"Destroy the world! This kind of thing...is really crazy...in other words, have we become the villains of this world now?" This decision is somewhat helpless.

"Oh! Is this going to be an enemy of the whole world? It's so exciting to think about it!" Instead, Jenny Bonney looked excited, as if the world would not be chaotic.

"Destroy the world?! You really don't take us seriously! Just in front of us... to decide to destroy the world? Isn't it too shameless!" The chopsticks, like a meteor shower, landed towards Sun Wukong and the others in an instant!

The moon god took a step forward and raised his slender hand towards the sky. The sky changed, forming a beautiful starry sky image!In the warped space, the golden chopsticks that filled the sky disappeared like this strangely!

"What?! This...this is?!" Yilong's expression changed drastically.

At the same time, the three tigers reinvigorated, and the gourmet cell demon emerged again, opened that terrifying bloody mouth, and bit down!

This blow is the hunger space launched by the devil of gourmet cells. The appetite to devour everything in the world can be said to be food for everything in the world!

It was just a loud 'click' sound, and a terrifying gnashing sound suddenly came from above the heads of the girls, and a row of teeth marks were printed in the space fluctuations!

It turned out that Cailin shot in an instant, creating a space that directly separated the hunger space of the three tigers!

"A space was created at random... Where did this group of people... come from?!" Yilong and the others were moved when they saw the terrifying strength displayed by each of the girls.

"Then the war has begun... You have to work hard! This war is about the safety of the entire human world! If you lose, the human world will not exist... Of course, there may be some of you, too. People don't care about the human world, but this gem meat, I think you don't care!" Sun Wukong looked at Yilong and the others, holding Caifeng's gem meat, and smiled lightly.

"Gem meat...I really don't care about the human world..." Sanhu glared at Sun Wukong, his eyes rising with fighting intent, his purpose was very simple, just to eat, to capture the gem meat in Sun Wukong's hands.At the moment, he turned his head to look at Yilong: "Old man, don't you want to cooperate with me! I want my gem meat, you protect your human world..."

"You bastard, you really just plug it in! Okay! The deal is done!" Yilong looked at the three tigers, but after thinking for a moment, he clapped his hands and agreed!Compared with gem meat, he cares more about the life and death of the human world!

"It's obviously just to capture the gem meat... Why has it become such a lofty goal of saving the world? What the hell is this!" Although Tie Ping's expression was extremely serious at this moment, he was extremely depressed.

"Then assign opponents! That guy is handed over to me!" Kaoru said, looking at Jiro.

"Then I'll choose him..." Cailin looked at Sanhu.

"Sister Moon God... Then leave it to me!" Yue'er pointed at Yilong and smiled at Moon God.

Chapter [-] The Battle Begins

"What should we do now?" Nainis looked at Zeus beside him and asked in confusion.

The situation at this time made the members of neo embarrassed, and the leader Qiao Ya died, making them feel as if the group had no leader.

"It's rare to unite with the people from iog and the food party. There are not many opportunities like this... Qiao Ya has already died for this. He can't be sacrificed in vain... In this case, the gem meat must not be handed over to others... I don’t believe that they can compete with the power of the entire Human World!” Zeus’ face was resolute, although he was afraid of Sun Wukong’s strength, if the power of the entire Human World combined to fight against them, he might not win. !

The most important thing is, how can Caifeng's gem meat be given up!That is just one bite, and you can get the god's food that is favored by God!This is an irresistible fatal attraction for chefs or gourmets!

Even if you know that it is a moth to the fire, I am afraid that there will be countless people who will follow you!

The so-called enemy of an enemy is a friend. Because of the appearance of Sun Wukong, it turned out that the Lingde Food Club, igo, neo and other forces joined forces at the same time. If this has not happened, if you say it, you must be called a lunatic by others!

How could such incompatible forces be united?However, the fact is right in front of you. Because of the appearance of Sun Wukong, he made the impossible possible!

"Haha~~ I'm the only one who can temporarily unite all the hostile forces in this world! It seems that you have indeed discovered how dangerous I am!" Little achievements.

