Yilong, Sanhu, and Jiro stood side by side at the same time, looking at Qiao Ya, the two parties who were originally hostile, walked together inexplicably.

Although one of the three of them is enough to compete with Qiao Ya, Yilong and the others want to kill Qiao Ya!With the three of them joining forces, he has absolutely no chance of escaping!

Obviously, the three of them are extremely angry with Qiao Ya, and they simply don't want to give him a little way to survive.

"Yozuo, the other neo members, I'll leave it to you..." Yilong tilted his head and said solemnly.

"Don't worry! Since they chose to surface, then take the opportunity to catch them all!"

"Stajiu, don't leave any traitors!" Compared with Sanhu's order, it was much simpler and clearer.

"Understood!" Stajiu nodded, his muscles swelled, exuding a terrifying aura.

However, just as the two sides were about to fight, the space above everyone's heads suddenly fluctuated slightly, but Sun Wukong appeared out of thin air: "Yo... the scene is so chaotic... You don't mind me interfering, right?"

"Huh?! Finally...appeared..."

Seeing the sudden appearance of Sun Wukong, the expressions of Yilong and others became extremely dignified, and even Qiao Ya suddenly stepped back and opened a certain distance from Sun Wukong!

Because they are very clear that the one trick 'big acupuncture' made the earth stop running, and at the same time clicked on the acupuncture points of all creatures on the earth and couldn't move, this is the person!

Chapter [-] Mealtime

"Has the guy who even we neo couldn't find out the specific information also appeared... Things are getting more and more troublesome... The gem meat has already been obtained... Let's withdraw first..." A sudden appearance appeared under Qiao Ya's feet. A black shadow, and his body slowly sank...

Shadow, Eudemons, capture level: 295, is Joa's pet.

"It's not good if you leave like this! At least you have to leave things behind..." Sun Wukong looked at Qiao Ya, stretched out his right hand, suction emerged, and the gem meat in Qiao Ya's hand flew out instantly, and was caught by Sun Wukong. I grabbed it in my hand.


The gem meat was robbed, and Qiao Ya, who was looking to leave calmly, suddenly became extremely gloomy, and jumped out of the black shadow, staring at Sun Wukong with icy eyes, full of anger and murderous intent: "I think Stealing the prey from my hands... this is not a wise choice!" After speaking, he suddenly jumped into the sky and slashed down at Sun Wukong: "God's cooking technique - air slash!"

The cold light obscured the sun, and the light beam spewed out from the blade of 'Cinderella', turning into a terrifying slash that seemed to tear the space apart, and slashed towards Sun Wukong with a frightening power!

"Isn't it a wise choice? I should have said this, right?" Sun Wukong glanced at Qiao Ya indifferently, he didn't need to dodge, he just stretched out with one hand, protruding out before...

The slash collided with his palm in an instant, but there was no such an astonishing sound. Instead, the seemingly terrifying slash was pinched by Sun Wukong in his hand!

Then, under Qiao Yan's extremely shocked eyes, he looked at him: "You have to figure out one thing... In front of me... you are just a little shrimp... and I... is the big boss. !"

The words fell, and I saw Sun Wukong clenched his hand lightly, and there was a crisp 'click' sound, and the terrifying slash was crushed directly in his hand, turning into thousands of light spots and dissipating!

"How... possible!" Qiao Ya's eyes were shocked and unbelievable. If he blocked his attack, he would not be so rude, but he crushed it with his bare hands. He never even thought about such pictures. .

Yilong and others are also moved!The slashes that Qiao Ya issued, even they had to do their best to deal with them before they could take it, but Sun Wukong blocked it with one hand, and it was so easy and free, this kind of strength is too terrifying!

"I thought I looked up to you enough... It seems that I still underestimate you..." Qiao Ya's expression was solemn, the whole face changed, like a pale skeleton face, and the breath rose: "You said that I am just a Little shrimp? And you are the big boss? You really dare to say this! Your arrogance and ignorance must have a limit! Then, let me let you experience it for yourself... What is terror? Bar!"

In Qiao Ya's roar, the murderous intent surged, icy and biting, and the continuous slashing with 'Cinderella' in his hand, the speed was extremely fast, leaving only afterimages one after another, spraying out one after another dazzling and terrifying slashing attack, Lighting up the sky, he slashed towards Sun Wukong below: "The Demon King chops minced meat!"

