Yilong raised his right hand and made the action of holding chopsticks. A moment ago, countless golden chopsticks emerged, holding the tongue of thorns in the sky, and he himself jumped towards the three tigers, waving his hands. , a huge chopstick pierced towards Sanhu: "Puncture the chopsticks!"

With a piercing sound, the piercing chopsticks directly pierced the center of Sanhu's tongue, which had protruded countless tongues, forcing Sanhu to retract his tongue!Instead, he shouted angrily, and punched Yilong with a punch...

"It's crooked and crooked! You don't even have to dodge!" Sanhu avoided it with ease, and immediately made an attacking posture: "Pull out chopsticks!"

In an instant, countless golden chopsticks bombarded Sanhu's abdomen like shooting stars!Forcing Sanhu to retreat several dozen meters, he stabilized his body: "Damn old man, give me the precision of my movements... eh?" Sanhu suddenly tilted his head, but suddenly saw Jiro, who had been floating in the air at an unknown time. I grabbed the precious gem meat..."

"Damn it! How can you get what you want!" Sanhu suddenly became furious, and it turned out that a hand knife directly pierced his chest!

With a 'click' sound, I saw Jiro's right hand that was stretched out towards the gem meat suddenly splashed with blood and disappeared strangely!I just want to be bitten off by something!

"This... this is?!" Jiro was shocked, gave up the gem meat, and pulled back directly!

"You...you...could it be..." Yilong looked at the three tigers, his expression became extremely solemn!

"As long as I go to 'death' by myself, I will become a minority for the function of 'survival'...and then...hehe~~~ you've been swallowed...a space with strong appetite...a space for hunger!" There is blood in the corners of Sanhu's mouth, and although the breath is weak, it exudes a more dangerous breath than before!

"You really did it! Sanhu, he killed himself... just this courage is really admirable!" Jiro looked at Sanhu with cold sweat on his face, but at the corner of his mouth, instead A crazy smile appeared: "Interesting! It's really interesting! Haha~~ If that's the case, then I'll have a good time with you today!"

Saying that, Jiro's aura instantly became extremely violent, like a sleeping beast that was about to wake up...

Feeling Jiro's change, Yilong's expression changed drastically: "Jiro, stop! You... do you want to break your seal?"

"In this hungry space, if we don't go all out, both of us may die!" Jiro's expression was extremely solemn, and his breath became more dangerous and violent...

"Haha~~ Although I really want to see what you will look like when the seal is lifted... But, right now, I don't have time to play with you!" Sanhu grinned, his face icy, "Kacha" ' A few times, and in an instant, Jiro's remaining left hand was bitten off in an instant, and on the left and right sides of his body, he also bit down several shocking gaps!

"Erlang!" Yilong was about to make a move, but he heard a few 'clicks', and even his own left and right hands were eaten clean in an instant!

In an instant, both Jiro and Ichiryu were seriously injured!

Hungry space, such horror!

But such an injury is not fatal to them with amazing resilience!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Yilong gritted his teeth and looked at the three tigers in shock. Gut... won't you stop eating too? Three tigers!"

"Hehe~~ It won't stop... My appetite won't be satisfied... Empty belly, never satisfied... This battle... I won... The gem meat... belongs to me!" Three Tiger looked at Jiro and Yilong, his face was still so indifferent, his figure flashed, and he reached out and grabbed the gem meat...


However, blood spattered, and a palm suddenly pierced out of Sanhu's heart...

A black robe appeared behind him: "You are wrong, Sanhu, this gem meat... belongs to me..."

"Joe...Joya? Are you Joya?!" Yilong's pupils shrank, looking at the man in black robe with his hand piercing the back of the three tigers, he roared in anger!

However, Qiao Ya ignored him, but looked at his palm and said to himself: "Have you avoided the key point of the heart... Even if you are seriously injured, can you avoid the key point in one ten thousandth of a second? It's really amazing... Three Tigers!"

Chapter [-]: Joya

"You bastard!"

The three tigers were injured more and more, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, but the eyes were like injured beasts, full of endless anger!

He didn't expect that when he activated the starvation space and concentrated on dealing with Yilong and Jiro, he was attacked by others!

I thought that the winning ticket was in my hands, but I was suddenly slashed by someone, and that feeling made the three tigers extremely angry!

Kacha~~!A few times, Qiao Ya's body was bitten out of several terrifying gaps!But strangely there is no blood splatter!

But also because of this, the black robe that shrouded him fell down...


Seeing that slightly familiar face, Sanhu, Yilong, and Jiro all frowned in an instant.

"Impossible! Lord Flossay is dead... Who are you?" Yilong looked at Qiao Ya, no longer had the usual smile, and asked with a serious face.

"Now is not the time to chat with you... I also care about the owner of the Caijing Pterosaur... So, let's get what I want to capture first!" Qiao Ya ignored it. The dragon's questioning, the body that was bitten full of gaps regenerated in an instant, the figure flashed, and he grabbed the gem meat in his hand!

The rich and pure energy instantly invaded his body along his palm, causing Qiao Ya to involuntarily let out a very exciting roar: "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh? Energy... I feel like the cells in my body are regenerating rapidly... It's so beautiful! Hahaha~~ It's like a phoenix that is about to be reborn...Is this the legendary Phoenix Nirvana?! Haha~~ Sure enough It's... an incredible fantasy ingredient that can rival God!"

Saying that, Qiao Ya showed extreme greed and bit down on the gem meat in his hand...

"Bastard! That's what belongs to me!" Sanhu roared, bloodshot in his eyes.With a click, Qiao Ya's arm was swallowed up again!

"Big hole!"

Jiro shot at this moment, no, it should be said to be a foot, because his hands have been swallowed up at this moment!

This time, the big acupuncture point was made by Jiro with his foot, and he stomped on the ground with one foot.

Obviously, in this big acupuncture, Jiro concentrated his great strength on Qiao Ya alone!

In an instant, Qiao Ya's figure was forbidden to move, although it was only for a moment!But for Yilong, it was enough. I saw him fly with one foot, and a huge chopstick was displayed from his right foot: "Profound Truth, a single chopstick!"

With the sound falling, the huge golden chopsticks slashed down towards the immobile Qiao Ya!


The moment a single chopstick touched Qiao Ya, there was a violent roar, which actually produced a golden energy mask that spread out towards the surroundings!utter destruction!

For a time, the landslides and the earth cracks!

It wasn't until dozens of seconds that everything calmed down!

And where the single chopstick landed, there was already a huge pothole dozens of meters deep!

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