Time Travel Rules

Chapter 114: Emerald Rice

After putting the refrigerator in place, Li Muchuan was relieved and continued to go to other people to search for supplies.

When all the buildings were turned over by Li Muchuan, Li Muchuan did not find many useful materials.

The food is still in the refrigerator.

Half a bucket of clean water and a fairly comfortable mattress.

Then there are no other supplies.

Li Muchuan threw the things in the room and put them away, and then went downstairs to search for supplies elsewhere.

After Li Muchuan went downstairs, he saw the rest of the people not long after, some of them were in groups, looking for supplies together.

For now, Li Muchuan saw that they were carrying a lot of supplies, and Li Muchuan didn't know what it was.

There are others, like Li Muchuan, who are alone.

When everyone looked at each other, they were a little wary.

After being separated from each other and staggered far away, Li Muchuan looked in the distance and saw a place that was obviously a shopping mall, and no one seemed to enter, Li Muchuan immediately set off towards this building.

Hurrying to the inside of the mall, Li Muchuan looked around, and after finding the floor distribution map of the billboard on the side, Li Muchuan immediately locked the target.

The third floor is for eating. It stands to reason that in such an eating floor, there will be relatively more food supplies.

Li Muchuan hurried to the third floor, the escalator or something was already out of use.

Empty and quiet place, if it is dark, it really feels like a horror movie.

I randomly picked a place like a restaurant and walked in. When I came to the back kitchen, a small bucket-like thing caught Li Muchuan's attention.

When I opened it, I immediately revealed half a bag of rice inside.

The rice was a little different from what Li Muchuan had eaten. The outside was crescent white, but there was a touch of emerald-like color in the middle.

"Is this future rice so fancy?"

Looking at the rice, Li Muchuan raised his brows slightly, feeling that the rice was a little novel.

"Oh, this guy is lucky, he even found emerald rice for him!"

"I want to participate in this competition, Jade Rice, this is the best rice for a pound of gold and a pound of jade rice!"

"I think the greenness of this jadeite should be top-quality jadeite rice. This should be grown from Xingcheng rice grains, right?"

Li Muchuan just turned out the rice, and some viewers watching the live broadcast immediately saw this scene.

This makes many people look envious. After entering the era of the great voyage of the universe, ordinary food and clothing are not a problem at all.

So some people conducted research on the original basic substances, and fruits and rice that tasted better than the original began to be researched one after another.

It's easy to get enough food and clothing, but if you want to enjoy a better life, you still have to work hard to make money.

And this has stimulated mass consumption.

Even in the future world, if you want to live well, you still have to work hard to make money.

Li Muchuan didn't know the value of this emerald rice. Seeing this half bag of rice, he felt that it was too deductible, so he was reluctant to give a bag.

Carrying the rice, Li Muchuan rummaged here and determined that there were no supplies, and immediately found the next door to find supplies.

Half of the rice has been found here, so there should be the rest of the supplies.

After Li Muchuan spent an hour rummaging through the entire shopping mall, the other two supplies were added.

One is a small thing like a light stick, which can be hand-held and the brightness can be adjusted freely.

According to the instructions above, it can be used continuously for half a year without charging.

I don't know what kind of battery is installed here. Such a small thing can last for half a year.

If there is anything special about this light stick, it should be that this thing can also emit colorful lights, and it is like the breathing light on the keyboard.

In short, it is very cool, and it can also be adjusted into a disco light

In addition, a bundle of ropes was found. To be honest, Li Muchuan didn't know what was the use of this thing, but seeing that the rope was still very strong, Li Muchuan took it directly.

After leaving the mall, Li Muchuan felt that it was better to take the things in his hands first.

Immediately take the rope and go back.

You can see a lot of other people on the road, and they have more or less supplies in their hands.

Li Muchuan even saw that some people also took security doors.

Some held various fruits in their hands, and some held what looked like pots.

However, looking at the high-end appearance of the pot, it is estimated that there are some other uses.

At this moment, many people who passed by noticed Li Muchuan's bag, and some people's eyes lit up after seeing the jade rice in Li Muchuan's bag.

"That kid seems to have found half a bag of jade rice."

A man who looked thinner looked at Li Muchuan's bag and swallowed.

The rest of the team were all staring at Li Muchuan at the moment.

"Do you want to do it?"

A woman in the team looked at this scene and couldn't help but ask.

Usually they can't afford this emerald rice, let alone now that they are in short supply, if they can get this half bag of emerald rice.

Going back should be able to hold on for some more time.

The tall man in the team should be the leader of the team. Hearing this, he immediately gritted his teeth after looking at some of the scraps his team found.


Saying that, he directly chased after Li Muchuan with big strides, and stepped in front of Li Muchuan, blocking Li Muchuan's way.

The other eight people surrounded Li Muchuan in the center at this time.

Everyone who was passing by stopped when they saw this scene~www.readwn.com~ This is the second day, and they began to show the cruelty of survival.

The weak will be robbed.

When they saw this scene, the audience who were sitting and watching were full of energy at the moment, and this was also the humanity they liked to see.

They wanted to see if the lucky person who got the jadeite rice could keep the jadeite rice.

Li Muchuan looked around, there were eight people in total.

"You'd better get out of the way."

Li Muchuan tilted his head, feeling that eight people were not enough to fight by himself.

The big man standing in front of Li Muchuan raised his brows and patted a wooden stick he picked up from nowhere.

"I'm not embarrassing you, hand over the jade rice, and I'll let you leave safely."

The big man didn't take Li Muchuan's words to heart. Eight people were against one, how could they be defeated?

The few people behind him have quietly picked up some weapons at this moment, to be safe, but they can't let Li Muchuan run away.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan didn't say anything more. It's also a good thing for him to eliminate some people now.

Hiko's name

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