Time Travel Rules

Chapter 125: The winner of the show with full effect

"Is this level over?"

In the house, a man rubbed his hands vigorously trying to keep his hands warm.

The rest of the people on the side also looked sick at the moment, "It should be over."

"As long as this level is over, I think we are all sure to win. The rest of the people are so lucky. It just happens that there is such a base with a fireplace and heating equipment."

Several people spoke, and there was still a stench in the room.

In this snow-ravaged environment, it can be seen that they are not feeling very well.

"That's for sure, this natural disaster will not be so easy."

The rest of the people heard the words and nodded their heads in approval.

A group of people said, not noticing that the fire on the side gradually became smaller, and then only a little flame remained.

"what happened?"

Suddenly, thick smoke began to rise from the room, which made some people immediately feel that something was wrong.

People choked by the smoke began to cough violently.

One person reacted very quickly and put out the fire directly.

"The vent is blocked!"

Seeing that the smoke did not go up the fireplace, but diffused into the room, someone immediately reacted.

"The vent is blocked?"

Hearing this, someone's face changed immediately, if this is the case, wouldn't it be over?

The fire was about to go out just now, which means that the oxygen is about to run out.

And now it's snowed all around, they can't even get out

A group of people were terrified, but then they began to suffer from hypoxia, and they all began to fall to the ground.

In less than a minute, the people in the room began to turn into white light one after another.

And at this moment, Li Muchuan, after hearing that the sound gradually disappeared from below, waited for a while before turning around and leaving.

Standing at a high place and looking left and right, Li Muchuan quickly found another base.

This base was relatively high and was not buried by heavy snow, but it was discovered by Li Muchuan because of the trajectory of activity.

The other party didn't use the security door to block the door. Li Muchuan easily broke in, and before the people inside had reacted, he did everything to solve it.

Li Muchuan found five bases in this way. After all of them were resolved, a white light suddenly appeared around Li Muchuan.

The next moment, Li Muchuan was transported away from the planet.

"Congratulations! You won the first place!"

Li Muchuan hadn't reacted yet, and the voice of congratulations sounded from his ear immediately.

When Li Muchuan reacted and looked left and right, he immediately realized that he had returned to the place where he started crossing, in front of a huge platform.

In front of Li Muchuan, there was a dense group of people, all of whom participated in the show together before.

"Thank you for your suggestion. Regarding the design of the security door, we will immediately change it to inward opening."

Just when Li Muchuan looked at these people in front of him, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Muchuan.

Is this virtual imaging?

Li Muchuan looked at the other party, if it wasn't for the way the other party appeared just now, or the way he was teleported, Li Muchuan would have thought that the other party was a real person.

It seemed that the person in front of him should be someone from Qianhua Security Door Company.

Li Muchuan nodded friendly to each other.

At this moment, the people from Qianhua Security Door Company are not happy.

They have sponsored a lot of money for this show. Compared with other sponsors, they originally thought that the effect of their anti-theft door show might not be so strong.

Unexpectedly, this anti-theft door was in the hands of Li Muchuan, and the effect of the program was directly full.

The various functions of their anti-theft doors have been best demonstrated by Li Muchuan. The executives even doubted whether Li Muchuan was his own employee or a relative of the employee.

After some investigation, it was determined that Li Muchuan had no relationship with his company.

However, this did not prevent them from liking Li Muchuan, so they contacted Li Muchuan back to see if the other party was willing to be their company's spokesperson.

They were paying attention to Li Muchuan the whole time, and there were also a lot of other viewers paying attention to Li Muchuan the whole time.

It can be seen from some barrages that these audiences like Li Muchuan.

The era has developed to this time, and it is too convenient to travel, which also makes some people stop exercising, and their physical fitness plummets.

In this program, I also hope that everyone will pay attention to physical exercise.

Li Muchuan had a very good effect. After dozens of them did not say anything, he violently kicked the wall and kicked the wall out of the hole.

This kind of physical quality can completely play a good guiding role for the public.

In addition, the effect of this show is also very good. I believe that the next time the show is launched, it will be able to attract more sponsors than this time.

In general, the program group made a lot of money this time, and the sponsors also made a lot of money.

But these have little to do with Li Muchuan. What he thought was that he won the first place, and he could have his own spaceship soon!

"I've already won the first place, is the spaceship mine?"

Li Muchuan turned his head and asked the people in the program group on the side.

The people in the program group probably did not expect that Li Muchuan would be so straightforward, but after thinking about it, this is a spaceship worth 1 billion stars, and it is normal for Li Muchuan to be so eager.

"That's natural. This spaceship has a teleportation device. We have entered instructions into the spaceship. You can go to the spaceship at any time for biological binding. This is a communicator."

"Okay, thank you!"

Li Muchuan nodded and thanked the other party when he heard the words, and then immediately asked for transmission after taking over the communicator.

The next moment, Li Muchuan disappeared directly in front of everyone.

Everyone in the program group watched this scene and was stunned for a while.

Did this guy just leave? Won't you stay for an interview?

You must know that ~www.readwn.com~ The other party is now popular all over the world. I don't know how many fans have risen. If the other party is willing to accept interviews, the number of fans will only increase.

This is definitely a good thing for the other party.

This billion-dollar spacecraft is certainly rare, but if the other party manages his own character well, it is still very simple to earn one billion.

For example, many sponsors now have the idea of ​​Li Muchuan, hoping that Li Muchuan can endorse or something.

In short, this is definitely an opportunity to make a lot of money, and the other party just left so neatly?

Inside a luxury spaceship, a white light flashed in the teleportation room, and the next moment Li Muchuan appeared inside.

Li Muchuan looked around curiously, is this his own spaceship?

Li Muchuan walked out of the transmission room and immediately saw a robot taking a step forward.

"Captain, please follow me to the command room on the bridge to bind with biometric authentication."

The robot said, taking the lead.

Hearing this, Li Muchuan hurriedly followed and looked around at the spaceship. There were lights everywhere in the corridor, but they were all hidden, making the spaceship look extremely bright.


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