And Qiao Ya, who was hit straight, was lying in it in embarrassment!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiro and Ichiryu immediately started to eat, mobilizing the energy stored in the body, so that the injuries on the whole body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, even the devoured hands were regenerated!

"Hehe~~~ Facing the attack of the legendary three strongest... It's really tricky..."

Qiao Ya, who was lying in the pothole, suddenly stood up slowly, looking scarred all over his body, but he suffered a blow from Yilong's profound meaning, and he still did not suffer fatal injuries!

At this moment, one after another silhouettes flashed again, it turned out that Starjiu and the others finally arrived here!

Just looking at the situation at this moment is full of surprises, because Yilong, Sanhu, and Jiro are all staring at one person with hostile eyes - Qiao Ya!

"Alu! Go and capture that gem meat!" Yilong gave an order in an instant. Compared with others, he had more confidence in the Four Heavenly Kings of Food such as Alu.

It's just that just after his words fell, he saw that Alu and the others became violent, and the demons in everyone's gourmet cells emerged involuntarily, staring at the sky with gluttonous eyes. The gem meat that confuses the minds and souls of others!

"No! They are all confused!" Yilong's expression changed greatly, because before, even he almost fell into it, so he is very aware of how terrifying the attraction to primitive gluttony!

Not to mention human beings, even the gourmet cells cannot escape the temptation of gem meat, and those who are not strong-willed will be dominated by the demons in the gourmet cells and run wild!

"Haha... It's really lively now..." Qiao Ya looked at the crowd at the moment, and suddenly laughed strangely.

"Quiet me all! Little bastards!" Jiro suddenly roared, the sound wave pierced the eardrum of the heart, causing Alu and the others to roar in both ears.

"Too...too scary! Just looking at...I almost made my gourmet cells spin out of control...this...what kind of meat is this?" Alu looked shocked.

"The gem meat of the Shencai Phoenix... It is said that the divine treasure meat will only appear once in hundreds of millions of years! Don't let others take it away!" Yilong shouted immediately.Unexpectedly, he completely believed the foolish words that Sun Wukong gave to Caifeng!

This is why, the legend that the divine phoenix appears in the world only once in hundreds of millions of years has become an eternal legend in this world!

If Sun Wukong knows about this, I don't know how he will complain, this is really not intentional!

"Phoenix's gem meat! Dad, don't worry, I will definitely grab the gem meat!" Alu roared confidently, but he jumped directly at the gem meat!

"You seem to have forgotten us, right?" Stajiu stepped forward, but directly blocked Alu's face.

"It's not necessary to hide now, everyone... let's do it!" Qiao Ya glanced at everyone present, but spoke calmly.

As a result, the companions who originally belonged to their respective camps suddenly launched the most deadly attack on the unsuspecting people!

"Mr.!" Mansam looked at the weapon that pierced his chest in shock, and the person holding it turned out to be the vice president of Igo, Shigeru Song!

In the same way, Dolles, Nainis, Qiao Niang, etc. from the food party also launched attacks on Stajiu and the others...

Looking at the situation that suddenly became inexplicable, Alu instantly became full of greetings: "This... What the hell is going on? Why did you beat yourself up?"

Chapter [-] Chaos

"I can't hold it anymore, do you want to surface...neo..." Yilong looked very serious at this time, looked at Qiao Ya, and said coldly.

"Haha~~ Although it's very different from our neo's plan, for this kind of god's food that can be compared to god and can be obtained so easily, everything is worth it!" Qiao Ya smiled lightly and took it out of his arms. Got a very sharp kitchen knife!

"That...that's..." Looking at the kitchen knife in Qiao Ya's hand, Yilong and others were moved.

"Why do you have this kitchen knife?" Sanhu looked at Qiao Ya with a gloomy expression, and a trace of anger clearly appeared in his eyes, but Che was calmed down by him in an instant.

"Why do you have this kitchen knife? Your question is really not up to standard! Three tigers... This is my kitchen knife!" Qiao Ya said flatly.

