"Do you still have the guts to attack me...you'll have the guts at that time...but, generally speaking, people like you are short-lived ghosts!" Sun Wukong looked at Zebra indifferently, The figure flashed, and with a 'bang' sound, the earth shook, but Zebra was kicked on the ground by Sun Wukong, stepped through his chest, and fell to the ground...

"Zebra!" Alu was instantly furious, waving a hand knife and slashing at Sun Wukong, and in an instant he saw a huge dining knife slashing down at Sun Wukong!

"This kind of toy... wants to hurt me too? It's ridiculous!" Sun Wukong squeezed the knife that was chopped down, squeezed it lightly, and with a light click, Alu's angry blow was squeezed by him. Smash!

"Damn! Ten nails in a row!" Alu roared again, the muscles in his right arm swelled, and he punched Sun Wukong with one punch...

With a "bang", the fists and palms intersected, and Sun Wukong only caught Alu's fierce punch with one hand, making ten sounds in a row, each time being more terrifying, but it didn't make Sun Wukong's feet move at all!

"Wh... what?!" Alu's expression changed suddenly.

"If you are weak, don't come out and try to be strong, that will kill you!" Sun Wukong looked at Alu with a flat face, and pulled hard with his hands. With Alu's scream, blood spurted, Sun Wukong was actually a Ripped off Alu's arm!


Coco and Sani changed color instantly, and before he could make a second shot, one of them took the first shot!

I saw Yilong raised his right hand, and a pair of golden chopsticks instantly appeared on top of his head. With a wave of his hand, he pierced towards Sun Wukong!

It's a pity that it was crushed by Sun Wukong!

"Damn it! Where the hell did this guy come from... The strength is so terrifying!" Yilong's face became dignified like never before, his body exuded a terrifying gravitational force, and he directly sucked Alu away from Sun Wukong's side. !

He immediately lifted the gravity, took Alu and handed him over to Coco, with a serious look on his face: "Hurry up and leave, this level of battle is not something you can get involved in!"

Although they were unwilling, they still took Alu and others to quickly evacuate...

And the masters such as Yilong, Jiro, Jieno, and Yusaku surrounded Sun Wukong. Obviously, they have recognized the horror of Sun Wukong, and not one person can defeat him!Want to group and attack!

"So, do you want to go with them?" Sun Wukong tilted his head, looked at Sanhu and Neo's people, and smiled lightly.

"To deal with you, I alone is enough!" Sanhu's face was gloomy and extremely solemn, his long tongue stretched out, swallowed and activated, rattle!A series of sounds resounded from a meter away from Sun Wukong's side, rippling through layers of ripples!

Sanhu's complexion changed slightly, and he continued to be shocked: "My hunger space is actually ineffective against him... Is there any enchantment set up around him?"

"Don't make a mistake, I just don't want to be touched by your disgusting tongue!" Sun Wukong looked at Sanhu with a series of disgusting expressions.

Sanhu's brows jumped with anger: "You said...disgusting...hehe...such a thing...you dare to say it!" After speaking, Sanhu's aura instantly became as terrifying as a demon!And behind him, a terrifying demon figure appeared under the shocking gaze of everyone!

"This... is the devil of Sanhu's gourmet cells... actually materialized..." Yilong's complexion changed greatly: "I didn't expect... he has grown to this level..."

"go to hell!"

With the roar of the three tigers, he and his gourmet cell demon stretched out that terrifying long tongue at the same time, and quickly extended their life, turning into a terrifying devouring beam, penetrating towards Sun Wukong!

The destructive light waves illuminated the space, and the excited people couldn't open their eyes. They bombarded the place where Sun Wukong was, and a terrifying roar that shook the earth erupted!Yu Weiruo's ripples spread, destroying the mountains and forests of the earth!

Everyone was shocked, this blow was so terrifying!

"Did it work?" Looking at the dust and smoke, everyone was full of expectations, hoping that this blow would completely eliminate the 'demon' that made them fear!

The smoke dissipated, but everyone's pupils were constricted. The figure that terrified them was still standing there unharmed. The ground under his feet, five meters in diameter, was not damaged at all, but five meters away, it had already formed. A terrifying giant pothole!

