They, who have always been arrogant, were restrained by people without any resistance, and then threw them directly on the stage, which made them stunned, but a little unbelievable!

The strength displayed by Sun Wukong is mysterious and unfathomable, making them feel powerless!But they immediately erased this timidity!

Because each of them is a person with a firm mind, and is proficient in the profound meaning of eating righteousness!Believe in yourself, no matter how strong the enemy is, they will still be able to defeat it!

This confidence, for no reason, they just believe in themselves!And believing in yourself and being able to defeat your opponent is also a necessary quality for the strong!

Chapter [-] The Gap in Strength

First, we moved the battlefield to Yue'er and Yilong.

Facing an incomparably cute little girl, Yilong was really under a lot of pressure, embarrassed and embarrassed to shoot.If possible, he would rather face Sun Wukong than fight such a little girl.

"Don't always look at me with the eyes that look down on children... If you look down on me, you will suffer!" Yue'er was obviously a little unhappy with Yilong's expression, and she clenched her fists tightly. The hidden breath burst out in an instant, not only Yilong, but also the three tigers and others not far away were moved!

"This...this breath...!" Yilong's complexion changed, and the helpless expression on his face suddenly became extremely solemn, staring at Yue'er, and said very seriously: " old are you this year? This terrifying aura...isn't something a teenage girl can possess..."

"It's really rude to ask a girl's name casually! But I'm only thirteen years old this year..." Yue'er said with a serious face.

"Thirteen years old..." Yilong was suddenly shocked, a little girl of thirteen, whose aura was on par with him, and suddenly Yilong felt that he had lived on a dog for so many years. At the moment, he couldn't help but sighed slightly: "Sure enough, you are a little monster! I didn't expect that there would be a little girl with terrifying strength like you in the world... This talent... is indeed unmatched..."

"You're wrong! In terms of talent... I'm not as good as Brother Wukong..." Yue'er tilted her head to look at Sun Wukong and smiled.

"Is his name... Wukong?... I really don't know where a monster like you came from! I also learned something from your mouth before, you want to destroy the world... just for the sake of eating? ?"

"Eat... is only secondary, the most important thing is to improve our strength!"

"Increase your strength? You are already strong enough! What else do you need to do to improve your strength? In order to increase your strength, will you not hesitate to destroy the world?" Sanhu listened to Yue'er's answer and showed anger.

"You said that we are strong? No... that's just from your perspective! What you see is very different from what we see... Destroying this world is indeed a matter for you. This is an unacceptable reality, you resist, it is for your justice, and our destruction is also to achieve our purpose..."

"So, what is your purpose?" Yilong asked in a deep voice.

"Didn't I explain it to the world...destroying the world...and...getting stronger!"

"Sure enough, I can't communicate with you! It seems that even if you are a child, I don't need to be merciful!" Yilong's face instantly became extremely serious, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body, and it emerged from behind him again. A huge demon image appeared.It's just that this doesn't seem to be the demon body hidden in his gourmet cells, but an image formed by an aura!

"If you're serious, it's best... If you're underestimating me, you won't have a chance to regret it if you accidentally kill me..." Yue'er looked at Yilong with a serious look on her face.Her complexion is fair, cute and charming, her whole body shone with green arrogance, completely wrapping her delicate body, and then slowly vacated, the ground under her feet formed a circle of air waves, waving around!

"Really! Then I'm here to see how evil you are, such a monstrous genius!" Yilong smiled lightly, feeling Yue'er's terrifying aura, but he was still calm and calm, and he had his own powerhouse. pride.

"Then I'm welcome!"

As the sound fell, Yue'er's body was blurred, and when she appeared in the next instant, it was already in front of Yilong!The tight little fist slammed straight towards Yilong's face!

Yilong didn't dodge, he also clenched his fists and slammed away with Yue'er's fists!

The fists collided in an instant, but there was a terrifying roar!Yilong's complexion changed greatly, and his figure was directly shaken by a terrifying giant force...

