Time Travel Rules

Chapter 124: buried under the snow

"Open the door."

Li Muchuan covered his forehead and issued an order to the security door.

His mind was a little chaotic, and he didn't quite know what was going on, but he barely knew that the door should be opened first.

"The door cannot be opened automatically, please try to open it manually."

"Warning, forty-eight seconds left until carbon dioxide poisoning is expected."

"You are so kind"

Listening to the voice, Li Muchuan stood up in a daze, and quickly rummaged in front of the supplies on the side.

Soon, a metal cylinder appeared in front of him, and Li Muchuan hurriedly pressed the switch.

The next moment, a stream of air spewed out of the metal cylinder. Li Muchuan grabbed it and took a few breaths. At this moment, his mind gradually began to wake up.

"what happened?"

Li Muchuan walked to the gate with a small gas tank. He was looking for supplies when he was lucky. There is such a thing, or else it would be hanging this time.

The door immediately began to show the scene outside the door, but Li Muchuan didn't see much useful things, just a pale color.

"Buried in snow?"

Li Muchuan reacted quickly after seeing this scene.

Looking at the door on the side, it showed that the oxygen content did not drop any more, Li Muchuan breathed a sigh of relief.

How high did the snow pile up?

Li Muchuan came to the door, and after unlocking the door, he was about to push it open, but the door didn't move at this moment.

With Li Muchuan's current physical strength, he just couldn't open the door.

"So, it's better to open the door from the inside."

Seeing this, Li Muchuan sighed.

The air in the concentrated air stick can be used for about ten hours, after which it will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan clicked on the operation interface of the security door, and then clicked on disassembly.

The retractable metal beside the door frame retracted automatically at this moment, and Li Muchuan moved the door lightly to remove the door.

At this moment, a snow-white wall appeared directly in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Li Muchuan immediately started digging. Within ten hours, he had to dig out a passage to connect to the air outside.

Li Muchuan took the tools from the side and immediately started digging.

Play and dig along the corridor.

What Li Muchuan didn't expect was that the heavy snow directly covered the building beyond the twelfth floor.

When Li Muchuan dug out a spacious snow-white tunnel out of the snow, he was immediately shivering from the cold outside.

"We have to prevent the passage from being covered up again."

Li Muchuan didn't know how much the temperature had dropped, but he felt shivering all over, so he went back to the room and reinstalled the security door.

Then Li Muchuan boiled the snow he just dug up and poured it directly on the snow wall of the passage after going out.

Boiling water was just poured on it and immediately started freezing.

After a busy day like this, the sturdy passage was finally completed.

Li Muchuan's hands and face were already flushed red from the cold. He squatted beside the heater and didn't want to leave for a long time. It was too cold!

At the top of the passage, Li Muchuan also built the wall up to the eighth floor.

Stack it up with snow, then pour hot water on it.

Logically speaking, it should not be buried.

"I don't know what happened to the rest of the squad. I almost didn't hold on here, and the rest of the guys shouldn't hold on too, right?"

Li Muchuan was eating the nutritional supplements and muttered in his heart.

After this natural disaster, as long as there is a buffer period, he will pull out all the others and eliminate them.

This can't go on any longer, it's really too late to change.

Making sure that there was nothing left, Li Muchuan put the air concentrator stick by his side to avoid a similar accident today.

the next day.

When Li Muchuan woke up, he immediately looked at the security door, and when he saw that there was no warning on it, he felt slightly relieved.

Looking at the temperature display on the security door, which had reached minus fifty degrees, Li Muchuan gave up the idea of ​​going out to check the quality of the passage.

Going out at this temperature is too scary.

And just when Li Muchuan relaxed and was about to get some food, the temperature value that had been stable on the side suddenly began to plummet.

The original speed of fifty suddenly soared to sixty.

Li Muchuan's heart twitched as he watched. Through the security door, he could even see something like a stream of white air falling directly from the passage.

It was as if the air was frozen.

The display on the security door started showing snowflakes and lag, which was affected.

But after flickering for a moment, the display on the door still held on.

And the above number, at this moment, has come to minus 130 degrees, and it is still falling.

Li Muchuan felt that the temperature in the originally warm room also began to drop.

Seeing this scene, Li Muchuan quickly adjusted the power of the heater on the side to the maximum.

Finally, when the temperature display reached one hundred and ninety-five, the temperature finally stopped falling.

Li Muchuan stood aside and waited quietly. After about ten minutes, the temperature began to pick up.

Li Muchuan's big rock finally fell to the ground at this moment. If he guessed correctly, this should be the most severe hurdle. If it's okay to pass this hurdle, then basically everything will be fine.

Sure enough, after dark, the temperature climbed to minus sixty, and it is expected that it will return to minus thirty or forty tomorrow.

In this way, he is considered to have passed this hurdle.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan relaxed.

Sure enough, when Li Muchuan woke up the next day, the temperature outside had risen to minus 20 degrees.

By noon, the temperature had dropped to minus ten degrees.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan packed up and ate and drank, and then set off with a wooden stick~www.readwn.com~ He wanted to see if any guy came out, as long as the other party came out and there were footprints, it would be easy to find someone .

Li Muchuan walked along the passage, climbed out and saw that the original high-rise buildings suffered a lot.

At first glance, there are almost only some small buildings left.

Li Muchuan wrapped his clothes and walked forward.

There was a vast expanse of white in the snow, no footprints were seen, and there was no other sound.

Li Muchuan didn't see the footprints or anything, but after a while, he saw a few gray smoke rising in the distance.

"Anyone on fire?"

When Li Muchuan saw the smoke, he immediately raised his brows. He didn't expect that Huanzhen would be able to resist this level.

But after thinking about it carefully, nearly 20 million people participated in the show, and there will always be some people who are very lucky and find some useful materials.

It's a pity that Li Muchuan now sees the other side's trace.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan lowered his head and walked towards the target, preparing to eliminate this group of people directly.


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