Time Travel Rules

Chapter 113: materials

Li Muchuan then kicked a few tentatively. He didn't know what material the security door was made of.

The degree of hardness made Li Muchuan know that this door should not be able to be kicked open by himself.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan turned around and came to the third floor, the upstairs of the room with the anti-theft door, the door was open, and Li Muchuan walked in directly.

When he came to the balcony, the original security window had already been corroded. Li Muchuan easily kicked the security window open and went to the balcony to look downstairs.

After seeing the position, Li Muchuan grabbed the edge of the balcony with his hands and crawled down.

After his body was completely suspended on the third and second floors, Li Muchuan flicked gently and landed on the balcony on the second floor.

The balcony of the room on the second floor is completely open.

Li Muchuan was immediately satisfied when he saw this scene, and walked into the room to look around.

It was still dust piled up, no one walked by in the room, where Li Muchuan walked, a row of footprints were left on the ground.

Li Muchuan looked around with anticipation, but then disappointed Li Muchuan.

There is no material in this room at all, if there is no material, you will break the door there!

Li Muchuan was so angry that he thought he was using this door to protect it, and there should be treasures in it.

Li Muchuan walked to the security door. It seemed that the only useful thing in this room was the security door.

It's just that I always feel that this security door is a bit tricky. What's the matter?

Li Muchuan looked at the security door and wanted to take it down and put it in a small space.

But thinking of what Wang Bin and others said before, there was a real-time broadcast when they were here.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan could only give up this thought.

It is much simpler to open the anti-theft door from the inside. There is a button to open the door. Li Muchuan taps the anti-theft door, and the anti-theft door opens automatically.

Li Muchuan pushed the anti-theft door open, and after a while, it turned into the original, like a mottled and rusted anti-theft door.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan just left it alone.

He can't disassemble the security door at this moment and carry this thing around.

For now, Li Muchuan still doesn't know what this thing is for.

After leaving this room, Li Muchuan continued to look down.

There was no other supplies on the second floor, and Li Muchuan searched for a while but couldn't find it.

Seeing this, I can only come to the third floor.

And when Li Muchuan came to the third floor and found the fifth room, he suddenly saw a refrigerator full of dust.

Out of energy, Li Muchuan opened the refrigerator, although there was no chance that there would be anything to eat in it.

However, Li Muchuan still opened it.

However, when Li Muchuan opened the refrigerator, a burst of cold air suddenly came out of the refrigerator, and then he saw the lights in the refrigerator light up.

"Excellent refrigerator, no extra energy required to preserve food for you."

Li Muchuan

So, the materials that can be found here are all provided by those sponsors?

Li Muchuan looked at the refrigerator, and did not see any wires connected to the refrigerator. There was also a monitor on the refrigerator, which was floating over the advertisements one by one.

Also accompanied by a very beautiful picture.

There are also various options on the top, automatic temperature control, food detection, food storage classification and so on.

Li Muchuan took a look and clicked on it to open the food storage.

The box in the refrigerator slides out automatically at this moment, revealing the food inside.

A box contains fruit. The fruit is red in appearance. It looks a bit like an apple, but it doesn't look like it. I don't know what kind it is.

There is also a layer of ten eggs.

Then there is the freezing layer below, which prevents a piece of meat, a very large piece, completely raw.

Li Muchuan tentatively touched it with his hand and found that the meat had been frozen, but Li Muchuan did not see ice on it.

Picking up a piece of fruit, Li Muchuan first took a bite, then looked at the supplies in a daze.

What is this, make yourself a fire to roast meat?

What about eggs? Eat it raw? This also has no oil and no seasoning.

I've only heard of sterile eggs, and it tastes alright when eaten raw. Who knows if these eggs are sterile or not.

The most important thing is, how to store this material and carry it around? He was worried about whether the egg would break and how long it could be stored.

The more he thought about it, Li Muchuan felt that it was not that simple to win the first place for this show.

This is to find a base by yourself, a base that can store food.

Li Muchuan pondered for a long time, and felt that he should find a base, which could be regarded as his safe place.

The previous anti-theft door can be used, so I took it apart and used it.

A lower floor will not work, when the time comes, the room is really gone and the door is still there.

In this case, it is better to use a higher floor.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan closed the refrigerator door, always feeling that someone would come and steal the supplies.

Li Muchuan hurried upstairs.

When he came to the eighth floor, Li Muchuan felt that it was almost done, and immediately began to look for a suitable room.

After searching for a while, Li Muchuan locked the room on the far right.

This room is not, and there is no balcony outside. If you want to get down from the top, there is no foothold. It is a place that is more suitable for the base.

After confirming this position, Li Muchuan hurried to the second floor.

The door was still there, and Li Muchuan came to the back of the door. If he wanted to reset the data of this door, he could only be behind the door.

Li Muchuan stretched out his hand to operate on the glass door, a bit like operating a touch screen.

After the biometric authentication was completed, the security door immediately became a security door that only Li Muchuan could open.

If there is no authorization from Li Muchuan next, other people can't continue to add biological information.

Then disassemble the door. It is very simple to disassemble the door. The frame of the fixed door ~www.readwn.com~ is a kind of adjustable and retractable metal.

When Li Muchuan clicked on the dismantling door, the retractable metal fixed to the cement by the door frame automatically retracted.

The anti-theft door fell, and Li Muchuan reached out and carried the anti-theft door towards the eighth floor.

Not to mention, I thought this door didn't seem to have much weight, but after I lifted it up, I realized that this door was still a little heavy.

When he climbed to the eighth floor, Li Muchuan wasted a lot of energy.

After placing the anti-theft door properly, Li Muchuan clicked to install it automatically, and the retractable metal beside the door frame was directly punched out and deeply embedded in the surrounding cement.

For a moment, the door seemed to merge with the surroundings.

Looking at this door, Li Muchuan was instantly satisfied.

As far as this security door is concerned, Li Muchuan now feels that the technology contained in it is somewhat advanced, the technology of automatic door installation.

The material of the security door body, what energy drive is used inside, biometric identification, etc.

It's just a door, and it's full of high-tech sense.

Li Muchuan turned around and went out. After the security door closed automatically, Li Muchuan moved the refrigerator downstairs directly to the eighth floor.

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