"Nonsense, that kitchen knife was once revered as a god cook... At the same time, it is also used by the partner of the gourmet god Acacia, Lord Floros... Cinderella!" After driving a certain distance, looking at the kitchen knife in Qiao Ya's hand, he said angrily.

"What?! The legend... the kitchen knife of the god chef? Hey~~ How did you bring all the legendary characters in... What the hell is going on?" Alu and the others were moved.

"'s my thing...Didn't I say that just now..." With the terrifying image on Qiao Ya's face, his aura gradually became terrifying, he picked up the kitchen knife and slashed down: " One million slices!"

In an instant, a slash with terrifying destructive power slashed towards Yilong and the others!

Just a few crisp 'clicks', that slash with terrifying power was actually bitten off by the three tigers in an instant, and it was completely devoured!

However, Sanhu himself also spewed a mouthful of blood, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

"Oh... this hunger space is really terrifying... can you even eat a slash..." Qiao Ya smiled lightly, not showing any nervousness: "However, relatively speaking, the damage and consumption to you are also very high. Is it big? If you want to maintain this starvation long can you last in the state of dying?"

"Three tigers! You should understand now, right? Your real opponent is not us..." Yilong looked at the three tigers with a very serious expression, and said, "Let's join forces! The three tigers! Our common enemy is actually hidden in I'm waiting for the neo by my side!"

"Neo...Although I already noticed...but I didn't expect...there are so many spies who have been planted..." Sanhu's tone was still calm at the moment, except for a few loyal members such as Stajiu, other food will be Members, chefs, etc., all betrayed!

"This incident has indirectly exposed all the dark sides to the bright side... It seems to be a blessing in disguise!" Yuzuo held a cigarette butt in his mouth, and sharpened his fists: "It seems that this time, we all It's going to be a big fight!"

"Could it be that your food is going to form an alliance with igo? Oops~ This is really an unexpected ending! The current situation... seems to be very unfavorable to me..." Joya's complexion changed, and it seemed that the whole face was full of It has become like a dead bone, but the breath has become more evil: "However, I have already said... I don't have time to play with you..."

Saying that, Qiao Ya's figure flashed, and once again grabbed the gem meat in his hand...

"I already said...that's my thing! You really don't have a long memory!" Sanhu roared and activated the hunger space again!

However, suddenly three figures descended from the sky and blocked Qiao Ya, and one of the figures was bitten in an instant in a painful roar.

Obviously, he replaced Qiao Ya, who was about to be swallowed, and blocked the hunger and swallowing of the three tigers!

"gt robot? No! There is flesh and blood... They are all creatures?" Alu and the others looked at the three monsters that suddenly appeared, and their expressions changed greatly again.The successive changes made them a little unresponsive.In the chaotic situation, I don't know who to attack for a while.

"Nitro...that's that's the case...I said why I didn't see these three turns out that they have already betrayed..." Sanhu looked at the three Nitros in front of him, and his expression became more and more serious. Jia became gloomy and used the monster he had tamed to deal with him, which made him very angry.

"Betrayal? This is not enough! Since you can tame them... I can naturally..." Qiao Ya looked at Sanhu, but smiled lightly.

"Three bastard...even Nitro wants to use it!" At this moment, Yilong looked at Sanhu with an angry look on his face.Fortunately, such a change has occurred, otherwise, wouldn't the three Nitros attacked them become their igos?

"Hmph... The sudden appearance of the food of the gods, the gem meat, seems to have disrupted all of our plans. This is really something I never thought of... neo... Compared with igo, I am more I hate you guys... Yilong, do as you wish! We temporarily truce, and now, I want to screw that bastard's head off the most!" Sanhu looked gloomy, looked at Qiao Ya, and said to Yilong. .

"Finally figured it out! Don't worry, Sanhu, I will definitely share it with you when I capture the gem meat!" A smile appeared on Yilong's face again.

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