Time Travel Rules

Chapter 130: high-level meeting

"How advanced is it?"

Dai Chenggang considered it for a while, and asked tentatively.

He didn't know how to answer either, so he just said yes, would he seem too eager for quick success?

"I upload the information for you to see?"

According to Li Muchuan's words, Honghe typed and sent it out.


Dai Cheng just saw this, the technology is in front of him, there is no reason not to.

After he replied, there was movement on the other side.

The same technology began to be uploaded to the website, and permissions were still set.

Dai Chenggang was refreshed when he saw this, and quickly began to browse.

"Small nuclear battery, energy shield, h-1 type reaction system, single-screen combat goggles..."

This, where did this technology come from?

Dai Chenggang looked at the detailed technical introduction above, as well as various theories and production materials, and his breathing became heavy at this moment.

After downloading in a hurry, after confirming that the download is complete, delete these data quickly.

I am afraid that there are other unidentified guys who have seen these technologies.

"Dare to ask, who are you? Can we meet in person?"

Dai Chenggang's breathing was a little short. No matter who was sitting opposite the computer, who was sacred, but the other party was definitely with kindness.

Moreover, the other party is definitely a top talent, and he must win his own national research institute.

As long as the other party is willing to come, he promises the other party any conditions!

"There is no need to meet. If there is any other technology in the future, I will contact you on this website."

Li Muchuan refused to meet. Anyway, the rest of the skills acquired at that time will also be given to the other party, and there is no difference.

When Dai Cheng saw this, he hurriedly continued to persuade him, but Li Muchuan went offline.

Seeing that Li Muchuan's account avatar had dimmed, Dai Chenggang was a little disappointed.

But soon he recovered himself, looking at the red phone in the office, he reached out and picked it up and made a phone call out.

Soon, the accounts of the rest of the Huaxia Dark Plane website were blocked, and no other people were allowed to log in to this website in the future.

Dai Chenggang, on the other hand, got into the car and hurried to the conference room of a secret base.

Several seemingly very stable people entered the conference room one by one, and the people outside the door quickly closed the door and looked around.

Dai Chenggang was sitting in the conference room, looking at some old acquaintances who were hard to get together on weekdays. After looking at each other, he nodded silently.

"If you have something, you can start talking, but I temporarily shied away from the video conference on Gaul Chicken, and then I had time to come. Although it is a daily milk method, I am really busy. "

The old man sitting in the conference center glanced at Dai Chenggang and smiled gently.

"Yes, then let me briefly talk about what happened."

Dai Chenggang had already prepared it here, and handed it out with a stack of materials.

Everyone took the information, and after looking at the information above, their faces gradually became solemn.

The old man's face gradually became serious.

After a while, everyone read the above information, and the old man headed looked around.

"Tell me, what do you think about this."

"According to Mr. Dai, these technologies have been verified, so we must strive to cooperate with this person as soon as possible!"

A middle-aged man on the left, his face flushed with excitement at the moment, what is this technology? They are all technologies that strengthen national strength!

I don't know what kind of talent the opposite is, but in short, it's right to fight for it!

"No, the person on the opposite side obviously doesn't want to have direct contact with us. Otherwise, he can directly agree to meet Mr. Dai, and the other party has changed the name of the website and named it the dark plane. I think he wants to do it in secret. right."

"I think it's the same, since the other party can give us the technology like this, it's enough, there's no need to really dig out the other party's identity."

"I don't think it's right. This person is an opportunity for Huaxia. It's not good to stick to the rules like this. We have to work hard to seize this opportunity and seek change. Otherwise, what if the other party suddenly feels disgusted by giving it blindly one day?"

In the conference room, there was an instant quarrel because of this.

After arguing for a long time, no one persuaded anyone. The old man headed tapped on the table, and the meeting room suddenly became quiet.

"Academician Dai, what do you think?"

When everyone heard the words, they immediately turned to look at Dai Chenggang.

Dai Chenggang lowered his head and thought for a moment, "I think we should continue this kind of cooperation temporarily, but as long as the other party is online, I will continue to give an olive branch.

Promise or not is the other party's business, we must let the other party feel our sincerity, otherwise the other party has been giving us technical support, we just accept it blindly, it will appear insincere. "

Listening to this, everyone thought about it and nodded, it was necessary for the other party to feel their sincerity.

"If such a technical talent is really in our China, we should be able to find each other, right?"

The old man changed the subject and asked about it.

Based on their current situation in China, it should be possible to lock down such a monstrous guy.

"Uh... as far as our database is concerned, no one is eligible."

Dai Chenggang went to search the database, but after the selection, no one matched.

In fact, after seeing these technical documents, he didn't think anyone could match it.

"Although no one fits, there is one person who seems to fit."

Dai Chenggang said, controlling the computer to project the next person on the front screen.

The person above is Li Muchuan.

"Why do you say that, it is consistent and inconsistent?"

The person on the side was a little dizzy, looking at Li Muchuan on the screen, his brows could not help wrinkling, this guy is too young, right?

How can such a young guy develop a small nuclear battery? Energy shield? How can it be!

"The reason he doesn't fit is because ~www.readwn.com~ he just went to an ordinary university, and he doesn't have the ability to complete these technology research and development at all.

To say that he is in line, is because he applied for a patent application called genetic immune serum about half a year ago. At present, this drug technology is mature. "

"Are you sure?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man on the side immediately stood up, and his eyes became extremely sharp at this moment.

It seems that the person who can provide this technology seems to be quite suitable.

If it is this person, then they will have a bottom.

Dai Chenggang saw how excited these people were, and knew what they were doing.

The main reason is that these technologies are amazing, especially when the other party also provided bionic driving technology.


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