"To be an enemy of the whole world... This kind of thinking... only you can do it..." Asama Miya looked at Sun Wukong and smiled helplessly: "Forget it, this world will be destroyed sooner or later anyway, kill or not kill, It's the same ending, since you guys want to play, I'll accompany you to be a bad guy!" As she spoke, a small and extremely sharp ancient sword flashed in her hand!Looking at Zeus, he smiled slightly: "I heard that you are the number one cook in this world, so you must have little strength! Please give me more advice!"

"I won't be merciful just because you are a woman..." Zeus said indifferently.

"It seems that you are very confident... This is a good thing!" Miya Asama still smiled, but the ancient sword had already been sold, and the fierce sword intent emanated from her body, making Zeus' heart suddenly feel Jumping, his face was very serious for a moment: "It seems that you are not a general person! ..."

"Grandpa, please advise!" Yue'er said politely, standing beside Yilong.

This made Yilong's pressure not ordinary: "This old man's opponent is actually a little girl..." He saw at a glance that Yue'er was only in her teens, and let him, an old monster several hundred years old, bully a little girl. Loli, no matter how thick his old face is, he can't do it: "That... a cute and polite child like you, why do you want to help them destroy the world? Don't you know that this kind of thing is wrong?"

"I know!" Yue'er nodded seriously.

"Then you still help them, this kind of thing is not suitable for you, you should go back quickly!" Yilong saw that Yue'er was cute and kind by nature, and even began to persuade her with good words.

"This can't be done! Because Brother Wukong said...the world is going to be destroyed! If he wants to destroy it, I will help him destroy it!" Yue'er said very seriously.Although she is kind by nature, her words for Sun Wukong are better than everything!

Yilong immediately saw the unquestionable firmness in Yue'er's eyes. He knew that what he said was useless, and his heart couldn't help but be shocked. She was just a little girl in her teens who had such a firm belief. It really moved him.

"It seems that this little girl is indeed different from others, isn't she really some kind of enchanting little genius, right?" Yilong looked at Yue'er and couldn't help muttering to himself.

At the same time, Chi Lian stepped forward and looked at Domino: "You control all those bugs in the sky... Then, let me be your opponent!"

"Hehe~~ Destroying a beauty like you with your own hands seems to be an interesting and interesting thing..." Domilot stared at Chi Lian, his eyes flickering fiercely, and she was not confused by her peerless and enchanting face.There are people like him, there are only destruction and killing!emotion?what is that?

"Icy...bloodthirsty...like an animal that only knows how to capture and kill, it's like a beast in human skin...hehe...it's really interesting!" On the other hand, Chi Lian's face was enchanting, but in his eyes But it exudes the icy coldness of a poisonous snake, which is an undisguised killing intent!

"I lost to you last time...this time...let's continue!" Starjiu looked at Jenny Bonney, and slowly pulled out the other flaming knives around his waist, with fighting intent rising in his eyes.

"Oh! Are you dissatisfied? Okay, this time I won't make you old immediately, I will enjoy this fight!" Jenny Bonney smiled.

"Huo Huo~~ Then, I'm also very curious about you!" Gu Linbaqi tilted his head and looked at baby-5.

"The old lady will chop you to pieces!" Baby-5's face was fierce, sword energy spewed all over his body, exuding a fierce and terrifying aura!

Yuki's opponent is the original Melk!

The Moon God's opponent is Yosaku.

Lagi's opponent is Jinjinjin, one of the national treasures of gourmet food!

Ziyan's opponent is the mother-in-law Ji Nai...

Everyone has their own opponent!

"Then, I announce that the battle begins!" As Sun Wukong's words fell, countless grounds suddenly rose from the ground, forming a competition venue!Throwing the opponents chosen by the girls one by one onto the stage.And set up an enchantment, there is no possibility of escape!Only by life and death!

This hand, obviously shocked everyone, Yilong and others all looked at Sun Wukong with horror in their eyes!Because at the moment of transferring them, everyone lost control of themselves!Then he was thrown directly onto the stage by an inexplicable force!

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