In that scene, it was as if Sun Wukong was a piece of meat on a chopping board, and Qiao Ya was the person holding a kitchen knife and wanted to chop that piece of meat into meat sauce!

"Do you even think of me as a piece of meat and want to cook it... What a mere ants, you really dare to think! I didn't intend to do it myself... Since you said that you want me to experience the fear... Then let me Let me experience it for myself, what exactly do you use to make me afraid..."

Sun Wukong looked up, his eyes were full of jokes, looking at the countless slashes of the knife light, but it was blown out in one breath, the wind howled, the knife light was swept away and cracked in an instant, and rolled back, like a thousand swords piercing the heart. In general, all of them were pierced on Qiao Ya's body, causing him to scream incessantly, and finally fell from the air like a kite with a broken string!

The whole body is covered with gaps and holes, except for one head, which is still intact, and the other bodies are all dilapidated!It looks so good and not miserable!

Yilong and the others were shocked, but Qiao Ya, a strong enemy that even they had to take seriously, was only made into such a tragic state by the breath of Sun Wukong.

"This...this...this...is this still a human?" Alu looked stunned and lost his voice in shock.

"Didn't you say that you want me to see what fear is? Why did you just lie down first! I'm still looking forward to it..." Sun Wukong walked towards Qiao Ya, the sound of slow footsteps, every time he stepped As if stepping on Qiao Ya's heart, it made him even more fearful!

It's good that Sun Wukong didn't leak his breath. Once this leaked, even if it was just a little bit, it would make Qiao Ya's firm heart start to shake!That terrifying and desperate breath instantly enveloped his body, mind and soul, making him instinctively feel fear!The person in front of him is simply not something he can compete with!

"How... possible...! How can there be such a terrifying existence in the world... I don't believe it! How could I be shaken! How could I be afraid! I won't be afraid! No! You go to me Die! Die!" Qiao Ya's eyes were full of terrifying bloodshots, because his heart was shaken and fear, which made him fall into a state of madness, a black gas emanating from his body, full of disturbing and destructive crisis !

"Showing me such a breath...but it's very dangerous..." Sun Wukong glanced at Qiao Ya at the moment, but suddenly looked up at the sky, his eyes gleaming: "It's really thanks to that air dish Earth... Let my spiritual sense explore this world a little... I accidentally discovered the essence of this world... Hehe... I didn't understand this when I watched anime... It's really an interesting world... ...now I'm... suddenly hungry too..."

"Hmph~~ Face me, you dare to be distracted, in just a moment, I can kill you a thousand times!" Qiao Ya suddenly roared, and swung a knife at Sun Wukong...

However, Sun Wukong didn't even look at it. He just stretched out his hand and shot, and the invisible slash disappeared in an instant...

Qiao Ya's complexion suddenly changed greatly!

"Just a moment...can you kill me a thousand times?" Sun Wukong looked at Qiao Ya with a calm expression: "Ignorance...it's really sad! I originally wanted to play games with you...now suddenly I don't. If you're interested...then...you can die!"

As Sun Wukong's words just fell, he suddenly saw Qiao Ya's body being wrapped in blazing black flames.

"Then, from this moment on...the plot changes...it's time for my Sun Wukong's meal...you all do your best...to protect this world from my hands!"

Chapter [-] Who is the ultimate boss

"How... will... Qiao Ya... turned out to be... dead! How could... be like this!" The members of neo all turned pale with shock, and their faces were horrified. Their neo had just surfaced, and they had not had time to implement it. The plan, Qiao Ya actually fell here, which made them a little unable to react!

"Isn't this surprising? Didn't I already say it! The plot changes, it's up to you to protect the world from my hands... Or, to live hard from my hands!" Sun Wukong stared at the scene. Everyone, the breath is terrifying and horrified, making people feel hopeless.

"You guy, you're really over-comfortable! Look at me bombarding you!" Zebra looked at Sun Wukong, looking very unhappy, opened his mouth wide, and the sound waves in his mouth condensed...

"Zebra...don't!" Yilong's expression changed greatly, and he hurriedly roared to stop it, but unfortunately it was too late!

"Sonic missile!"

With a loud roar, huge sonic energy blasted out from Zebra's mouth, blasting straight at Sun Wukong like a laser cannon...

It's just that the seemingly powerful 'sonic missile' was blocked by an invisible force before it was one meter away from Sun Wukong. The two collided, and a deafening roar broke out. The horns did not blow either.

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