"It didn't hurt at all!" Sanhu couldn't believe it, his feet were soft, and he knelt down on one knee. From the beginning, facing Yilong and Jiro, he opened up the hunger space, and the consumption was huge, and then he faced Qiao Ya, And then there is Sun Wukong. At this moment, he has already reached his limit!

"It seems that the energy of the three tigers is running out... It's time for us to get serious!" Jiro's face was solemn, and he took out a special acupoint grab...

"Erlang...Are you going to lift the seal...then this old man...it's time to go all out!" Yilong said, his terrifying aura was released, and a demon figure appeared behind him: "If you can If so...I really don't want to do this step..."


At this moment, Jiro also stabbed the acupuncture point into his chest, and the violent and bloodthirsty aura madly awakened from his body!The swollen muscles contracted at a speed visible to the naked eye...

In the end, a figure that looked thin, but actually exuded a terrifying aura, like a beast...

The two wolves have finally fully awakened at this moment!

Chapter [-] Fight for the survival of the world!

"Have you lifted the seal... It seems that you have already made a considerable amount of consciousness... Although I want to kill you, it is only a momentary thing..." Sun Wukong looked at Jiro and the others, and sat casually like that. On a big rock: "But if you do that...my wives will blame me...then...let's play with you for a while!"

"You said...killed us...just a moment?" At this moment, Jiro looked at Sun Wukong, his eyes were full of violent arrogance: "Hehehehe~~~ Did you make a mistake? If What you said to me now...that's a big mistake! The old man's name is Erlang...the beast that used to be called 'Beast'...the me now...but it won't be like that anymore It's docile! I've already...ready to enlightenment...then are you...ready to enlightenment?"

As soon as the violent voice fell, a roar resounded, and with a bang, the earth trembled, and the figure of Jiro, who had untied the seal, had turned into an afterimage, and bombarded down the face of Sun Wukong!

It's just that Sun Wukong still sat there with a calm expression, as if he didn't see Jiro coming from the bombardment!Until the moment when the attack was approaching, a shadow suddenly flashed in front of him, the temperature of the space here suddenly rose to an unbelievable height, the trees on the earth dried up and burned in an instant, and the soil, sand and gravel instantly turned into dust and ashes!Even the space is distorted by the terrifying temperature!

Jiro's face was suddenly shocked, he hurriedly stabilized his body, and a little ground under his feet, he flew back in an instant, looking at the sudden appearance with a very solemn expression: "Who is it?!"

"What a terrifying temperature... I can breathe... my internal organs are almost cooked..." Starjiu looked horrified. His ability was fire, but he didn't expect that he was still injured by fire.

"Looks like another troublesome character has appeared!" Yilong looked solemn, stood side by side with Jiro and the others, looked at Sun Wukong, and said with a serious face: "Be careful, don't act rashly."

"Wukong! Is this ready for action?" Xun'er looked at Sun Wukong and asked softly.That beautiful and refined beauty like a fairy, makes people feel intoxicated when they see it!

"Yes! But the plan has changed... I want to cook this world... And they are all obstacles... But those who stop... Kill Wushe!" As Sun Wukong's words fell, there were more than a dozen beautiful figures. Flashed out beside him.

"Well? So many people?! How did it appear? There was no warning..." Yilong and the others looked at the girls who suddenly appeared, and their expressions became more and more dignified and uneasy!

"Wukong, you said you want to cook this world? What's going on?" Cai Lin looked at Sun Wukong in surprise.

"Just before, when I collected the vegetable field in the sky with my divine sense, I accidentally discovered the secret of this earth... So when I came out, I carefully probed the whole world... I really found an amazing fact! "

"Every planet in this world actually represents an incredible ultimate delicacy... and the Lord of this world represents... the ultimate delicacy of the whole world! After eating it, your strength will definitely increase! To When the World Origin Orb from other worlds is being integrated, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

"Oh~ there is such a thing?" Luna looked surprised, looking at Sun Wukong, obviously showing a strong interest: "So, we are planning to destroy this world?"

"That's it!" Sun Wukong nodded.

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