Time Travel Rules

Chapter 108: Safeguard

Not long after Li Muchuan came back, he just felt a little dizzy and nauseated.

After realizing that something was wrong with his body, Li Muchuan sat on the sofa with his forehead covered. What is this? Altitude sickness?

This symptom should be altitude sickness.

Is it just that your body is so adaptable? He didn't stay long in the Cretaceous period, and he actually adapted to the oxygen-rich environment.

After coming back, I also had altitude sickness.

Li Muchuan covered his forehead, thinking that his body was stronger, and there would be no sickness at all.

Where would I have thought that I had three physical discomforts in a row.

Sickness and environmental impact.

Li Muchuan was lying on the sofa and didn't want to move.

Fortunately, he is back, so he doesn't have to worry about being in danger.

Li Muchuan felt a little dizzy,

Shaking his head slightly, Li Muchuan lay down and began to rest.

Although it was a rest, there was still a sense of chaos in Li Muchuan's brain.

The next day, when Li Muchuan was slightly awake, he suddenly felt that the uncomfortable symptoms from yesterday had disappeared.

It seems that Li Muchuan is still relatively familiar with the environment of the main world and has adapted so quickly.

Shaking his head slightly, Li Muchuan walked to the equipment, ready to exercise a little.

When Li Muchuan stopped to rest, he only felt that his whole body had regained his strength, and his body was not as soft as yesterday.

By the way, let someone come in to clean up the house and make breakfast, Li Muchuan pondered what to do next.

This crossing is too unstable, and I have no idea where I will cross.

The future world is like a flash in the pan, and it will never appear again after it appears once.

"This future world, shouldn't it be gone directly..."

Li Muchuan suddenly thought of one thing. He hasn't traveled to the future for so long. Could this future world just disappear?

So for so long, Li Muchuan never went to the future again.

Take a look at w97, if you want to say that the future is gone, it seems to be talking about the past.

No, in a good world, where is it so easy to say that there will be no more.

After all, w627's technological level is so advanced that it is possible to explore the universe. It is impossible to say that it will be gone without it.

Li Muchuan scratched his head.

He could feel that why his sister didn't contact him for a long time, she would think he was dead.

Now that he can't travel to the future for a long time, he feels that the future world has been destroyed.

Don't be thrown a piece of two-way foil, or the sun blew up.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan felt a little flustered.

The housekeepers who came in to clean looked at Li Muchuan sitting on the sofa and did not speak, all of them bowed their heads to work.

Soon, the chef came to prepare breakfast.

Li Muchuan sat down on the dining table and started to eat.

While looking at the cleaning housekeeping staff, it seems that he has to install a monitoring system in his villa.

Li Muchuan thought about it, he still has an intelligent system, and he can take care of his home after he travels.

But in this case, you have to buy a set of servers.

After the intelligent system is installed, it needs to run all the time. If it is installed on the computer, it will definitely not be able to run the computer for a long time.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan started to check the configuration and price of the server while eating breakfast.

Then I looked for a camera installation company.

After reading it again, Li Muchuan didn't have to go out, just make a phone call.

After two separate calls, the other party indicated that there would be business personnel coming to the door to talk to Li Muchuan in detail.

If he can't go out, Li Muchuan is also lazy to go out, just squatting at home and rolling iron.

About half an hour later, people from the two companies came to the door, and Li Muchuan introduced the equipment in detail.

To install a camera, it is also necessary to survey the villa, and then ask Li Muchuan where it needs to be installed.

On the server side, Li Muchuan also needs to determine what configuration to use.

In addition, Li Muchuan needs to understand whether it is for personal use or commercial use.

Soon, after some communication, Li Muchuan confirmed the model and price of their respective devices.

After both parties had completed the installation of the machine and there was no problem with the commissioning, Li Muchuan paid the full amount.

People from both companies are quite happy, and they are the most comfortable when they encounter such a business, and the other party is happy to pay.

When he left, he was still polite. If Li Muchuan encountered any problems, he could contact them at any time.

After sending away the people from the two companies, Li Muchuan took out the USB flash drive and uploaded and installed the system.

"System Red River is online!"

It was still a very familiar voice. Looking at the familiar virtual picture on the screen, Li Muchuan was quite happy.

"You will be responsible for monitoring the situation in the villa in the future to prevent anyone from sneaking in."

Li Muchuan directly issued the first order.

Then connect the system to Li Muchuan's mobile phone. Even if Li Muchuan is outside, he can still monitor the situation in the villa through his mobile phone.

The only downside is that Li Muchuan doesn't have so many high-end equipment in the laboratory.

Here, Li Muchuan can only ask the system to help take care of the situation of the villa.

After solving this matter, Li Muchuan breathed a sigh of relief.

After crossing over in the future, you can come back to know if anyone sneaked in.

The Honghe system is still relatively intelligent. After Li Muchuan gave the order, he didn't have to worry about it.

And down, what Li Muchuan has to worry about is the world he will travel through next.

Sighing, Li Muchuan glanced at the time.

The next time of crossing is on December 11th.

It's already early December, and it's not too long before the time-travel~www.readwn.com~ To be honest, Li Muchuan feels that his time-travel is a bit like a lottery draw.

Before each lottery draw, there will be a touch of excitement and anticipation.

It's just that every time the lottery is drawn, it often ends in disappointment.

Li Muchuan felt that this had something to do with his winning insulators when he was a child.

When he was a child, he touched prizes or something, and he never won a lottery, which is roughly the same as the current situation.

It's already December and the weather is getting colder.

Li Muchuan thought about it and went out to buy some clothes.

Thinking that my sister didn't seem to bring any clothes, I'm afraid she's out of clothes now.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan picked up the phone and transferred 200,000 yuan to his sister.

Li Muchuan's side had just completed the transfer, and Li Lingqin's side received the news, and he was shocked when he saw the money suddenly appearing on his mobile phone.

After discovering that it was transferred from his brother, his happy calves began to sway.

He quickly opened WeChat and sent a message to Li Muchuan.

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