Time Travel Rules

Chapter 131: Set up a star destroyer

"The problem is that when I was chatting with the other party before, this man named Li Muchuan went out to buy something. It didn't seem like he was chatting with us."

Dai Chenggang saw these people so excited and said something.

After he locked Li Muchuan, he asked people to investigate Li Muchuan again.

It is found that the other party is not in front of the computer, and from the perspective of the other party's life trajectory, the other party has no other cooperative friends.

It can be ruled out that the other party has other people to help, or the situation of other researcher friends.

"As far as the current data is concerned, is he the only one who is most likely?"

A white-haired old man sitting on the right said in a deep voice after flipping through the documents.

"Judging from the current situation, the other party doesn't want to have direct contact with us. If this person is really Li Muchuan, the other party applies for the genetic immune serum. Isn't that directly exposing himself?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into deep thought.

That's right, there are two obvious epoch-making technologies, one is secretly issued, the other is issued openly.

Isn't this exposing yourself directly?

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the other party to do this. In addition, when Dai Chenggang was chatting with the other party, the other party was not in front of the computer, so it was really difficult to determine directly.

But to say that the two are not related, it seems that it is not too much to say in the past.

"Let's do this, Academician Dai will personally contact the other party on this website in the future. Since the other party is not willing to directly contact us for the time being, then we should not bother.

This Li Muchuan, no matter whether the other party is or not, but directly from the other party to let our company get the patent, we should take more care, maybe the other party is the one who provided us with this technology. "

The old man at the head finally spoke up. In any case, this meeting was still good, and he hadn't heard such exciting good news for a long time.

"When Li Muchuan gave up this patent, people actually took care of him."

Dai Chenggang heard the words and said that he is not from the rest of the department, but he also knew about it when he investigated Li Muchuan's information before.

"Then take more care, it's always good to pay more attention."

The discussion of the meeting is basically over here, and now as long as this technology is digested well, it will be fine.

Everyone is looking forward to what these technologies will look like when they appear in front of them.


On Li Muchuan's side, after making sure that nothing was missed, he looked at the time, and there were only a few days left until the 31st.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan drove away.

According to the previously calculated location, Li Muchuan chose to be outside the suburbs.

There is not much people here, and it is very rare.

Li Muchuan opened the car door and took out various measuring rulers for surveying and mapping.

After confirming that it was right, Li Muchuan pulled out the cement and sand and started building the erection point directly.

The erection points poured with cement will not vibrate and cause angle deviation.

Li Muchuan built the erection point with bricks, and the angle was measured and measured, fearing that there would be mistakes.

Finally, Li Muchuan took three days to water the erection point.

A tall building that looked like a bombing point appeared.

Next, just wait quietly for the early morning of the 31st to arrive.

Li Muchuan's mood became nervous at this moment, and he was a little uneasy.

He has done everything he can, and if he fails, the main world will go to the time of w97.

Li Muchuan was covered in cement at the moment, and he didn't even bother to clean it up. For the rest of the days, he ate and drank here and slept in the car.

Every day, I have to re-measure the angle more than ten times. At night, I have to take out the Star Destroyer Cannon and set it up to make sure that when the time comes, there will be no deviation.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the 29th, and it was getting closer and closer to the 31st, and Li Muchuan became more and more nervous.

At night, Li Muchuan was about to perform a simulated shooting when his cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone, he saw a call from his mother.

"Hello, Mom?"

Li Muchuan answered the phone, and his mood was much calmer at this moment.

"What's the matter with you, the New Year is coming soon, why haven't you come back?"

Fang Zhimo couldn't help it, even though she heard her daughter say that Li Muchuan was very busy and would not be able to go back until the first day of the new year.

But she still couldn't help calling to ask about the situation.

"I'm really busy, I can only go back on the first day of the new year."

Li Muchuan glanced at the erection point he had built, and gave a soft reply.

"What are you doing so busy during the Chinese New Year? Your boss is too black-hearted, and you can't even eat the reunion dinner all year round."

Fang Zhimo didn't feel that her son was lying to her, and she felt dissatisfied when she heard this.

How can there be such a boss, so oppressive of their employees.

Listening to this voice, Li Muchuan repeatedly comforted his mother, which made his mother dispel a little dissatisfaction.

"Okay, then pay attention to safety when you come back, and make a phone call in advance."

Fang Zhimo spoke aloud, her words full of concern.

Li Muchuan replied repeatedly when he heard this.

After a moment of emptiness, he hung up the phone.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Li Muchuan listened to the sounds around him. Although he was in the suburbs, he could still hear some firecrackers.

New Year's Eve.

The most important day in China is coming soon.

Li Muchuan reached out and stroked the Star Destroyer Cannon for a moment, feeling the coldness on the Star Destroyer Cannon.

The huge gun barrel gave Li Muchuan a lot of security at this moment.

"You can definitely do it, no matter how fast the meteorite flies, what kind of **** germs it carries, give it a shot!"

Li Muchuan took a few deep breaths and kept cheering for himself.

There are only two chances.

The first time he failed, Li Muchuan had to calibrate immediately, and the calibration in a hurry would obviously be rushed.

Although the calculation ~www.readwn.com~ the success rate of the second shot is still very high.

But in fact, Li Muchuan knew that the chance of hitting the second shot would only plummet.

While Li Muchuan was waiting, the 31st came quietly.

Friends in the circle of friends have begun to continuously brush up all kinds of blessings before the New Year, as well as various couplets and layouts on the streets.

Li Muchuan couldn't see it in the suburbs, but he could also see in the circle of friends, all kinds of lanterns, colorful flags and colorful light strips on the street.

The most important day of the year has arrived, and many places have even started New Year's Eve activities and countdowns in the square.

Li Muchuan looked at the phone for a moment, watching his sister ask him for New Year's money, and after sending tens of thousands of dollars directly, he immediately put away the phone.

Then, Li Muchuan took out three star destroyers the size of oil tanks, carefully erected them, and turned his eyes to the dark night sky in the distance.


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