopsticks!"

However, Yilong moved left and right in one ten-thousandth of a second, evading easily, and finally jumped into the air, completely dodging the attack range of the three tigers' tongues!

However, the tongues of the three tigers pierced the ground one after another like needles and threads sewed the earth. During the expansion and contraction, they uprooted a huge piece of ground like a small mountain, causing the earth to vibrate for it!

"You actually used your tongue to lick this old man, Sanhu, you are becoming more and more uneducated!" Yilong still looked relaxed after seeing such a powerful attack from Sanhu.

However, Sanhu ignored his words and looked up at Yilong floating in the void, his expression still arrogant and cold: "Although there are many creatures that can fly in the sky, they can use a very small number of escapers (atoms). You are the only one flying up, Yilong!"

However, at this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded behind Sanhu: "Sanhu, don't forget me! Guinness Fist!" In the anger, Jiro's fist with the wolf king's teeth was already facing The three tigers bombarded away!

A terrifying streamer shot out from his fist, and the speed was as fast as a meteor!


A roar that shook the earth resounded!

Although the three tigers are vigilant, they are unable to dodge effectively in the face of Jiro's attack while facing Yilong. Even if it is only one in a million slow, for existences like them, it is not enough. That's enough!

Therefore, Sanhu was hit straight by Jiro's attack, and the earth was cracked layer by layer by the terrifying destructive force, stretching for nearly [-] meters!

At this moment, the three strongest in the legend finally broke!And the melee for gem meat has just begun!

Chapter [-] The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind

Seeing the silhouette of the three tigers being bombarded by Jiro and flying upside down, Jienuo also took out her dragon saliva: "Although it's a bit unreasonable to fight three times, but facing you, it's better to solve it sooner or later!"

After he finished speaking, he took an attacking stance: "Dragon saliva... Form change... Chef's way!" When the sound fell, the dragon saliva changed into the shape of an attacking stance. To attack the three tigers...

Just halfway through, a similarly extremely sharp slash suddenly flashed, and the slashes from the same section in the air collided instantly!Directly left two deep knife marks on the ground!

"En?" Ji Nai turned his head to look, his brows furrowed slightly: "Are you Chiyo...Are you...degenerate? You actually took refuge in the food club..."

"This is the proof that I have climbed to the top... It's not that I have fallen..." Chiyo's mother-in-law looked evil, holding her special kitchen knife in her hand, full of cold killing intent: "Hehehe~~ National Treasure Festival, as long as Without you...I can call myself a national treasure..."

As he said that, his right foot suddenly stepped on the ground, and his body shot directly towards Jiunai. The kitchen knife in his hand turned into a cold beam and slashed towards Jiunai's neck without hesitation!

With a crisp sound of ding~~, Setano used his own dragon saliva to hold Chiyo's kitchen knife: "We used to call each other opponents... If possible, I really hope to be able to compete with you in cooking. !"

"It's a cooking showdown right now? Seton! It's just to see who gets cooked into pig feed first!" Chiyo, with a face full of evil spirits and murderous aura, looked like an ugly witch.

On the other side, the three tigers climbed up from the pile of rubble and looked at the dragon and the three tigers in front of them with coldness in their eyes: "It's really surprising, one day, I will face the two of you at the same time... ...Could it be that...you already feel that...you can't defeat me with just one person?"

"Don't be too self-righteous! Sanhu, we simply don't want to hand over the 'jewel meat' to you alone! It's also to end this battle as soon as possible..." Jiro looked at Sanhu with the same expression on his face. coldness.

"Really... It also depends on whether you have the ability!" The three tigers suddenly roared: "Thorn of thorns!" At the same time as Jiro shrouded in!

"Move chopsticks!"

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