Immediately, with a 'bang' sound, it hit the barrier behind and fell to the ground!

Yilong raised his head in shock and looked towards Yue'er. There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth: "What a terrifying power! Is this really the power a little girl should possess?"

"I haven't used all my strength yet... So, if you don't use all your strength, you will be killed!" At this moment, Yue'er exudes a horrified aura, and her fair skin becomes crystal clear. , exudes a green fluorescence!

When she was still in her mother's womb, she was nourished by Sun Wukong with divine power. When she was born, she was already a divine body, and her combat power exceeded ten thousand!

Yue'er, who is kind and quiet by nature, although she hasn't practiced much, her combat power is still as high as hundreds of thousands!Don't think this is an exaggeration, and don't look at who cultivated it!Yue'er, who grew up under the nourishment of Sun Wukong's divine power, has been developed to his full potential by Sun Wukong, and his strength is just like that!

But it is a pity that Yue'er does not have Saiyan blood, which is already the limit of her talent!If she is willing to practice hard, she may be able to break through the current limit. Unfortunately, as a quiet little girl, she can't compare with boys, so Yue'er's strength has been stopped.

"Damn... this is not a monster to describe, right?" Yilong looked at Yue'er at the moment with a shocked expression, unbelievable: "Where are these monsters running out of! Even a little girl is like this! Horror!" He tilted his head to look at the other arenas again, and his heart became more and more horrified...

Even Lianjiro, Sanhu's venue is the same as him here!Even more miserable!

Jiro is facing Kaoru. Kaoru, who has all the different fires in one, is the Supreme Being of Fire!The strength has already broken through to Emperor Dou!He also practiced the exercises taught by Sun Wukong, and he also confided in that xx with Sun Wukong, and practiced the double cultivation method!So the strength is even more terrifying!

A person with a perverted character like Sun Wukong who has double cultivation every day, the strength is strong, there is no need to say more!

You must know that Sun Wukong is now covered with treasures, even a drop of blood is a supreme treasure, not to mention the double cultivation with him!

Therefore, even an ordinary person, as long as it is a woman like Sun Wukong, has been reborn and is no longer a mortal body!

In front of Xun'er floated a beautiful little girl the size of a fist, that was the spirit transformed by the strange fire in her body!The terrifying temperature emitted makes the space distorted!

Invisible fire has spread all over the ring space, even in Jiro's body!The burning made Jiro's skin turn red, and his face was excruciatingly painful!

"If all these women are so can we stop them? The destruction of this world is really irreversible?" Yilong was really stunned by the scene in front of him at this moment!

Chapter [-] The whole army was wiped out

The opponent of the Three Tigers is Cailin, the ruthless and ruthless Queen Medusa, but she does not show any mercy. Every blow is mixed with terrifying destructive fluctuations!

Even if the three tigers summoned the devil with their own gourmet cells, they were completely petrified by Cailin when they waved their hands!

The current Three Tigers are no longer in their peak state, and even if they are in their peak state, they cannot be Cailin's opponent, because Cailin's strength has already surpassed Dou Di!Creating and destroying space is just a wave of hands!

Sanhu, Yilong, and Jiro all have the power to destroy the earth, but Cailin and the others have the same, and they are even more terrifying!

In the Crystal Palace, Tiancai, Dibao and the others are just food, and their potential has already grown to the limit. They cultivated with Sun Wukong, and they were able to shape their bodies with divine power. Naturally, their potential was improved again, and then they were fully developed by Sun Wukong!The strength has risen again!

Such characters, how can Yilong and the others be against each other?

From the very beginning, this was a battle without suspense, and the ending was already doomed, so there was no need to explain it carefully!Because behind the girls, stands the terrifying powerhouse Sun Wukong!

As Sun Wukong said, this is just a game after everyone's meal!

Not surprisingly, all the women defeated their opponents one by one!Even Yilong was beaten into a pig's head by Yue'er with a small fist!

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