Time Travel Rules

Chapter 109: To the future world

"Brother, why did you suddenly transfer money to me and still pay so much?"

Li Lingqin felt that this was because his brother was caring about him. Although he could probably guess why, he still asked a question, hoping to say what he liked to hear from Li Muchuan.

Seeing the news from Li Lingqin, Li Muchuan raised his brows slightly, "Give you the money, you can use it, why is there so much there?"

Li Lingqin looked at the news sent by his brother, so Xuan was not angry.

Does your brother's emotional intelligence grow negatively exponentially? When I was young, I didn't think my brother was so lacking in emotional intelligence!

Li Ling pouted angrily, and the originally happy face became unhappy now.


After buying some clothes, Li Muchuan went home directly. A big rock in his heart had not yet landed, so Li Muchuan had no intention of playing.

In the next time, Li Muchuan waited for the approaching of the 11th.

These days, Li Muchuan also stayed at home, exercising every day, looking for some information on the Internet, and then downloading and storing it on his mobile phone.

While Li Muchuan was at home, he let the system simulate his work and rest time at home.

Although Li Muchuan is gone after time-travel, he can let the system turn on the lights, or pull the curtains or something according to his habit.

The lights and curtains are all smart homes, and the system is completely controllable.

In this way, there is one less holographic projection.

Until one day, Li Muchuan got this technology, and then installed it in the villa.

If you travel again in the future, you don't have to worry about being found out that you are often away from home.

When everything was ready, the time finally came to the 11th.

Looking at his small space, Li Muchuan had prepared all kinds of supplies. Even if he traveled to the wasteland world this time, Li Muchuan was confident that he could come back alive.

But this is not what Li Muchuan expects. If possible, Li Muchuan hopes to travel to the future world.

Li Muchuan stayed in the bedroom. There was no camera here, so he could travel here with peace of mind.

After making all preparations, Li Muchuan took a deep breath and watched the countdown in front of him begin to clear.

These days, he has been living like a year, and he has been waiting for when he can cross, and now it is finally time.

In Li Muchuan's expectant eyes, the familiar feeling came again.


"Very well, is there anyone else to join?"

When Li Muchuan was able to hear the outside world again, the first sound he heard made Li Muchuan frown.

join in? Join what?

Li Muchuan looked up and saw countless dense crowds standing around him.

These people are male and female, and the clothes they wear look very different from Li Muchuan.

It's just that everyone's style is different, but it doesn't make people feel that Li Muchuan is a little different.

The surrounding white light continued to light up, causing Li Muchuan's heart to twitch.

what's the situation? A large collection of transmigrators?

This kind of white light was very familiar in Li Muchuan's eyes, and it seemed that it was this kind of white light when he passed through.

Just looking left and right, these people don't seem to be transmigrators, do they?

Li Muchuan was puzzled, and the voice just now continued to sound.

"Very good, it seems that there are still people who are hesitating. There are still three minutes left to participate in the competition. Let's review the prizes we have prepared!"

Li Muchuan followed the voice at the moment.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan finally understood a little bit of where he was.

On a huge platform, like a disc.

On the disc is a huge glass cover that protects all of them.

As for why it was said to be protection, it was entirely because Li Muchuan looked out of the glass, and there was a deep starry sky outside!

And the nearest planet has a planetary ring outside, which makes this pale green-looking planet a little more attractive.

I came to the starry sky?

Seeing all this in front of him, Li Muchuan was both surprised and delighted.

Is this coming to the future? Only in the future can he stand in such a place and watch the universe starry sky.

"The tenth place, the reward he can get is 1,000,000 star coins!"

"Ninth place, the reward he can get is 1,000,000 star coins and a March ticket for a luxury ship!"

"For the eighth place, the reward he can get is the Tianlan Star residency worth three million star coins!"

"In seventh place, he can obtain the right to reside in the inner ring of Tianlan Star, which is worth 4.8 million star coins."

"The sixth place, he can get a cold nuclear fusion car worth 7 million star coins."


"The third place, he can get a residential house in Wuhe Star worth 39 million."

"The second place is a flying shuttle worth 60 million. The flying shuttle is equipped with thermonuclear fusion into energy, a six-level energy protection shield, and planetary-level thrusters. It is equipped with five machine drivers and seven maintenance robots."

"The first place, I think everyone has seen it many times. A spaceship is worth 10 billion star coins. The specific information will not be released until the winner is announced."

After the rewards were said, Li Muchuan was a little dizzy.

What is this doing? Why are there rewards?

And there are millions of stars for residency? It is also divided into inner and outer rings.

Li Muchuan didn't know what to complain about for a while, but he started to think, what the **** is this doing?

With such a generous reward, what game is this for?

Li Muchuan wondered if he should try it. As long as he can get the first few sides, wouldn't he have capital?

He heard that there are spaceships in the prizes! As long as you can get this spaceship and bring the technology back home, are you afraid that the country is not strong enough?

"Hey, what are we going to play?"

Looking at the reward reported by the other party, Li Muchuan was heartbroken at the moment.

This has already been made clear that it is the future world~www.readwn.com~ Li Muchuan has always been distressed. If he comes to the future world, how should he seek help?

Why does the other party want to help you, and how can you contact someone who can help you?

All of these are things that Li Muchuan has always been worried about, but now it is different.

There are rewards here, not to mention anything else, just that shuttle has an energy shield, which is really not good, just drive the shuttle to smash the meteorite, right?

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan suddenly felt that he might be able to rely on this opportunity to solve the meteorite crisis.

I just don't know, what is the competition that the other party wants?

The person who was held by Li Muchuan looked back at Li Muchuan at this moment, his brows wrinkled at this moment, full of doubts.

People who can come here, don't know what the game is? What are you kidding?

The man looked at Li Muchuan and was a little puzzled, but he still said at this time, "What is the game? Of course, I survived."

After that, he didn't pay attention to Li Muchuan any more.

Anyway, it's a good thing for him. It's a good thing to be able to eliminate one person from the beginning.


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